Author Topic: We found a dog  (Read 4030 times)

Offline mastiffmommy

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We found a dog
« on: May 29, 2005, 01:41:58 am »
Sooo hubby took me to a baseball game, so Id get away from dogs and doggy talk  ::) On the way home, just around the corner from our house, we saw a dog in the middle of the road when we were waiting by a stoplight. It is a pretty busy intersection and there was this black dog. He was almost run over twice while I was going half crazy in the car. When it turned green we turned and honked and tried to get him at least go off the road, he was right in the middle of it and didnt seem to know where to turn. Finally he took off and got on to a parking lot, we went in there and I think I was out off the car before it stopped. It was such a shy dog, hubby and I tried to get it to come, but even if it wagged its tail it kept away from us, and I got super nervous because we were still almost on the road and as black as he was it would have been a sec. and he would have been hit by a car. After awhile it decided to run in under our truck. People I am sure thought we were a drunk couple, we sat down on the ground and tried to get him to come out, he wagged his tail but was way too shy to come out. Since we are doggy parents, we always ride around with a leash and a water dish, so we did some supper serving there, opened a bag of chips, gave him water and sat there and talked babytalk to him. Finally he got so close so I could pet him and of course he had no collar. Well it took a little over an hour but we managed to make a loop on the leash and make him dip his head down and get some chips and get the loop over his head. Soooo hehe I figured that, that served hubby right, here he dragged me away from my puter and you all but we ended up spending a good hour trying to catch a dog hehe.

Dog is now in my backyard, got food and water. It looks like a Flat coated ret. but with a little more hair so it may be a flat X, my guess is that it is not even a year old. I dont want to bring it in because of my own dogs and I really dont know if it is healthy or not, he looks like it but who knows, so I figured that he would be fine out there, he has plenty of places to get both sun and shade and the kiddi pool if he wants to go for a swim. I called animal control, but unfortunately they dont function very well in this county. So we decided that we will put in reports about him there, put up signs and an add in the paper and hopefully we can find his owner. The only problem really is that Jennifer can not understand why I dont want her to be with the dog. But since I have no idea if it is rabies vaccinated or not, Id much rather be the one dealing with it.

Sooooo thats how our "no dog evening" went  ;D I will take a pic of him/her tomorrow and post so you can see, he/she is such a pretty puppy, I really really hope we can find its home real soon, I bet he cant wait to go home and I am sure someone is missing him terribly. So keep your fingers crossed, that we can find his mom or dad

what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog


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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 08:01:53 am »
That will teach your hubby to drag you away from a perfectly benign evening just talking about dogs on .Seriously though I am glad you happened upon the poor pooch!...I always wonder why it's us animal lovers who happen upon or are found by these animals like this...My uncle told me it's because other people simply aren't looking...Make s good sense I guess...Good luck with the doggy!...B.t.w., what kind of shape was the dog in?...Did it he look taken care of?...Perhaps he just slipped his collar & has people who care looking for him...I found a pet bunny a month or so ago...He was running loose & I thought the worst that someone had just got tired of him & let him go...I put an ad in the paper & his owners came forward...He had a very good home & had just escaped.

Offline Saintgirl

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 08:31:46 am »
What a lucky dog!! My fingers are crossed that his owners will be found. How is his shyness coming along?
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey

Offline NatsaintB

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 08:43:42 am »
MARIT HAS A NEW DOG!!!  MARIT HAS A NEW DOG!!!  You are going to be so attached that if the owner does not come forward, you won't be able to give him away.  My neighbor down the street has a flat coated retreiver and he is sooooo smart.  Leo likes to play with him and if I call Leo and he doesn't come, Zip will herd him over to me!  Heck, if I lived closer I would take the poor thing.  We lived in Jacksonville, NC while hubby was in the Marines---  to humid for me.   Anyway, keep us posted about the little darling!

Offline TwoNewfies

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 08:53:47 am »
Marit, you are so wonderful! I would have done the same thing in that situation.  You'll have to keep us posted on what happens, what name are you calling him?  If the owners are not found, would you and your husband keep him? Sounds like he would be very lucky to be in your family:)

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2005, 08:58:33 am »
Marit - You really are such a nice person. I can say the same thing, my hubby wouldn't have even stopped. I hope you find the owners soon. What will you guys do if you dont? That poor puppy is probably SOOO scared!


Offline coonie1970

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2005, 10:06:37 am »
Wow what an interesting night you had. Funny how things happen. I think everything happenes for a reason. Your a very special person to take him in.Good Luck!! We will be waiting to here how things go with him.
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2005, 10:16:19 am »
okay here is a update on puppy, He is really working up his nerve, he is wagging his talk and loves to come talk to us, late last night or rather early morning, he wimpered out in the yard, so I got up and was afraid he was hurt or I dont know what, I think he was just loonely. Soooo since he seemed to be such a nice dog and at least on the outside seems to be in good health, I decided to let Buffy out to him (well it still have not checked under its belly lol.... too much fur to see without actually doing a peewee check) she has all the shots and then some, so I figured if this puppy should have something wrong, she is pretty much protected, they got along great, and he calmed down straight away, and looked so happy he didnt have to be alone. Buffy though looked at me with discust " mommy you are not going to leave me out here I know you are not" But she loves puppies so she was quite happy too I am sure. So I got to sleep a whole hour last night, a little tired today hehe.

We have no name, he just goes under "puppy doggy" and seems happy with that  :D, when we picked him up, he was very very scared, but other than that seemed to absolutely be someones pet. He was dirty, but the kind of dirt that is kinda new if you know what I mean. So yes I am sure someone is looking for him. I have called in an add. And we are just done making flyers to put up around this area, and hopefully they will see it. I have also called the shelters around here, that way they know I have a found dog, so if anyone call in and is missing a dog like this they can give my phone #. But I told them that, I didnt want him to go iin there, no dog deserves to be put in a place like that, no matter how nice they are there, it is still totally stressful for the dogs. I did a lot of grooming for the shelters around here. picked the dogs up and took them to my shop and gave them a little makeover, and hopefully that made them more adoptable. So I know most of the people working there, so I know they will remember to give the info. if anyone calls.

I am pretty confident that someone will call and say its their dog, he is way too sweet and friendly to not have someone being in tears right now looking for him. I am leaving out the gender and how much fur and all he has, just to make sure whoever calls can id him. And wow.... should someone not call, well we would run adds for a few weeks to start with and then I really really dont know. I am stretching hubby with 4 dogs lol..... so hmmmm that would be a though thing to decide, but God forbid that we cant find the owners, but should that be the case, we will either keep him or make sure he gets a great home. I took in a Border collie about 4 years ago, fostered him until he was out of his shell and then found him a wonderful home out on the country side where he now lives and has 10 acres to run on, and herd the horses and cows. Mind you I had I am sure 50 calls before I found this family, the 50 first just didnt sound right.

Yes Flats are real nice. Many years ago, I adopted one, he was an old guy, very very sweet but absolutely paniced when it stormed and thundered, so his owners decided he would have to go to the bridge!!!!!!! I couldnt have that, so he moved in with us, he was such a sweetheart ate two doors and like 20 pairs of shoes when it stormed once hehe. But he lived with us until he went to the bridge, not because someone got tired of him, but because he was old and started to have lots and lots of problems.

I will try and get a pic of him later today, so you all can see him, just a darling dog. Ohhhh and yeah.... I know I talk a lot of bull about hubby, but it is not so seriously meant, he is wonderful, and he is putting up with so much hehe. When we met, the first thing I made sure, was " do you like animals??? Do you always want to have dogs in your life????;D he gave the right answers, so I was still interested lol.....

Ill keep you all updated, and you all feel a little sorry for me, after a night with only one hour sleep I have to go to my Mother in law for a cookout hehehehe

what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog

Offline Jaimie

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2005, 10:54:06 am »
Great job rescueing that poor little pooch Marit.  If it hadn't  been for you he may have been hit by a car.  The world needs more people like you.  Can't wait to see pics if him.

Offline NatsaintB

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2005, 11:15:07 am »
Hey Marit, I wonder if it has a microchip?  Just a thought.  I read a while ago how a lady had a little puppy follow her home in the rain one night so she took him in and fed him.  The next day she took him to her vet to see if he had a microchip and he did, so she contacted the owners and they said they moved and didn't want him bc they had a new baby!  How horrible!  I used to have dreams as a child that I got off the bus and my family had moved without me!  I feel terrible for your little guy there but I'm happy that you were right in his path to save him.  You are his angel!

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: We found a dog
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 11:20:41 am »
Thanks you guys, but I think we are pretty much one of a kind on here, we do what we can to help the ones who cant help themselves. And to me it is just something that I am, I never really think about it as rescuing or doing something extraordinary, it is just kinda happening lol..... And yes, I had quite a few words to say to the ex owners of the flat we adopted, his name was Filur. I dont think they got more dogs, only cats (no better though, cats need care and love too)

And yes this puppy would most likely have been run over, it was in the middle of the night and he is black as black can be, he actually was in the middle of the road on hubbys side and he said ohhh wow there is a dog, and it took me quite a while before I even saw him. and he was so scared, he just stood there, then walked back and fourth over the road, almost like he was in a state of chock. He is eating and drinking now and seems to have rested and is full of play, poor Buffy who isnt a big player since she got hit by a car, and had to be carried in a towel under her belly for weeks, she is putting up with him, but looks at me as if to say "ohhhhh heeeelp, why ohhhh why do I have a puppy hanging in my lips hehe) But I am pretty sure I can see a little grin on her face lol..... She is the perfect mama.

what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog