Author Topic: Our trip to dog park  (Read 2661 times)

Offline princessnmi

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Our trip to dog park
« on: January 19, 2006, 11:42:16 pm »
Tonight we decided we would take our dogs to dog park. We haven't been in awhile but before the holidays we were going at least once a week. So we go over there tonight. We have been several times and have NEVER had a problem with Robin or Brody. They love to run and play with the other dogs. Well tonight there was a guy who was there with some women and they had 5 dogs with them. There are two pens at our dog park so as we walked up we noticed that in one pen was a pomeranian and a few other smaller dogs, in the other pen were one or two smaller dogs ( mini schnauzer size) and bunch of other dogs. Well we were there for about 5 minutes when another dog attacked Brody (my dane) I called Brody off and she tried to get away but the other dog kept husband went in and pulled Brody away and put her leash on her. She didn't start the fight but I didn't want her to get hurt. She wasn't hurt from this fight. Well the guy yelled at us and told us there was a pen for big dogs and that we were in the little dog pen. Now the dog that attacked Brody was some kind of retriever mix that wasn't any smaller than my 90lb lab mix Robin, also in the pen was a boxer (belonged to the same guy who owns the dog who attacked Brody) a doberman pincher, 3 staffordshire pups, an irish wolfhound mix, a mini schnauzer, and two more mixed breed dogs that were fairly good size. But this guy had the boxer and the mutt that kept starting fights with other dogs. A dog would pee and one of his dogs would go up and gaurd the pee and if a dog even ran past his dog his dog would attack. Then his dog would start licking the pee. It was gross. We kept Brody on her leash until the little dogs in the other pen left. Then my husband took our dogs, and the doberman to the other pen and the three of them played like crazy. I couldn't believe that this guy was yelling at us for the way his dogs were behaving. We even got compliments on how well behaved our dogs were when we took them in the other pen. I hate when people bring dogs like his to a park where dogs can play off of leash. Its not fair to the other dogs to be attacked by dogs like his. I always feel that if your dog isn't dog friendly you shouldn't bring him to a dog park. I just had to vent a little. I'm just thankful that Brody wasn't hurt.
Proudly owned by: Robin-3 yr old Lab mix, Brody 14 month old Great Dane, Moose a 6 month old dane
Loved by my beautiful daughter Makaylee and my soon to be adopted sons Richard and Jay And the husband too I guess

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 12:44:27 am »
I fully agree with you, we have had some instances and I actually had to call twice due to dogs that were acting like that. They always want to blame it on another dog. Glad to hear your baby is ok and did not get hurt.

Offline greek4

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2006, 02:59:01 pm »
People like that is why we don't go to the dog parks anymore.  It sounds like your dogs were wonderful and you guys did all the right things.  Don't let the jerks of the world ruin it for you too.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline dufus

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2006, 09:06:49 am »
I also am rapidly going off dog parks.

We usually have some Alpha unfixed dog trying to mount Day-z (who is fixed) or some nasty dog trying to bite her or some over dressed woman telling Day-z to go away as she is being friendly but possibly is drooling a little.

I love the idea of the dog park, but the reality is sometimes not so great.

Dufus and Day-z xxxxxx

Offline 2dobies

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2006, 10:05:13 am »
Sorry about your trip to the park. We dont have a dog park locally, but on occasion I will travel 25 miles or so to take my dogs to the closest dog park.  I usually only take Darmok and the little mojo, Lucy, because Dar can and does get along with all breeds, sizes, and sexes of dogs.  Sasha, my other dobe, is not quite as 'social' and I dont take her for the very reason you are describing above.  I'm pretty sure that she would not start a fight with another dog, but her personality is the type that if an argument between 2 or more dogs happens to be going on, she would be more that happy to join in! I have to take her to the ball park and let her run for exercise when she gets bored with our own back yard. Dar has been around dogs that disagree with each other about one thing or another, and she just looks and walks off. I think that people are aware of how their own dogs react to other dogs, and if their dog cant ignore a fight, then they should keep it restrained or leave it at home.

Offline ambullwuv

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2006, 11:03:20 pm »
That's awful. I don't bring Abby to the dog park, just because her breed is prone to be dog aggressive around 1-2 years and plus if another dog wanted to fight then Abby wouldn't back down and it would automatically be blamed on the bullie a.k.a american pit bull terriers, american bulldogs, staffodshire terriers, etc. I don't reccomend the dog park to any dog unless your 100% sure there submissive enough to not fight. Also, just for safety it's good to have a can of Direct Stop when going to any dog park. It's very dangerous to stick your hand in when there fighting and with the Direct stop spray just spray at the dogs face and it should (not all dogs will stop though) stop. Direct stop is totally harmless. My instructor has it at hand all the time during agility class.

Offline Newf Lover

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2006, 01:44:52 pm »
This is typical dog park BS.  It's going to happen eventually.  We haven't gone to the dog park in the last few months because it's just a big mud pit, but we'll return once the warm weather begins again.  Drake has never gotten in any dog fights at the park, but he always seems to be the one that the "cronic humping" dogs single out.  He's sweet meat I guess.  It is so annoying to watch a dog trying to mount another dog for an hour straight.  After about a minute, I step in, yell at the dog to back off and then give their owner(s) the "look", i.e. control your damn dog!  Sorry you had such a bad experience, but fortunately it's not always like that.  ;)
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

Offline ambullwuv

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2006, 04:01:33 pm »
Drake has never gotten in any dog fights at the park, but he always seems to be the one that the "cronic humping" dogs single out.

Oh my gosh! I know, same thing with Abby (dogs do that to her) except she doesn't tolerate it anymore which I am glad of. I find it offensive when owners let there dogs do that to other peoples dogs. It can sometimes be showing dominance in which if your dog is dominant than the dog park is the last place you should bring it.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Our trip to dog park
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2006, 04:04:15 pm »
That is too bad you had such an awful experience.  I take my two to the park almost every day of the week.  I have learned to avoid certain times of the day when there seems to be untrained/uncontrollable dogs and owners (yes, sometimes it's the owner that's untrained and uncontrollable).

Even though this doesn't appear to be what happened in your case, sometimes certain dogs just don't get along for one reason or another.  They are perfectly fine with all dogs there, a new dog comes in, and all h*ll breaks loose.

I know there are way too many people bringing dogs that shouldn't be at dogs parks to dog parks.  Some people are those who think their dog can do no wrong, some just don't care, and some are completely blind to what's going on.  I've had to jump into my share of dog fight to separate two or more dogs (thankfully they've never been my dogs).  But my dogs love their dog park and their doggie friends.  I've also met alot of friends there and gotten business from there as well, so we will continue to frequent the local park.