Author Topic: EARS! SACS! & CLICKS! OH MY!  (Read 11446 times)

Offline my3dogs

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« on: January 19, 2006, 12:02:47 am »
Daisy is going to see the vet tomorrow (friday)

Tomorrow (friday) is the ear infection recheck. It's been 2 weeks. It didn't look any better 3 days ago so I stopped the sulfa based ointment and flush. She hated having it done even after all this time so I stopped.  After 3 days the inside of her ear does not look that angry red color and she isn't whimpering when I touch it.  It does still stink and have a lot of discharge.  I wonder if she is allergic to sulfa.   Will find out more tomorrow.

Dr. Anna (our vet) expressed 1/4 cup of fluid from Daisy's anal sacs during our visit 2 weeks ago. Phew! Yesterday the stink returned.  This is horrible. I'm not sure what to do about this issue.   We will discuss it further with Dr. Anna tomorrow.   Has anyone else experienced this? 

Daisy's rear is making a clicking noise when she gets onto the bed.  I'd say 'jumps' on to the bed but that would be too strong of a word.  She doesn't 'jump'.  She is like a little old lady....slow and steady.  She doesn't act like she hurts but she isn't getting up in a hurry.  The noise is a clicking noise but difficult to pinpoint.  It is coming from her hind quarters.  Could be hips or knees from either side.  I can bend hips and knees while she laying down and not recreate the noise.    Any ideas?

Obviously I will discuss these issues with the vet tomorrow. 
I just thought getting it all out now might help me sleep tonight.
Luckily our appointment is in the morning so I won't have to stress about it all day.

Thanks for letting me vent.

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline Nina

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« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 01:04:42 am »
Poor Daisy I hope it all gets resolved tomorrow!
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Offline Boobearsmom

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« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 10:12:05 am »
Boo had her sacs done last night at the vet's.  He said he's never expressed so much fluid from one dog (and this is after she's emptied them 3 times in my bed).  Apparently her's aren't in the normal position that they should be and are much deeper and "off" a little.  He suggested I start giving her bran or metamucil on her food  ???  He said it would help firm her poop even more and maybe she could empty them herself when she goes to the bathroom.  If not, she goes back in two weeks for another check-up and emptying.  He said my choice then is for him to teach me how to do them on my own or to have them removed. :-\  The weird thing is with Boo, she never drags on the carpet, just does them when she's sleeping at night and is relaxed.


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« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 10:33:45 am »
When we first got Merlin he had anal sac "issues". Scooting on the floor and non-stop licking, and an indescribable stench beyond belief. Turned out that he had an infection in there. Weekly expression and two rounds of antibiotics later he was fine. He's been handling his own "business" ever since then with no problem. Thank goodness, as draining them is a proceedure that he resents with great volume and energy.

Offline my3dogs

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« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 02:29:00 pm »
Oh yea....nothing like the smell of freshly squeezed anal sac juice in the morning!  Sorry...Big old long gross post ahead....don't say you weren't warned.

My day started with a struggle to get passive resistive Daisy into the car. We tried the combination Jack is going, Mom thinks it a great idea, Dad is the bad cop, there are a ton of treats in the car combination with no luck.  My husband finally lifted her in.  We were only 5 minutes late for the appointment.  That's a new record.  Some day we will be on time. 
She weighs 112.5 lbs.  Up 1.5 lbs since 2 weeks ago.  She still looks so thin to me.  Vet says she looks fine. She's growing. order of being checked by Dr. Anna...

One sac was already full to capacity.  Each time the fluid is thicker and the gland is more difficult to express.  The other gland had only started to fill. Daisy has the largest glands that Dr. Anna has ever seen on any dog of any size and the worse smell even thought Daisy does not have an infection.  Each time they fill up more quickly.  She did discuss Daisy with another vet in the practice who recommended we discuss removal of the glands/sacs. She did talk about how it is not a life threatening issue but can develop into a quality of life issue (ie no one likes the stinky dog...we wouldn't let that happen but you get the idea)  We will discuss further at Daisy's recheck in 2 weeks.  This will give us another chance to see if she's full again.  I don't think I'm ready for this option.  I will do more research, seek a 2nd opinion, and explore other options. 
FYI....My husband's sinuses are so blocked that he could not smell a thing through this entire process.

Her ear is still infected.  Dr. Anna agreed with my guess that she is sensitive to something in the medication so she switched her to a different med and her ear will be checked again in 2 weeks.

Dr. Anna manipulated both back legs and got a bit of noise from a knee but nothing painful and mostly related to being a big dog who is growing rapidly.
She will keep an eye on it.

JACKSMOM...... Daisy just turned 1 this month.  Reading about Jack running on hills reminded me that this fall Daisy started walking a little stiff legged. My husband and I joked that she walked like she had a ....well...lik e she had a stick up her We started to make sure she was getting enough run time outside and it all loosened up.  I chalked it up to growing and not getting enough time to run around. 
Thanks for reminding me.  With the cold weather I've got to remember to get them out there and frolick.
I hope Jack's scooting isn't a refill.  I wouldn't have thought it possible to fill up so quickly but obviously  I was wrong.

BOOBEARSMOM... .I bought bran cereal.  Daisy won't eat it.  Even if I hide it in her cereal.  Jack and Jilly love it. Of course, they have never had an anal sac issue in their lives and don't need it.  I bought metamucil.  They sell unflavored (no aspartame!) at walmart that is half as much $$$ at Walmart. Unfortunately it made Daisy's poo like custard.   Hopefully will work better for Boo.  I would love to find a dietary solution.
There are huge risks to having them removed because of where they are located.  You know...maybe if Boo's are located in an out of the way location it will be less of a risk of the incontinence side effect.   

STELLA......Co uld it be that Daisy's are infected and they are just mistaken?  I mean....did they have to culture Merlin's ....his...juic es?  ewww...
Or was it just evident by what came out? 

« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 02:36:33 pm by my3dogs »
"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks


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« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 02:42:47 pm »
Hoping Daisy is feeling better soon, sending thoughts and prayers your way!

And hey - you need to get some well-deserved rest, take it easy and put your feet up!  ;)

Offline Hedda Garland

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« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 02:51:14 pm »
I used to have to do it with a dog years ago and the more you have to do it the quicker they seem to refill.
Brighton is on a raw diet and he does not have these problems and I hear from everybody feeding raw that they don't have the problem with the sacs because the p... is harder and helps the emptying process.
Would you consider that kind of diet?

Offline Boobearsmom

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« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2006, 02:55:43 pm »
Oh yea....nothing like the smell of freshly squeezed anal sac juice in the morning!  Sorry...Big old long gross post ahead....don't say you weren't warned.

BOOBEARSMOM... .I bought bran cereal.  Daisy won't eat it.  Even if I hide it in her cereal.  Jack and Jilly love it. Of course, they have never had an anal sac issue in their lives and don't need it.  I bought metamucil.  They sell unflavored (no aspartame!) at walmart that is half as much $$$ at Walmart. Unfortunately it made Daisy's poo like custard.   Hopefully will work better for Boo.  I would love to find a dietary solution.
There are huge risks to having them removed because of where they are located.  You know...maybe if Boo's are located in an out of the way location it will be less of a risk of the incontinence side effect.   

From the sounds of it, the vet said she probably wouldn't have a problem with incontinence, but that's a "last resort" kind of thing.  He said in 17 yrs of practice he's never had a dog be incontinent from the surgery, but that certainly doens't mean that they can't be.  I wasn't with her when he emptied them last night,(I had to wait outside the room) but I could hear her protests of it being done.  I may actually try the cereal first.  There isn't much she won't eat.  One would think with all the socks she eats that that would be all the fiber she needs  ;D  I hope Daisy's works out ok.  I can totally sympathize with anyone who has this problem!!!! 


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« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2006, 03:09:44 pm »
It was discovered at his first vet's visit, we had only had him about three days. The discharge wasn't cultured or anything, the first antibiotic was ineffective, so thats why we went through the second.
the discharge besides smelling foul was bloody and had pus in it, so the diagnosis of infection was a no brainer.
END OF WARNING If her infection was as bad as Mer's, trust me, you'd know. I am not sure what tests if any could be run, especially if she is already fighting an ear infection which could cause positive blood tests for infection anyway.
I can't help much beyond that, never having had a chronic problem with it, but as with any other medical proceedure I would follow the same path as you. Research further and seek a second opinion from another vet before making any final decision.

Offline greek4

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« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 05:22:53 pm »
I heard onces that the ear cells and anal sac cells are the same.  Therefore removing the anal sacs will decrease ear infections but I wonder if it works the other way around?

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

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« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 07:17:33 pm »
One of the vets I used to work for always suggest canned pumpkin for more fiber to help with anals. I have used it to help so the runs also I can't remember how much to give per pound at the moment. You dont want to give to much because that can cause a whole 'nother problem.

Offline my3dogs

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« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2006, 11:03:31 pm »
Thanks again everyone for great ideas and well wishes.

Having Daisy play on the sand is a great idea! It will be great exercise for those long gangly legs. I can't wait for the spring to see what Daisy thinks of the ocean. 

I've mixed the fiber cereal in to homemade frosty paws....she would not eat them.   She's does need extra calories and I've seen a recipe on BPO for satin balls.  I was thinking about adding fiber to those. It's worth a try.

Hedda.....Diet change to avoid surgery is a definitely a consideration.  Is there any information you can share about the raw diet?  You can PM any information if you'd like to help.  Thanks.

Stella....Dais y has No puss....that's what the vet said....if it was infected we would see those signs but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you about your experience as well.  It helps to have confirmation.

Thanks again everyone.  I'm always open to any suggestions, weblinks, advices, etc. regarding this topic.  Feel free to PM me.  I can use any and all help as I research my way to a solution for Miss Daisy.

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline ApoVen

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« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2006, 05:24:25 pm »
Hi Wendy, I just joined this board, but thought I would offer some advice about the clicking. My boy (also a Neo) always walked kind of funny, didn't look painful, but just not right. My vet said the same thing he's a large dog, he's just growing & to keep an eye on it. Well at about 8-9 months, we started noticing, "Clicking" so, I brought him in for an x-ray, and the cause of his clicking is hip dysphasia. Being that you rescued Daisy, I don’t know if you really know a lot about the breed, but if you are looking for helpful information check out the parents club bulletin board www.neapolitan .org  There are a lot of breeders on the board always willing to help with advise. I clean Apollo’s ears just about everyday, Neo’s are prone to yeast infections, I guess because the air cant get in.
Thankfully,  I know nothing about anal sacs :-[…..  But FYI Neo’s are very sensitive to anesthesia, be sure to tell your vet if she doesn't have experience with them. gen. rulre is to treat a neo like a sight hound as far as the correct levels.

I hope eveything works out, she's very cute.