Author Topic: Half a Million Dogs...  (Read 4861 times)

Offline NoDogNow

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Half a Million Dogs...
« on: August 04, 2006, 01:15:28 pm »
Half a million or more dogs are now in danger in China.  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(  >:(   >:( Stupid Central Committe Comunist *#*$*@^#*(@&#'s!!!!!!

I saw a link to a petition for this, but can't find it now.  Anybody else know what it is?

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline MagicM3

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Re: Half a Million Dogs...
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 03:59:55 pm »
I got his in a newsletter I recieved you can try it

Sign this petition calling on the US Ambassador to China, Clark T. Randt, to urge the Chinese government to adopt a rabies prevention program that protects animals from the disease and inhumane crackdowns if outbreaks occur:

Offline MagicM3

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Re: Half a Million Dogs...
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 04:05:28 pm »
And another thing about this acroticy,I can't think of a name for it.

Does no generation ever learn from history.
When Europe killed all the cats and dogs during the plauge it only made things worse,it turned out it was the fleas on the rats which the cats and dogs kept under control.
Once they went out of control so did the plauge.

Dogs can get rabies,but it the source they need to find and there is simple vacinations that can prevent it in domestic populations.

You can't fix Stupid,but ignorance is curable with knowledge.