Author Topic: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted  (Read 5144 times)


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Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« on: July 10, 2006, 10:56:04 pm »
David and I were supposed to go to Seaside for 4 days for our 10 year anniversary.  I was hesitant to go with the puppy because she is so young, and not fully vaccinated, so I figured I'd have to hold her the whole time (she is pudgy so that sounded kinda sucky).
So hubby decided to suprise me.  I thought he was working the morning of our trip, but he was at a friend's house loading the truck with all of our camping gear that he had been sneaking over there. 
We met 10 years ago at a job where we were tracking sex offenders for this foster family that had 10 of them living there.  Our job was to basically monitor them so they didn't do anything to anyone. So for the first 3 months of our relationship, we were basically camping with this family. 
So, how romantic...rig ht?  Well, we went to the most GORGEOUS campsite EVER.  Unfortunately, there were some BAD problems with this whole plan. 
#1.  We have a 7 week old not fully immunized puppy at a campground crawling with people/dogs.
#2.  We didn't know that the govt. drained the lake of 1/2 the water recently because of a fish problem, this combined with a warm spring caused there to be BILLIONS of mosquitos and bees.  STINGING bees.
#3.  It was a 6 hour drive to the site so puppy was exhausted and totally beside herself by the time we got there. 
So, after about 3 minutes down there, I got stung on the thumb by a bee, and by the time we had the campsite set up, we had both been bit about 30 times.  We were sitting in our camp chairs and David says, OMG sweetie, look at our tent.  I look over there and its like alfred hitchcock's 'the birds' only with bees.  There are literally about 40 bees swarming in our tent. We killed most of them, then hurried up to close the tent, but every time I had to take Gossy out to go potty, they swarmed back in. 
OMG.  It was H#LL.  So we got up this morning, looked at eachother, agreed we were OUTA there, and came home.  6 hour drive home, had to tear down camp, on zero sleep.  Then on the way home, we stopped for lunch, and David came within an INCH of running over a pedestrian with our truck.  I screamed 'SWEETIE STOP STOP'.  He slammed on the breaks and the guy sorta dove out of the way.  David was WAY too tired to be driving.  Then we got home and puppy peed in the house.  First time all week she has done that.  I am SURE it is from all the confustion/trauma.  I swear, I NEVER want to go on vacation anymore.  I am so tired.               

Offline Bella's mom

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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 11:01:11 pm »
I'm so sorry to hear you had such a horrible time!  Poor guys and poor Badger and Gossy. :(  Sounds like you were more exhausted from just trying to get home.
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 11:01:47 pm »
Mean old nasty bees! Sorry you didn't have a better time.


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2006, 11:05:42 pm »
I was really hoping to hear that you had a wonderful vacation and anniversary free of drama. 


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2006, 11:08:37 pm »
Mel, me too.  David was so excited about it, and I love him so much, tonight on the way home he was almost in tears he felt so awful, but I told him I think the cool thing is that we have eachother and get along so well, and we still love eachother so much after a decade. 
Oh AND other non g rated stuff happened.  Very disgusting even by my standards. 


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2006, 11:10:16 pm »
Poor david.  he was really really trying hard to make it special.  :(  Come to chat..........

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2006, 11:11:06 pm »
Oh NO! so sorry to hear that, but at least it was...memorabl e... right? Hopefully, you'll be able to get away for a weekend to make up for it - in a nice, expensive hotel with air conditioning, jacuzzi tub and reliable pest control!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2006, 11:14:46 pm »
Oh NO! so sorry to hear that, but at least it was...memorabl e... right? Hopefully, you'll be able to get away for a weekend to make up for it - in a nice, expensive hotel with air conditioning, jacuzzi tub and reliable pest control!
LOLOL you read our minds.  We talked about that all the way home.  I mean, in between waxing poetic about our abounding love and trying not to run down pedestrians. 


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2006, 11:16:13 pm »
I'll puppy sit for you!!!!!!!


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2006, 11:20:30 pm »
I'll puppy sit for you!!!!!!!
LOLOLOL I think you mean, "I'll puppy nab for you".  Heehee she is SO cute.  We could have come to the meet and greet, we ended up not even leaving for the camping trip from h3ll until shortly after the greet was over.  There is no way this little girl is getting out of my site for at least a few months.  You can co parent with me if you want to meet up, but I can't part with her.  She smells like puppy.  And she wiggles and gives lots of kisses.  She is so addictive. 


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2006, 11:21:44 pm »
I promise, as soon as she becomes a pain the tushie you can have her back.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2006, 11:38:48 pm »
My God woman!...It sounds like Fear Factor the puppy vacation episode!...What doesn't kill you makes you stronger :-\...Everything happens for a reason :-\...Feel better yet? :D :P
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 11:41:07 pm by Gypsy Jazmine »


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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2006, 11:42:39 pm »
My God woman!...It sounds like Fear Factor the puppy vacation episode!...What doesn't kill you makes you stronger :-\...Everything happens for a reason :-\...Feel better yet? :D :P
Puppy fear factor lolol I always thought the best fear factor would be to make people drink anal gland fluid mixed with big dog slobber. 

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2006, 12:07:06 am »
My God woman!...It sounds like Fear Factor the puppy vacation episode!...What doesn't kill you makes you stronger :-\...Everything happens for a reason :-\...Feel better yet? :D :P
Puppy fear factor lolol I always thought the best fear factor would be to make people drink anal gland fluid mixed with big dog slobber. 
You are SO into Badger!...Does my heart good! ;D :D :D

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Re: Worst Vacation EVER: Badger and Gossy are exhausted
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2006, 06:42:07 am »
I bet on your 20th anniversary (in a luxury hotel) you will be laughing about this camping trip.  Hope you are all over the bee stings and that the pups are settling back into their lifestyle.  Sorry it was a disaster but at least you still have each other!!