Author Topic: Is Your Dog an Angel Or Little Devil?  (Read 1020 times)

Offline Basmom

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Is Your Dog an Angel Or Little Devil?
« on: February 11, 2006, 07:08:58 pm »
Here is a way to see if your dog is sweet or sour.
1.Does you dog steel stuff? b.yes c.only if I'm not watching
2.How does you dog bark?
a.high b.low c. very mean like
3.Does you dog eat there food when you want then to?
a.yes c.only eats things from the table.
4.What does your dog do with a stuffed toy?
a.plays with it nicely. b.wacks it around c. you find it in shreds in 5 seconds tops.
And up your score.
Mostly A's-little angle
Mostly B's- your dog is close to the fire
Mostly C's- your dog is a little Devil
 :) >:(
BAiley is Close to the fire. Looks like a cute ball of fur but he has his moods. Newfies have the way to be little sneaks. This is why I made this test. To see how your Newfie is. I would be very happy if you sent me feedback. Tell me if your dog is sweat or sour or close to the fire. 8) But in the backyard my dog Bailey is a Little DEVIL. He gets crazy in the snow. He tries to bite your boots and jump on you. He wants to play but he plays to  ruff. HA HA. Get it, Ruff? Well anyway I still love him. Look at that picture. TOO CUTE.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 11:19:53 am by Basmom »