Author Topic: Stupid meter readers  (Read 6567 times)


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Stupid meter readers
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:18:58 pm »
I had the boys inside and went to let them outside and the Meter was in the backyard. Zeus went charging at him growling and barking. The meter reader is luck I went outside with the boys cause I stopped Zeus from biting him. Now I dont think Zeus was wrong for what he did. There was a stranger in the backyard and I didnt know he was. They use to read the meter from the alley behind us, i dont see why they are coming in our backyards now. I told him not to come in my yard again cause of my dogs. Was that wrong of me to say?


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 11:45:39 pm »
Stupid Meter reader :P  That is why we paddlocked our gate!I think you are totally justified in saying that. Ours has to ring the door bell now. ;) They actually leave a card for us to fill out and mail in if we are not home.


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2006, 11:49:31 pm »
We use to have a padloack but Ben took it off to replace our locks and then he lost the paddlock LOL They are suppose to knock before entering our yard but they never do  ::) I dont know why they just dont read it from the alley like they use to do. I am sure the reader was pretty darn scared when he saw Zeus charging at him. Glad Zeus listens to his Mommy, and I am sure the reader is glad too LOL


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2006, 11:57:25 pm »
In order to read our meter, the reader has to lean out over our fence and read the meter on the wall of the house. If there is a car in the driveway or any sign of life they will knock on my front door and let me know they are back there. They never have entered my property, despite the fact that that particular gate is not locked. I would complain to the company. That way if he does it again, and Zeus does nail him, you are on record as saying not to enter the yard without notifying you first, and complaining about non-compliance.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 11:58:35 pm by GR8DAME »

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2006, 01:40:25 am »
Definitely call the company right away!  They mayhave an APPOINTMENT list that you can be put on. 

Mom is on the appointment list for the elecric co and the doorbell ring list for the gas co, because Max will absolutely NOT tolerate a stranger in his house or his yard without an escort for even a minute--period, end of story. Mom's even had to put signs in the front picture window, and on the gate warning people there is a guard dog inside, and trespassers WILL be chewed on. 

Mom's appointment deal works that they call her a few days ahead, and give her a 4 hour window when the reader will be in the area; that means she has to keep Max out of the yard for that time frame, to give the guy safe access.  The gas company has her on a list that the guy has to ring the doorbell and be escorted to the meter, or he can't come on the property to read it. 

Get on whichever list they have right away, though, and get documented confirmation of being listed. That way, if there's ever any issue, you have proof that you did YOUR due diligence, telling them that you have big, protective dogs, and that you informed them that reading your meter would require special arrangements. 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2006, 01:44:36 am »
My husband has called and made complained to the company. We dont have any of this fancy stuff everyone is talking about LOL But they did put a note in the computer saying we have a Protective Rottweiler in the yard.


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2006, 02:14:02 am »
But they did put a note in the computer saying we have a Protective Rottweiler in the yard.
LOLOL this was my suggestion.  This worked wonders for us.  The meter guy kept coming out and I complained, then one day, he came out and Badger had him backed up against the house.  Badger's teeth were out and he was serious about this guy waiting there for me or David to come out and figure out what to do with the guy.  I don't know how long he held the guy there (no contact but trust me this guy knew not to move), but he had been out for hours that morning, sleeping under his favorite bush.  After that, they put us on an 'alert: appointment only, aggressive dog' list.  HAHAHAHAHA I actually didn't think that was aggressive at's not like he laid a tooth on the guy!

Offline princessnmi

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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2006, 02:29:32 am »
When we were stationed in Texas, I had resued a great dane mix who was really young. I was home along with the foster kids and my husband was at another military base across the country. I had all 3 dogs that we had at the time in the backyard. Robin my lab mix, molly a basset hound and Casey the great dane mix. The meter reader went in the backyard and left our gate open. Casey got out. He didn't bother to let me know I just happened to see her in our front yard so I went outside to get her. Being that we had just rescued her she was still a pup probably about 4 months old or so, and thought I was playing with her so she took off running from me, we lived on a corner as she took off running a truck flew around the corner and hit her. I don't know what was worse watching her get hit, or losing her all together. I loaded the kids up, and headed to the vets with her (not even a 3 minute drive) she died in my arms just as I pulled into the parking lot of the vet. It was the worst experience. So make sure you complain, and also maybe put a Beware of Dog sign on your fence. We had a note on our account about the dogs but they didn't acknowledge it. They said that we should have had a sign up. I didn't think it took a genius to know that if you're being barked at by 3 dogs that are on the other side of the privacy fence maybe you should go to the front door.
Proudly owned by: Robin-3 yr old Lab mix, Brody 14 month old Great Dane, Moose a 6 month old dane
Loved by my beautiful daughter Makaylee and my soon to be adopted sons Richard and Jay And the husband too I guess

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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2006, 02:35:43 am »
We dont have any of this fancy stuff everyone is talking about

Then you should make your own warning sign, and put it in some obvious frames wherever there's an access point to your property.  You could use a variation of the one's I've seen on farms--something like:

"NO TRESPASSING. If you desire access to this property, you MUST be accompanied by Blair or DH.  Our family has LARGE DOGS, who may instinctively protect our home and family. Please come to the front door, so that we may escort you. If for any reason you enter our property unescorted, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK."

I've seen variations of this on a lot of farms, with "honk until Person X or Y comes to get you out of your car" instead of 'come to the door'.  You're not saying your dogs WILL attack anyone, only warning against trespassing. 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2006, 02:37:12 am »
We dont have any of this fancy stuff everyone is talking about

Then you should make your own warning sign, and put it in some obvious frames wherever there's an access point to your property.  You could use a variation of the one's I've seen on farms--something like:

"NO TRESPASSING. If you desire access to this property, you MUST be accompanied by Blair or DH.  Our family has LARGE DOGS, who may instinctively protect our home and family. Please come to the front door, so that we may escort you. If for any reason you enter our property unescorted, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK."

I've seen variations of this on a lot of farms, with "honk until Person X or Y comes to get you out of your car" instead of 'come to the door'.  You're not saying your dogs WILL attack anyone, only warning against trespassing. 

Thank you for the suggestion...I ll print something out and hang it up ASAP


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2006, 02:39:55 am »
princessnmi I am sorry to read about what happened to your baby  :'(

Offline chaos270

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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2006, 03:29:55 am »
This reminds me of a very funny story my mom told me about a newf at the farm she used to work at.  The meter guy came and was walking back to his truck when Ebony aka Bear came running around the corner to say hi to him.  He screamed like a girl then jumped over the hood of his truck and into it.  Then drove off like the devil was after him.  My mom tried to tell him it was just a dog but he didn't hear her.  She said that guy never came back  ;).  I think ours has the electronic sensor that allows them to read it from the road.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2006, 03:30:46 am by chaos270 »
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2006, 06:04:36 am »
This reminds me of a very funny story my mom told me about a newf at the farm she used to work at.  The meter guy came and was walking back to his truck when Ebony aka Bear came running around the corner to say hi to him.  He screamed like a girl then jumped over the hood of his truck and into it.  Then drove off like the devil was after him.  My mom tried to tell him it was just a dog but he didn't hear her.  She said that guy never came back  .  I think ours has the electronic sensor that allows them to read it from the road.

Bwahahahahahah ahhahaaaaaaa.. ...........I can just imagine that happening.   :D


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2006, 08:33:46 am »
Our meter reader and I have had a few rounds too.  I don't care if they come in the back yard and read the meter but he's been warned several times that the danes aren't real partial to surprises.  Baloo couldn't care less if the guy isn't touching his food bowl.   ::)  But the danes would eat his lunch.  The only way they're back there is if I'm home and they will protect me without a doubt.  They did label our house as having "aggressive" dogs...meaning big.  I do have to introduce the meter person every time they change though cause he has to pull around to the very back and Bella can and would go over the fence to get him.


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Re: Stupid meter readers
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2006, 08:38:47 am »
We dont have any of this fancy stuff everyone is talking about

Then you should make your own warning sign, and put it in some obvious frames wherever there's an access point to your property.  You could use a variation of the one's I've seen on farms--something like:

"NO TRESPASSING. If you desire access to this property, you MUST be accompanied by Blair or DH.  Our family has LARGE DOGS, who may instinctively protect our home and family. Please come to the front door, so that we may escort you. If for any reason you enter our property unescorted, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK."

I've seen variations of this on a lot of farms, with "honk until Person X or Y comes to get you out of your car" instead of 'come to the door'.  You're not saying your dogs WILL attack anyone, only warning against trespassing. 

 We have a sign with a Rotti head on it ...All it says is " I can make it to the fence in 3 seconds . Can you?" ;D
People certainly don't open the gate( plus its paddlocked) ;)