Author Topic: Grumble Vs Growl  (Read 3769 times)


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Grumble Vs Growl
« on: June 08, 2006, 07:20:07 pm »
Anyone who has ever owned a rott knows they are huge talkers.  Badger 'complains' about everything.  If you tell him to go to his bed, he 'grumbles', head hanging, while he makes his way there.  If he is hungry, or sleepy, or upset...grumbl es. 
The thing is, I would really love to be able to cuddle my dog in the evening without him grumbling at me.  For a straight month I tried petting him only until he started grumbling, then when he starts up, I stop the lovin session, and go do something else. 
It really hasn't worked in the least bit to change the behavior.  Does anyone have any tricks to get them to not grump like this?  Or, do you all just see it as a kind of 'purring' and let it be? 


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Re: Grumble Vs Growl
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 08:06:31 pm »
Pucks a grumbler too. Once it hits 9:30 /  10:00 he grumbles if you talk to him or cuddle, pet etc.... I always say he has gone into protective mode  for the night. ;) In the morning he is bright and cheery ready to go ;D

 He has done it since the day we got him.... I always wondered if it had something to do with the people that owned him before...maybe it is just a rotti trait... I can't recall any of my other rottis who did it or at least to the extent that Puck does.


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Re: Grumble Vs Growl
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 09:56:09 pm »
That's funny.  When I think about it, it does seem to happen a lot more at night.  In the morning he is more soft and sweet.  Maybe he just isn't a night 'person'.  He is generally so cantankerous that I tend to think it's just more of the same, but now that you mention it, it is much worse at night.