Author Topic: BIG MAMA  (Read 22390 times)


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« on: March 17, 2005, 01:37:53 pm »
This is the newfie we are adopting.  As you can see she is whelping a litter here.  It is her last litter she has resently been spayed.  She is retiring from the show ring and wheelping bed to her new forever home with us.  We pick her up on Easter weekend and I will take lots of pictures and post them.  Anyone know where I can get a set of large size bunny ears?

Offline jabear

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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2005, 11:02:56 am »
Don't know where you can find ears that large, but I know you can make them.  :)
Your Newfie looks beautiful. Glad to see that she is going to a loving home. Are you getting any of the puppies in addition to the mama?
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2005, 11:46:25 am »
Oh I wish we could have a had one of her puppies but this is a champion breeder;  all the people that were lucky enough to get a pup were already on the waiting list well before the pregnancy.  She is origianlly from the Dyrad's Kennel and from what I've come to understand she was from the last litter of the Dryad Kennel Owned by Drury and given to this breeder before Mrs Drury passed away.  The Dryad line is of great lineage the fact that this is her last litter (now spayed) and she herself was of the last Dryad litter, made her pups a bit exclusive. We are so LUCKY to get her and give her a forever loving big dog home! :D


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« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2005, 09:37:32 pm »
Congratulation s! I totally know what you mean about champion breeders. Ours is an awesome woman but due to her very busy show schedule, it is hard to get a hold of her when you want a puppy. Guess we'll wait til next litter to get a baby. :-\
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2005, 09:43:57 pm »
You might want to try a costume shop, I don't know where you are located but if you don't reside near a big city, try shopping online by typing in bunny ears for people, ya I know it sounds silly, but it's worth a try.  Great looking dog by the way, I just love seeing mothers and puppies.


Offline Lem and Ruck

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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2005, 04:33:28 pm »
Jen --

I think your Newfie and ours may be sisters!  We also have a female from Mary Dewey's (Dryad's) last litter before she passed away.  She was one of the last dogs from the litter, because she had entropion, which we fixed soon after we brought her home.  Her name is Clementine, and she was born October 26, 2001, out of Wanda (Dryads Blacwatch Water Witch) and Goliath (Blackwatch Goliath).  Just thought I'd check.  We also stayed in touch for a while with another of the females from the litter, a little girl named Majic, but she moved to Pennsylvania (we're in Colorado), and we've lost touch as a result. 



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« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2005, 08:37:04 am »
Wow, wouldn't that be something!  It all fits and I'll know more once we pick her up hopefully next weekend!  We were going to get her on 3/27 but that turned out to be Easter then we were going to get her this weekend but our babysitter cancled and so now it's been reset for the 9th.  It's an 11 hour trip and we have a 2yr old daughter that can be a nightmare on long trip.(she is newly potty trained).  The breeder that has her now is going to give us here lineage and copy of AKC and health certs so I will let you know her exact line.  Do you have pics?


Jen --

I think your Newfie and ours may be sisters!  We also have a female from Mary Dewey's (Dryad's) last litter before she passed away.  She was one of the last dogs from the litter, because she had entropion, which we fixed soon after we brought her home.  Her name is Clementine, and she was born October 26, 2001, out of Wanda (Dryads Blacwatch Water Witch) and Goliath (Blackwatch Goliath).  Just thought I'd check.  We also stayed in touch for a while with another of the females from the litter, a little girl named Majic, but she moved to Pennsylvania (we're in Colorado), and we've lost touch as a result.  


Offline jules

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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2005, 09:01:57 am »
Looking for bunny ears,although they might be all sold out since its after easter.I found some at a party store.They fit an adult even though I have them on 4 month old Spotakiss.


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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2005, 10:59:01 am »
OH LOL!!  TOO CUTE!  I took pictures of Thunder with the bunny ears a bought but now my usb adapter to my camera broke and I can't load pics from camera to computer until I get anew one!  FIGURES! :-\

Offline connolly

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« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2005, 11:56:21 am »
LOL feel like I know Spotakiss... Tooooo cute, it's the expression.. Gee I love Saints, appropriate name don't you think? Best , connolly
The older I get the less I know

Offline Lem and Ruck

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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2005, 12:42:17 pm »
Hi there --

Two pics attached (the other shots I have are larger than 600 Kb, so I can't post them, but I'm happy to e-mail if you'd like), but they're both when she was pretty young, so they're not very representative .  The first we took this during a bath session, and she was particularly unhappy with her station in life.  We just thought it was the funniest photo ever.  The second might give you a little insight into our girl's personality.  Put simply, she's a rip-roaring terror, and we wouldn't change a thing!

When we went to meet her at Mary Dewey's home, she was one of only two dogs from the litter left.  It was around Christmas time, and Clementine was about 10 or 11 weeks old.  She was ripping and tearing around the house, under the Christmas tree, up on the furniture, just everywhere.  Because she wasn't the normal puppy size, she couldn't exactly fit under the tree, but that didn't deter her at all.  She accidentally knocked several ornaments off the tree and intentionally pulled off another couple to chew on while we were there.  When we went outside to meet her mother (Wanda) and see them interact, Clementine kept jumping up and nipping at Wanda, clearly annoying her, until Wanda reached out and thunked our little girl on the head with a paw.  Slowed Clementine down for about 30 seconds, but then she was right back to full speed.  We were just exploring Newf breeders, because we had just lost a dog and weren't really ready to get another one, but we fell in love immediately and took her home a week later.  She still has those moments.  

We also have a male named Ruckus who is not quite a year younger (he was Clementine's birthday present for her first birthday), but Clementine is absolutely the alpha dog and regularly reminds Ruckus of this by kicking the crap out of him, despite the fact that he's considerably larger, stronger, and faster.  Her favorite game is to pile-drive him into the ground on his back, then stand over him making snarling, growling sounds and gnawing on his neck.  Then she bounces (literally -- all four feet off the ground (the ACL surgeries clearly went well)) away a couple of feet and waits for him to try to get up, at which point she hits him like a runaway freight train and the whole bit starts all over again!  He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, because it's been two years now that they've been playing this, and he still doesn't get it.  But they both are lost without the other.  At doggie day care, he follows her around and does whatever she does (she's the queen of the joint -- just ask her), but on the few times when she's been there alone, she's half the dog she normally is.  She needs him every bit as much as he needs her.

When I looked at your photos, I could see some definite similarity in the eyes, but not so much in the nose.  Clementine has a longish nose, relatively close set eyes, and more energy than any other three Newfies combined, so I like to joke that she's really a Lab in disguise, which really pisses off my wife.  She's got a beautiful coat and the prettiest brown eyes you have ever seen, and when she walks she holds her tail up and partially curved over her back and sways her rump from side to side -- 100% woman.  I like to say that she "shakes what her momma gave her."  She's about as wonderful as you could ever want her to be -- sweet and affectionate and playful and ornery and smart as a whip.  

She's also small, about 105, and we keep her really thin because her hip x-rays are not good (but we've also got her on preventative glucosamine, and so far, she's doing great).  She's also blown up both her ACL's, and we've had TPLO's on both.  She's also been spayed, and at one point we had reason to believe she had a third kidney (long story) so we had her laparascoped (turned out to be a false alarm), but we had her gastropexied (tummy tacked to her abdominal wall so bloat is out of the question) while the doc was in there.  She had entropion when we got her (frankly, we're pretty sure that's why she was still available from a kennel as storied at Dryad), and we got that fixed right after we brought her home.  Turns out the procedure is the same one that Cher has done anytime she wants to eliminate those nagging little wrinkles around her eyes.  Fitting for our little princess.  Add 'em all up, and she's had five surgeries in her first three years -- she's been quite the expensive project.  Her nickname is "Lemon" (shortened to "Lem") for obvious reasons . . .  ;)  But she's an absolute trooper -- the Unsinkable Molly Brown of Newfies -- and there's nothing we wouldn't do for her.  

Anyway, sorry for the long post and my fawning over them, but they really are the lights of our lives, and once I get started, it's tough to get me stopped.  We also have a 16 month old daughter and two cats, and we consider them all to be siblings of varying degrees of furriness.  Couldn't imagine life without any one of them! ;D



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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2005, 01:25:27 pm »
I loved your e-mail.  Here is another picture of her, maybe you'll see more of "Lem" in this picture.  Anyhoo,  I'm pretty sure the breeder told me she was the last one of the last litter!  So you did probably met her that day! YOUR SO LUCKY!  I can't wait to get my arms around her!  I know she was handeled by Alan Levin and he was not able to work with her as she got older because her playful personality was more interested in what was going on outside the show-ring!  So they let her lose with the boys and she ended in the whelping bed!  I wonder about her past medical history, when I questioned it the breeder reminded me we were alot of dog for, what is considered in the newf world, a little bit of money and she has point.  But then she assured me she was in good health and would have all the records acompany her when we come for her.  Also I wasn't quite familiar exactly the conditions Lem had so maybe you can break it down for me.  Luckily I've never had a pet that had health problems until they were just really old.



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« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2005, 10:41:57 am »
I snapped a few pics of THunder in Bunny ears but when I went to enter them on the computer I found my usb adapt. to be damaged so Kodak is overnighting my a new one.  I am looking forward to putting pics up that is my FAVORITE part of this site.  Lovin' Spoakiss in those ears.


Looking for bunny ears,although they might be all sold out since its after easter.I found some at a party store.They fit an adult even though I have them on 4 month old Spotakiss.

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Quick question Tad about your pup's ACL problems
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2005, 12:11:56 pm »
Hi Tad!

Love the pics of your pup!  What a riot she must be!  She sounds like our crazy Madison!  Girls always stir up the bunch.  Our Madison is 2 yrs. old and has a brother Klondike & a 8 month old 1/2 brother.(Same Mom as our first 2 but, different Dad.)  I just wanted to ask you about your pup's ACL problems.  Madison had her one ACL done this past August.  It was so silly.  She just planted one way and her body went the other.  She had done it a million tiimes prior to this wrestling and chasing her brothers, this one time it just happened.   Her Big brother Klondike had his one ACL done about 8 weeks ago now.  Same thing, they weren't even wrestling just twisted his knee one way and his body went the other.  We thought maybe he stepped on something or a little hole under the snow.  Madison is about 103 lbs and big brother is about 140lbs.   

What do you have your pup on for those few days when she overdoes it and is stiff in the knee?  Glucosamine?  Rimadyl?  Maddie's doesn't seem to flare up as much after playing lately but, now the nice weather is coming so they are wild in the yard again much more.  They loved the cold winter snow but, hopefully they will get back swimming in the bay soon.  The vet said of course swimming would be the best thing for them but, couldn't do much of that during the NJ winter!  Madison was able to swim in the fall after the surgery before it got too cold.  At first I was worried that she would overdo it, most times we couldn't get her out. I literally had to get in there in get her.  The bay in October starts to get a little too chilly for me!   

I hope you and your pup is doing well.

Anita from NJ

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Can't wait to see more pics!
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2005, 12:15:28 pm »
Hi Jen!

Love the pics!  Keep them coming.  That is great news getting another pup!  She is darling.   So that will make 3 for you guys now?  The Great Pyr, and 2 Newfies?   

Good luck!

Anita from NJ