Author Topic: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'  (Read 15159 times)


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Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« on: July 05, 2006, 10:42:06 am »
We hand feed raw food and have never had any problems.  This morning  I was feeding Pookie (I'm feeding him first, before the puppy) and he grabbed the meat out of my hand aggressively.  He has very seldomely done this in the past, and yesterday he did it to David half way through his meal.  When he did it to David, he said, 'NICE' (which you can say and he will normally calm down and behave)and Pookie did it again, so David didn't feed him anymore, he had to wait a few more hours for the bulk of his dinner.  He was then fine eating from me.  Now this morning I was giving him breakfast, and he hurt me.  No blood, but the intent was to hurt me.  I said loudly, 'NICE' and I pointed at him in his face (which normally makes him look down submissively and behave)then he snapped at me.  I raised my voice and said 'cut it out' and he jumped back, snipped the air, and barked at me (it was clearly a frustration bark, laced with a little yelp). 
I stood over him in an aggressive posture and sort of stared him down, and yelled at him to take it nice, and he took the rest of his meal gently. 
This dog NEVER does this stuff.  He was a very difficult/stubborn/pilly puppy, but other than pouting, he hasn't done anything like this since he was a pup.  By pouting I mean, grumbling constantly, generally showing his displeasure when things aren't how he wants them to be.  We used NILF (without knowing we were) as a pup, we hand feed and we don't allow him to get away with stuff. 
I am SURE he is ticked off about the puppy.  He is barely tolerating her.  If she comes over to him, he growls if he is tired of her (she is taking the hint and leaving him alone when he is grumpy).  He gets distraught if we feed her anything (he gets fed first), he hops around and cries and gets visibly upset. 
What do you guys think?  Is this classic frustration around the puppy coming?  I was planning to reintroduce NILF, and start doing light training with him again (his leg needs surgery so I can't exersise him right now). 
I think he is also a little sleep deprived.  The puppy is keeping him awake where normally he slept 20 hours a day. 
I am totally open to all opinions so don't feel like you have to walk on eggshells. 
Ronda and Nana Pookie need help!

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 10:47:12 am »
I know everybody else will have great suggestions but I just want to chime in with sympathy!  I think bringing the new baby in is definately upsetting Pookie...and maybe with more loves, and reassurance that, to you, he's still number one in your heart, he'll calm down.  What a scary thing, though! 


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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 10:50:19 am »
I know everybody else will have great suggestions but I just want to chime in with sympathy!  I think bringing the new baby in is definately upsetting Pookie...and maybe with more loves, and reassurance that, to you, he's still number one in your heart, he'll calm down.  What a scary thing, though! 
  This is my first sort of gut reaction too, then I thought, 'Cesar would say affection is last'.  I wonder though if this really is the solution because he seems pretty upset, and he is and has always been such a good boy. 

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 10:57:45 am »
 :-\ Awww...poor Nana Pookie.  It's tough to have a new baby.  I don't have any suggestions, just some empathy.
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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2006, 11:14:55 am »
:-\ Awww...poor Nana Pookie.  It's tough to have a new baby.  I don't have any suggestions, just some empathy.
Thanks you guys.  It really was sorta scary.  Badger is so nice, I nearly fell over when he did this.  It hurt pretty bad, but mostly it just really scared me. 

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2006, 11:31:48 am »
I wonder though if this really is the solution because he seems pretty upset, and he is and has always been such a good boy. 

If this is so totally out of character for him, I would think reassurance would be best (now, take this with a grain of salt because I know virtually nothing about training anything other than Newfs!! ::)).  It doesn't seem like you'd need to start over to train him; he's already trained.  It would seem that the baby has just made him insecure in his standing with you.   

As I said, I'm probably the dead LAST person to advise you, so listen to those how know more.  I have a tendency to think with my heart....and that's not necessarily the best tool in the tool chest!!!


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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 12:01:17 pm »
AWWW poor boy.   I think it is probably related to the puppy too. You did mention that he needs surgery on his leg maybe it is hurting him too. I would do the light training ( that way he knows that you are still the boss "alpha")that you can and reassurance that he is still your baby boy and you still love him too. He probably is figuring out where he stands with the new puppy too.

 I hope everything works out. Our tribe  took a bit to figure out who stands where yadda yadda yadda.....Rosi e still pushes thier buttons some days ::)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 12:16:03 pm »
Samson regressed back to some undesirable behaivor he used to show when he was 7 to 10 months old when Rosie was gone...I bet it's the puppy & the upheaval in his life right now...I'd definitly use NILF to reinforce what he already knows but also give him LOADS of extra attention & some one on one time with you & your DH...He may be feeling unsure right now of his place in the "pack" with Gossy there...How stable would you be feeling if David brought home another female companion?  :o :-\ ;) Be stern when you have to but I'd seriously pour on the attention for Badger...I mean really lay it on thick so he knows his place is secure...I bet Mr. Stinky Butt will be just fine then! :)

Offline BabsT

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 12:25:58 pm »
I dont know... I am more iron fisted with my dogs even though it sometimes kills me.... Anything that is unwarranted is unacceptable.  Yes, there is a new pup but his behavior is 100% unacceptable especailly towards the pack leaders and needs to be corrected.  I am (to some people) extreme with my methods but they work and well they know that they have to behave.

I personally wouldnt give the dog extra love... he tried to bite and twice regardless of why, he knows better.... I would ignore him 100% and keep him crated with no acknowledgemen t for atleast a day.  Leash him to go to bathroom but no attention and back in crate.. pack animals do not like to be deprived from their pack
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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 12:47:03 pm »
We had a similar situation with McDougal after we got Binky.  McDOugal is the sweetest dog and had NEVER shown any aggression until a few weeks after we brought Binky home.  I went to get him off the bed and he growled.  I reprimanded him and went for his collar and he just barely snapped at me. 
I grabbed him, brought him downstairs and made him sit in the corner for 1/2 an hour.  When I let him move from the corner, I ignored him for a couple hours.  I felt sooo bad-he looked so miserable and kept following me around, all hunched over- but it worked.  It is really hard for me to use "harsh" discipline like that, but snapping just can't be tolerated.
McDougal continued to pout about Binky for a solid 6 months-and he still doesn't really like her-but he has never again even hinted at any type of aggression towards me.
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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2006, 12:48:02 pm »
I agree with everyone else.. he feels displaced because of the puppy. Bubba is a little jealous of Lola too at times, expecially if she's getting attention and he isn't. But no growling/snapping is allowed and he knows it. Just keep working NILIF and don't let any bad behaviour go unpunished. If Bubba misbehaves he's ignored and put in a down/stay in an out of the way spot for as long as I see fit.

Babs.. I don't think your methods are extreme by the way. My motto is do whatever works for you and gets your point across.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2006, 12:53:51 pm »

Babs.. I don't think your methods are extreme by the way. My motto is do whatever works for you and gets your point across.
I agree!...Babs is one of the people I really look to for advise & answers when the going gets tough with my dogs!...I most definitly do not allow ANY agressivness from my dogs & am absolutly hardcore when any is shown!...Nip that in the bud immediatly & firmly!...But, maybe I am too softhearted because when the dog is acting appropriatly then I pour on the love. :)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 12:54:42 pm by Gypsy Jazmine »


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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2006, 12:55:38 pm »
Babs you are not too extreme...but right on target :)

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2006, 01:18:42 pm »
Just my two cents here- if I were hand-feeding and got snapped at even once, the food would b immediately put away and not brought out again until the next scheduled meal.  He would no doubt get the point very quickly if you were consistent in his actions having a quick and direct result.  I am sorry you are going through this.

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Re: Don't want to Over react...Pookie 'snapped'
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2006, 01:26:22 pm »
This is kind of what I was thinking.  Biting (which is what he did, he didn't draw blood but he was very much trying to hurt me, he bit hard) needs to be nipped in the big fat bud.  Babs, I don't think your suggestions were harsh.  I love Pookie enough that I'll do whatever is needed to 'smack' the attitude right out of him. 
Badger has always had, right from day one, an undercurrent in him of dominance (I'm not even sure if that's the right word for it), he was hard to train and although he doesn't bite (EVER) he stomps around a LOT. 

Babs would you crate him for ANY attitude or just the biting?