Author Topic: Before You Board Your Dog....  (Read 2896 times)

Offline Newf Lover

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Before You Board Your Dog....
« on: April 12, 2006, 03:29:43 am »
I have a story to share which should serve as a warning to anybody who is planning to board their dog, especially if it's with a new kennel.  My cousin and his wife left for a trip to Canada and they had to board their Chihuahua at a kennel.  They checked it out ahead of time, it was clean and the people there seemed to be good people and animal lovers, so they boarded their precious baby there.  But midway through their trip, tragedy struck.  Their Chihuahua was in it's pen by itself and a Standard Poodle was in an adjoing pen.  The Poodle somehow managed to jump the tall fence between the pens and killed the Chihuahua.  Shook it and broke it's neck.  The kennel called my cousins parents and they had the fun task of calling my cousin and breaking the news.  They were absolutely devastated and cut their trip short.  Can you imagine the grief?  To make a long story short, the kennel claimed it wasn't their fault, my cousin had signed a waiver and they were going to charge him for boarding the dog and having to dispose of it's remains.  GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!  My cousin is a law student and my Uncle is a Superior Court Judge so you can imagine the kind of litigation they were going to slap this kennel with.  The kennel, with their tail between their legs, backed off and paid my cousin $600 for the cost of their dog.  So if you are going to board your dog, especially if it's with a new kennel, think about this tragedy and make sure they have secure pens and they separate dogs with different sizes and temperments.  I know this would be a different situation had their dog been a Newf or a Great Dane, but they can still be hurt badly by other dogs.  Hope you guys never have to deal with this. :-\
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 03:38:11 am by Newf Lover »
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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 03:32:51 am »
That is beyond horrible... My heart goes out to your cousin and his wife!

Offline Kermit

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 03:56:48 am »
Oh no. I'm so sorry that happened. :'(

It's true though, I used to work in a kennel, and my boss told me that if any dogs died there, he wasn't liable, and the only compensation they had to give people was the cost of the dog. Apparently in legal terms, dogs are merely considered property. :-[

Offline eightdogs4me

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 05:52:46 am »
That is really sad :(  At the clinic I used to work at, there were indoor runs.  They were made of cement block with a strong chain link door, but didn't have any kind of top cover.  Before I worked there, a pointer climbed over the side and killed a smaller dog-a poodle I think.  I'm not sure what ever came of it, but not long after I started work there, the tops were covered with chain link so the dogs couldn't climb out.

I would suggest that if you do board your dogs anywhere that has runs, be sure the tops are securely covered!
Emily and the gang

Offline Newf Lover

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 08:44:35 am »
It's scary to hear these stories and how the kennels can get off the hook for negligence.  That's why whenever we have to board Drake, we send him to Tappen Hill Kennels in Sebastopol.  It is the nicest kennel I have ever seen and Drake will not get sick, neglected or killed.  It costs $40 a day but it's worth the piece of mind it gives us.  Check out their website, this place is amazing!

My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 09:15:20 am »
Wow!  Tappen Hill looks amazing!  I'D like to go there...please??!!

I'm so sorry about your cousin's pup!  It is just so sad!

I've pretty much given up boarding the Newfs any more.  With all the new dog diseases and with Cowboy having so many health issues, we have to have a dog sitter in to stay with them.  I hate leaving them ever :(, but occasionally it is necessary.

Please give you cousin our condolences and thanks for the warning!

Offline BarkleysMum

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2006, 10:07:44 am »
What a sad story.  We boarded the dawgs just once, with a local kennel owned by friends of ours.  They opened up a wall between two pens for them which was really nice ... they're used to sleeping cuddled up together.  But like the previous post, we've found it easier now to have someone come stay at the house.  My husband paddles with a bunch of young, single, hungry university students who love our dawgs as much as we do ... and are tremendously responsible.  It has always worked out for us.  We even went away for three weeks once with this arrangement.  It only cost us food (lots of it), loaning them one car and then being prepared to clean the house myself upon return.  No biggie for a well loved pair of dogs!
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2006, 10:14:36 am »
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's dog, that is very sad.  I hope they'll get through this ok...

WOW - Tappenhill sure looks like the place to be! :o  I bet Drake loves it (I would)! ;)

Offline greek4

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Re: Before You Board Your Dog....
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2006, 02:03:20 am »
I am still looking for a good place to board my dogs.  I just need them to be together, let out to go potty a few times a day and feed twice a day.  They don't have to have playtime with other dogs, I prefer they didn't without me being there.

I used to board at a great place out in the country when I lived in Cincinnati.  My guys would go in a huge pen during the day alone or with a suitable playmate.  At night they sleep in heated/air conditioned buildings in cages.  They had the best time at "camp" and would come home smelling like butt but tired.  They usually slept for almost a week afterwards.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs