Author Topic: I have one big dog already and have the opportunity to get another. Should I?  (Read 9436 times)

Offline Enigma66

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I need some input.  I have a 4 yr old adult male now, and have the opportunity to get a 14 month old spayed female and don't know if I should or not.  I keep weighing the pluses and minuses in my head and can't come to a decision.  My male is awesome.  He's devoted to me and follows me around the house, etc.  That said, I feel like I'm not allowing him to be all he could be by him being an 'only dog' without a live-in dog buddy.  He sees other dogs regularly at the park and other places I take him, but not every day, so there are times where he goes 4-5 days w/o being able to play with another dog and that makes me feel sad.  My feeling is that he's not really content with just hanging out in the house with me.  I feel like he HAS to be content b/c he has no other options.  He's NOT good at keeping himself entertained, and I think he gets bored and just lays down because he doesn't know what to do with himself.  He'll lay down and take a deep breath and let out a big *sigh* and just kind of make the best of it, and that makes me feel like I'm depriving him.

The female I have the opportunity to get isn't a rescue, she's just a pet quality dog that's not going to be a part of the owner's breeding program.  By all accounts she's incredibly intelligent & athletic, and is also object oriented (not sure if that just means she likes to chase balls and sticks or if she also has a pronounced prey drive).

The pluses are obvious: my male would have a live-in buddy for play and for keeping him mentally stimulated when I'm unable to or not at home (and he gets along GREAT with female dogs, as 'buddies' I mean).

The minuses.... I'm not sure there *are* any that I can put my finger on.  I seem to be imagining a lot of 'what if....?' situations that have led me to make this post in the first place, but for some reason I'm still nervous about the whole situation and I don't know why.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Offline DixieSugarBear

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What ??? your not going to get her yet.   ;) On BPO we never say not to a puppy. 

Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)


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We have a 2 dog minimum at BPO. :p  Umm.. I am no good at this stuff.  I'd already be on the way to pick her up. :)

Gypsy Jazmine

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What ??? your not going to get her yet.   ;) On BPO we never say not to a puppy. 


Lisa's right!...Asking at BPO if one should get another puppy is like asking a bunch of alcoholics if you should have another drink! :D
I got my 2nd Great Pyrenees as a companion to my 1st Pyr (at least that's what I tell people ;)) Honestly though I think my 1st Pyr would have just as soon had a kitten as a!...Samson & Pippin grumble at each other & we've had a serious fight or two but I think that is mostly because they are the same sex...They both do well with any dog of the opposite sex...What was hardest for me in getting a 2nd dog is watching my 1st dog get bullied around by the new puppy...It broke my heart!...But, you must let them establish pecking order within your tolerance level & let them work it out to advoid a serious altercation born of frustration & "unfinished business" when you are not there to intervene...My 1st Pyr is still the "underdog" but, for now at least, they have worked out heirarchy...Al l is peaceful at "the zoo" until they decide things need rearranging. :-\ :(
Overall I am glad that I got Pippin & though they act like brothers who are annoyed with each other at times I know they enjoy each other's company. :)


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OK I have to be the devil's advocate here.  I don't think people should ever get a dog, or have a kid, unless they are 100 million percent sure thats what they want, with NO reservations.  This is why I am 34 with no children, and why it took me 4 years to add a second dog to our household.  I just don't personally think it's fair to the family, or fair to the newcomer for there to be any hesitation. 
Even with a HUGE desire to add Gossy to our family, it is a lot of work.  We LOVE her and are so happy we got her, but it is throwing us all off.  If we didn't totally want her, or if we were ambivalent, it would have been wrong for us. 
Just something to think about, everyone is so different about these things...

Offline Bella's mom

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Just make sure that you are getting her because YOU really want her, not just because you want your male to have company.  They may not be that great together, so you want to be happy with her, whether or not she ends up being his "buddy".
Good luck with your decision. :)
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

Gypsy Jazmine

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Just make sure that you are getting her because YOU really want her, not just because you want your male to have company.  They may not be that great together, so you want to be happy with her, whether or not she ends up being his "buddy".
Good luck with your decision. :)
I absolutly agree!...Getting Samson his "own" puppy was just a way to make myself feel still!

Offline Saint and Mal mom

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When I got Dolly, it was so she would be Zoey's playmate. But you know what? Zoey wasn't the one who would have to care for her and pay for her! I was dumb for making that my main reason to get another dog. Yes, it has been good for Zoey I truly believe to have a friend here all the time. But I am just now beginning to feel how much Dolly is for me, not Zoey. And I love it. So, yes, another dog may be good for your first one to play with and be with, but are you ready for one?

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."

Offline Enigma66

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Wow, thanks for all the replies.  A little more info: I'm 40, single, no kids (and no plans to ever have any).  Adding a second dog will mean more expense, but that's not an issue.  What I want is for my dog to be happy.  When I hear him take those deep breaths and let out the long *sighs* I feel so bad for him, like he's bored out of his mind, but will deal with it just so he can lay next to me while I'm on the computer.  When he plays with other dogs his facial expressions and body language scream out "I'm so happy!!!" and I feel like if he had a live-in buddy that it would maybe give him a better quality of life?

I honestly didn't know he'd be so devoted to me.  My last dog was a Golden Retriever, and as much as he loved me, if I didn't have time for him he'd happily go get a tennis ball or bone and chomp away.  I'm sure you've all seen a clip from the tv show Frasier where that little dog Eddie just sits and stares at Frasier.  It's one thing when it's a littler terrier doing it, but another when it's a 140 lb monster.

He's not lacking for attention.  I only work outside of the house a few hours a day, he has the run of the place, he sleeps on my bed.... but I get the feeling that he's not as happy as he could be and that really bothers me b/c I feel like it's my fault.


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I know how you feel. We recently got another dog for all of us, Bubba included. Poor Bubba just seemed so bored. Basically if he wasn't sleeping he was wandering aimlessly around the house, or just following me around. I'm familiar with those long sighs too. Honestly I haven't heard him do that since we brought Lola home, he's not sleeping as much either since he's playing with her most of the day. So now I have 2 happy, tired dogs by the end of the day, instead of one bored dog. :D

If you truly want another dog for YOU and not just your male..  I say go for it.  ;)

Offline 8BIGPAWS

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I had a little old male dog and a young (1 yr old)big female dog. The big dog looked bored or was pestering the little dog. The big dog is a 'dogs dog'.  Love's em all.  And really wanted a playmate.  I came up with a list of criteria (trying to use my head) for my next dog.  It was going to be about the same age and size. I wanted another girl and didn't want a dog that needed grooming. I had one shedder so two wasn't a big deal. 

Well my theory is that dogs find don't find dogs.  And that's the way it should be.  I ended up with a boy dog who needs grooming.  But all the DOGS are very happy together and our new addition is working out very well.  So as long as they're all happy..I never met a dog I could't love.

So are you still asking questions..... go get 'em!

Offline Stacey

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So, did you get her yet? :D
I am kind of a big deal!

Offline Enigma66

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Geez, you people are pushy!   :D

No, I haven't gotten her yet.  She doesn't live just down the block, it'll be a 4-4.5 hour drive to get there so it's a weekend event.

Offline Saint and Mal mom

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We are good about being pushy when it comes to getting more dogs!  ;D

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."

Offline aggghgmom

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OK I have to add my two cents.  As many of you know I really want a second dog but my family isn't as enthusiastic.  I try to tell them Harley is bored and wants a friend, he has Rusty next door and they play a few times a week.  But when push comes to shove I REALLY don't know if Harley wants another dog - he really enjoys having all my attention; when hubby or kids get is between us he barks or tries to get in between us.

So are you really considering the dog for yourself or for your dog?  Are you sure you dog wants you to divide your attention?

Just something to think about!!

But of course, when you do get your new addition we need lots of pictures!!

Randy & Harley