Author Topic: Most Unique Personality Trait...  (Read 8181 times)

Offline newflvr

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2006, 06:31:02 pm »
This is so much fun!!  I was giggling over every single one of the weird traits of our pals!

Our first Newf was completely bizarre!  When he was tiny, (until about 6 months) he refused to go for a walk....would NOT leave the yard. Once he got brave enought to go out, we could walk for miles as long as I didn't try to make him turn  left.  We could turn right, no problem; but if there was a left turn in our plans, he'd just sit down and refuse to move!!!  We spent more time spinning down the road with only right turns!!!


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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2006, 08:49:45 pm »
rofl lololol that is sooooo cute.  This thread is bringing back so many memories.  When Badger was a pup, I would take him for a walk, and he would just lay down for a nap like a mile from home.  He was like 50 pounds (I had never had a big dog before and didn't know not to walk that far)and I would have to heft him all the way home.  Oddly, if I shortened the trip, he would lay down and refuse to move a ways from home, I think he came to like me carrying him.   

Offline K9ldy00

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2006, 09:18:46 pm »
I order most of my purchases online. Everytime I get something Dozer has to see what it is. He remembers Rawhide  treats coming in the mail. He absolutely hates large bubble wrap. One time I was unpacking something and threw the bubble wrap on the floor. Dozer stepped on it and it popped at him. That was all it took. He started biting it and tearing it to schreds. The more he bit it and stepped on it the more it would pop and the madder he got. I couldn't stop laughing  :D  So now it's a game. I think he loves to hate bubble wrap.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 09:26:24 pm by K9ldy00 »
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Offline macybean

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2006, 09:18:51 pm »
Sadie is the stranger of my two, I think.

First off, she has a thing for laundry. If there are socks, shirts, whatever on the ground, she will go around collecting them. It sounds fairly normal for a retriever, except for the fact that if we're at someone else's door talking and she looks in and sees laundry to collect, she will go in and pick it all up. It's like she's on a mission: No junk on the floor as long as she's around.

She also loves to rub her head in things that smell like me. If I put my towel down on the bed after taking a shower, she will immediately jump up on the bed and roll her face in it until she falls over. Then she rolls around on her back like a madwoman, snorting and shoving her head into the towel as hard as she can.

She loves showering with me and loves being dried just as much as getting wet. You can see her get sad if she jumps out of the shower before I'm ready and no one is there to dry her.

She also has a thing for stuffed bears. I don't know how she knows they are bears, but she thinks that they are her babies. Every now and then, she'll "adopt" a stuffed duck or hedgehog, but for the most part, her little brood is a bear-only group.

Sadie doesn't like her leash dragging around either. If for some reason it is still on and no one is holding the other end, she will carefully fold it up in her mouth and carry it around, instead of letting it drag around behind her.

Riley likes to grumble to talk. He also likes to cuddle-like fully spoon a person. He will lay with one front arm over your neck and a back leg over your legs, like a person would spoon someone. He thinks he can "talk" to thunder, too. And he has to sit before you can put his gentle leader on. He gets kind of annoyed if you don't let him sit down and pose first.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 09:22:31 pm by macybean »

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2006, 09:21:51 pm »
rofl lololol that is sooooo cute.  This thread is bringing back so many memories.  When Badger was a pup, I would take him for a walk, and he would just lay down for a nap like a mile from home.  He was like 50 pounds (I had never had a big dog before and didn't know not to walk that far)and I would have to heft him all the way home.  Oddly, if I shortened the trip, he would lay down and refuse to move a ways from home, I think he came to like me carrying him.   

Sadie used to do this when I first got her. She'd get about a half mile or so from home, which isn't far for a lab, but I have a feeling no one walked her much before. Anyway, we'd think she had to go to the bathroom or something, and she'd go off into the grass, find a tree, and lay down in the shade. After the first time she'd lay down, she'd try at least 3 other times for the rest of that walk home. It was a very slow process...

Offline PennyK

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2006, 06:38:29 am »
Teddy is still a puppy so we are discovering new personality traits every day!  LOL!  But one thing I noticed that makes me laugh is that when he catches our cats (which is suprisingly often - I think they like it) he will hold them down with one big paw and lick/slobber them.  I've noticed him do it with little dogs too.  He desn't hurt them, just holds them in place until he's done wiping his slobbers on them.   ;D
Every girl needs a Teddy bear!

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2006, 09:44:05 am »
Pippin tries to forcibly groom US!!!...He does that thing with the front teeth where it's like he's eating corn on the!...We have to stop him right away because it really hurts!...I've tried to explain to him that we have no fur & therefore he is pinching skin but he doesn't seem to get!

Offline have2angels

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2006, 10:11:22 am »
Hi there! I am new to the boards, have a rottie that is 115 pounds and a papillon, they play great together, but I found this thread fun! Thought I would join in!

Zeus, my rottie, is the biggest "human" dog! When we have company over, usually people we don't normally have over, he will wait til I have them take a seat and he will stare, then slowly walk past them, back up and put his butt on their legs, as if he is sitting in their lap with front legs on the floor!  :o

ANother thing he loves to do is back his butt to you and push. He knows this annoys my best friend, so he does it every single time she comes over and then stares at me, as to say heheh i did it again!  They are so funny in their own personallities!
Love your stories and pictures! Glad I found these boards! ;D

Offline shangrila

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2006, 03:49:34 pm »
All the dogs know that the bathtub equals water, so they will stand there when they are thirsty.  I sure do have some odd dogs :)

Zoey used to do the same thing, lol  :D When she was a puppy we limited her water intake during potty training. When there was no water in her bowl, we would know she was really thirsty if we found her in the tub licking the drain hoping water would come out of it :D
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Offline newflvr

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2006, 04:29:33 pm »
I forgot to bring up the funny habit of my Newf girl, Lucille.  I loved to take her shopping because she would INSIST on carrying my purse.  We'd go in to a store and she would happily wander around clothing stores but would get bored with Home Depot or any "non-girly" stores and take my purse and try  to leave.  She wouldn't pay any attention to anybody who tried  to pet her or talk to her;  she was on a mission!!! ;D ;D ;D

Offline jabear

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2006, 07:50:14 pm »
Oh that is too funny!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2006, 08:08:33 pm »
Teddy is still a puppy so we are discovering new personality traits every day!  LOL!  But one thing I noticed that makes me laugh is that when he catches our cats (which is suprisingly often - I think they like it) he will hold them down with one big paw and lick/slobber them.  I've noticed him do it with little dogs too.  He desn't hurt them, just holds them in place until he's done wiping his slobbers on them.   ;D

This thread is soooo hilarious!!!  I just keep picturing all of these nutty animals with their crazy habits! :D :D
I also am just beginning to see some of Bella's traits.  New ones pop up everyday!
The latest was last week when I went to the store and picked up some of those already sliced apples at Walmart.  I had read that apples are good for dogs, so I gave her a slice.  She didn't know what to do with it, so she kept dropping it and then picking it up again.  Finally, she put her head down on it and began rubbing the side of her head all over it!  I guess she just wanted to smell like it!! :D :D
Also, I had to include my cat, Mojo.  When any of my friends stay over, they usually sleep on the couch.  Sometime around 7am in the morning, Mojo likes to curl up by their head.  Then he proceeds to begin chewing and eating their hair!!  Some wear hair products, but some don't, so I don't know what it is he likes about eating their hair! :D :D
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Offline brandon

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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2006, 09:08:25 pm »
The no-left-turns newf is funny, I've never heard of anything like that.

Our past 2 doggies:
Casie (Shetland Sheepdog) Our routine every night when it was time to go to bed he would come up to the bed beside me and shove his head under the cover, and I'd pet his head and wiggle the cover over him.  He would help me put on my socks every morning, and Bury his head into the bed.  He would grunt and grumble a lot when he did it.. it was cute.

Zima (Labrador Retriever) - She would do the slowly crawl and inch forward on the bed also.  Or jump up and not move one inch.  Also, She would jump up on my outstretched arm and rest her front feet on my arm and kinda perch there if I told her "up". 

Current pups:

Bava will lay down somewhere , in the water , while we're walking, in the back seat of the car, etc, and refuse to move no matter what.  He will pounce on the couch like a fox looking for mice in the snow if you scratch the coushin, it looks hillarious to see such a big dog do that.

Mowglie wags his tail in a circular motion, like a helicopter, and has one tooth that hangs out from his underbite.

Sophie is the most vocal wookie sounding dog I have ever encountered, she will tell you alllll about it if she is not happy about something.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 09:36:46 pm by brandon »
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”


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Re: Most Unique Personality Trait...
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2006, 10:19:01 pm »
I forgot to bring up the funny habit of my Newf girl, Lucille.  I loved to take her shopping because she would INSIST on carrying my purse.  We'd go in to a store and she would happily wander around clothing stores but would get bored with Home Depot or any "non-girly" stores and take my purse and try  to leave.  She wouldn't pay any attention to anybody who tried  to pet her or talk to her;  she was on a mission!!! ;D ;D ;D

That wins the cute award!  One thing though, I've always been curious...are Newfs not just a little er snobbish anyway?  I am in LOVE with them, but whenever I see them out and about, they always act like I'm not worthy of pets or something.  Most dogs ADORE ME.  After being around a Newf, I always end up feeling like I'm back in Jr. high, totally uncool.  Please tell me this is a Newfy thing....
 :-\ ??? ::) :( :D