Author Topic: Gossy Pictures!  (Read 28902 times)


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Re: Gossy Pictures!
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2006, 12:51:01 pm »
Tee Hee...she has been a little doll the last two days.  I told David I think she must be sick.  Actually I think I know what changed.  I'll post a thread about it! LOLOL


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Re: Gossy Pictures!
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2006, 07:01:16 pm »
Jackie,LOLOL Trust me, if I even tried to pick the box up with her in it she would have freaked out! So far, yeah....I think she is gonna be Bossy Gossy.  I was terrified she might be Gassy Gossy. 
She torments Badger, won't stop jumping on him and generally annoying him during his naptime (which is all of the time). 
He snapped at her once, but she cried like she was really badly hurt (she wasn't) and made him whimper with fear that he hurt her.  Now he just lays there and lets her be a tyrant.  I try and intervene, especially when she yanks on his ears and bites his poor feet...a boy should only have to take so much torture. 
 :D ;D   


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Re: Gossy Pictures!
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2006, 08:12:48 pm »
Poor Gossinator!