Author Topic: can someone tell me more  (Read 13725 times)

Offline starlit_10577

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can someone tell me more
« on: September 14, 2006, 06:57:26 am »
I have a small in home rescue and a lady just asked me if I could take in a Vizsla/Lab mix that will be put down if I can't. It is a older dog and they are having a hard time finding a home. I just need to know more about Vizsla's please. that way I know what to expect on behovior.
Reese 1y pitbull
Baby 1 year pitbull
Angel 1 year pitbull


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Re: can someone tell me more
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 04:14:08 am »
We have a 1 year old Vizsla Farley. Well what can I say about  He is such a character and has such a personality to him. Vizslas are known to be velcro dogs. He is such a great companion dog. He will lay right beside me on the couch and follow me around the house. He is great with my 6 year old and great with our rotti and weimaraner. I find as long as he gets a couple of runs in the backyard a day or a few walks it burns off the energy that vizslas are known for. His care is very easy and he really does not shed too much. Unless you are wearing black ;) Over all Vizslas are known to be a really healthy breed.We really could not ask for a more loyal and loving boy.

When we were researching the V breed I came across this site that was very helpful. I hope it helps you out.