Author Topic: Busy, Busy, Busy  (Read 2320 times)

Offline Jaimie

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Busy, Busy, Busy
« on: May 18, 2005, 05:51:39 pm »
  I haven't been on here much in the past few days :( I am so incredibly busy.  I am puppy sitting two 9 week old pups and boy are they a handful.  Along with my 2 dogs I have NO TIME for anything.  My friends sister was in a terribly abusive relationship and she finally decided to get out asap but the problem was that one of her 5 dogs had 4 pups and she didn't trust anyone to watch them but me so of course I volunteered( her boyfriend kept the other 2 pups), I was just glad that she was finally getting out of the relationship.  So that is how I acquired the puppy sitting job.  They are absolutely adorable but they sure are a handful and a half.

  One of my dogs got porcupine quills yesterday and my other one just got over a bout of diarrhea, it was horrible.  So in order to keep the puppies from getting sick I had to keep Sasha out in the shop, she was not impressed to say the least.  Yesterday when my fiance came home from work and he was approaching the house he noticed a black dog on the side of the road and as he got closer he realized that it was our dog Sasha, she had sqeezed out of the shop door.  I am so glad she didn't not get hit by a car, so lucky.  Oh yeah and she somehow managed to slip out of her collar as well.  I forgot to mention that while she was in the shop she got a little bored and decided to chew the pull cord off of the lawn mower >:(.

  That is all the excitement that has been going on here.  I am not sure how long I am going to have the pups maybe a few weeks, if I survive that long ???

  Oh yeah I also forgot to mention that the night before last I woke up during the middle of the night to go to the washroom and as I returned I turned on the light to see which dog was sleeping with me and there was blood EVERYWHERE.  I frantictly started checking the dogs and it turned out to be Ace( my 5 yr.old doberman), he somehow cut his gum and it was bleeding like crazy.  So there we were at midnight rinsing out his mouth and trying to stop the bleeding.  It was still bleeding by morning but by the afternoon it had stopped and you wouldn't believe how small the cut was.  I was shocked that that much blood was coming from such a small cut but I was very relieved that it wasn't serious.

  Okay I am ending here before the pups destroy my home.  I hope to have more time to chat with you guys in the near future :)

Offline poofynewfy

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Re: Busy, Busy, Busy
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 06:12:43 pm »
You do live in the house chaos built right now.  ;D It was so nice of you to take in those poor pups and I'm glad your other dogs are ok too. Just for mind's sake though, will you keep us updated on the friend in the abusive relationship? I know she's got alot to deal with, but with friends like you she'll get through it so much easier.


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Re: Busy, Busy, Busy
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2005, 08:18:20 pm »
LOL!...I'm sorry, not funny but I can relate...I have 8 cats, 2 house bunnies, a guinea pig, my Pyr, Samson, 2 children ages 6 & 7 one of which has a.d.h.d. & we don't medicate...& my hubby is gone 5 days a week driving semi...I sat for 2 mini chiihuahuas for a month one of which wasn't completely housebroke & I had to keep them seperated from Samson...Then, the last week of sitting them I found a lost pet bunny & had him for a week...I had to keep him in Samson's crate & also keep him seperated from the chis & Samson...It was quite the juggling act of crates, pet porters & baby This past Thursday was my last day of keeping the chis & the bunnies owners happily called to claim him yesterday...Al l of the sudden my normal chaotic life seems more!...I hope things get more peaceful for you soon too!

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Busy, Busy, Busy
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2005, 10:11:24 pm »
Real wonderful of you to help your friend and her dogs. Having said that I have to do a little hehe, and so will you when they are gone lol.... And I am sure just like "gypsy jazmine" said, after this your every day will seem real nice and quiet. We are also sitting for two dogs now, one of our friends got married last sunday and now when they are on honey moon, we are having their two dogs, mind you they are no pups and real well behaved, but 6 dogs in the house is a little much according to hubby. But that made me realize that when these two goes home, and we only have our 4 (+ all the other pets) he will no loner think 4 is all that much lol.... So I guess everything brings something good. Hope you have some time to tell us how things are going, and also how your friend is keeping up, I feel so bad for her.

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