Author Topic: good news and bad news  (Read 1404 times)

Offline dober_gurl

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good news and bad news
« on: February 02, 2006, 05:19:01 pm »
GOOD NEWS: I just found out today that I will be Chorus, so when everyone breaks into the musical part of the play, I'll be dancing with them! ;D

BAD NEWS: I've been put on probation because of my report card(ick) so I'm not allowed to attend Winterball, which mostly pisses me off because I already bought my stuff! They told me today, a week from the dance, ya think they could of told me sooner before I got everything!! >:(
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Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: good news and bad news
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 05:38:25 pm »
Seconding the yay for good news!  You are going to have so much fun!  I was a drama geek in high school, and majored in Theatre in college, and working on shows were some of the funnest times in my life.  Wanna trade places?   :D 

Hmmm, let's see - what kind of "insider" theatre knowledge can I give you?  It's never good luck, it's break a leg.  Don't whistle in the dressing room.  And, even if you aren't actually doing the play, NEVER NEVER say the name of "the Scottish play" inside a theatre.  There, that ought to get you started.   :D

Now, on to the bad news.  Sweetie, this is not good.  This makes Auntie Marsi concerned.  So, what are we going to do to get those grades up?  Your grades are really important right now, because you need to start thinking about what college you want to go to, and those grades will play a part in that.  You need.....   ok, I am boring even myself now.  I will stop.  But, I believe I made my point.

Also, on the good news side - there will most likely be a cast party at the end of this show's run.  You will most likely be able to wear your smoking hot dress and shoes to this above mentioned party.  If not, you can send the shoes to me. 

Oh, and one final thing.  It is mandatory that your parents (or whoever is coming to see the show) bring you flowers.  It is tradition. 

I am proud of ya, girl!
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Offline newflvr

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Re: good news and bad news
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 05:53:23 pm »
You are starting a good trend!!  That's great!   and an 'A' on your last math test....AWESOM E!!

Try to remember that grades don't mean diddley poop....good grades just give you more choices.  The better the grades, the more choices you have.   Good grades can get you in to good schools, can get you scholarships, can get you better jobs.  It's all up to you!  And about getting a tutor, can you get a favorite teacher to help you out after school or even before school (I know, I know!!!  AGHHHH!)

You'll be awesome in the play!   Have a GREAT time!!! ;D ;D