Author Topic: Did you know that Dogs Bark?  (Read 28798 times)


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2006, 07:04:03 am »
What a moron!...& I would DEFINTIELY & IMMEDIATLY file a police report...I'd say coming over with a 2 x 4 to confront is would be a deemed a threat by an law enforcment agency!..Also, then if anything else happens you will have this documented...I t is a good thing they don't live near us...Samson & Pippin gaurd that fence like they will kill someone...Gawd this p.o.'s me!!! >:(
can I file a report and not press charges and he'd never know I filed the report? 
There's a County Sheriff 2 doors down, but I don't trust that he'd be impartial.  He's got little kids.
Not sure Lins...Call & ask but please find out...You need to cover your butt & your pupper's butts!...Let us know..k?
I will.  I kinda can't wait till this lawyer calls back now.  I'll ask him about the police report.
I hope he calls back soon but it absolutly SUCKS OUT LOUD that you had to even call a lawyer!...I just got your e-mail & answered...I don't think you have to worry too much about that as I explain in my reply to you. :)

:)  it's been an hour.  Where is that lawyer already!?  :)  thanks for the email.  I needed a little peace of mind. 
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 07:04:30 am by lins_saving_grace »

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2006, 07:09:28 am »
No problem Lin!...Just like I said in the e-mail just remember at the end of the day you'll have Lady & Grace & your dignity & they'll still be moronic buttholes!!!!!!! :-*


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2006, 09:27:53 am »
no call back today.  hopefully tomorrow.  :(

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2006, 10:09:47 am »
I'm a little confused.

Did the HOA actually vote to ASK you to put the girls in a fenced back yard? Because, if they're just asking, say no. They can ask anything they like, but as long as you're abiding by the bylaws and your dogs haven't hurt anyone, you don't have to accede to a request.

But keep calling the attorney.  If they haven't already made a written demand, maybe he can put some kind of estoppel on them even making the demand, because the HOA's harrassment is interfering with your quiet enjoyment of your home.

Call the police, and make a report of a drunk harrassing you, brandishing a 2x4 as a weapon.

As far as the drunk with the 2x4, I'd find him when he was sober and let him know that you've made a police report, and the next time he shows up on your doorstep with a board, you're not going to wait to call the police on him until after he leaves; you're going to lock the doors, and call 911 to report a man with a weapon harrassing you for the SECOND time.

It's time to stop being nice to these jerks. Show  them that they'd rather mess with your dogs than you, Lyn.
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2006, 10:59:55 am »
I'm a little confused.

Did the HOA actually vote to ASK you to put the girls in a fenced back yard? Because, if they're just asking, say no. They can ask anything they like, but as long as you're abiding by the bylaws and your dogs haven't hurt anyone, you don't have to accede to a request.

But keep calling the attorney.  If they haven't already made a written demand, maybe he can put some kind of estoppel on them even making the demand, because the HOA's harrassment is interfering with your quiet enjoyment of your home.

Call the police, and make a report of a drunk harrassing you, brandishing a 2x4 as a weapon.

As far as the drunk with the 2x4, I'd find him when he was sober and let him know that you've made a police report, and the next time he shows up on your doorstep with a board, you're not going to wait to call the police on him until after he leaves; you're going to lock the doors, and call 911 to report a man with a weapon harrassing you for the SECOND time.

It's time to stop being nice to these jerks. Show  them that they'd rather mess with your dogs than you, Lyn.

That bites that the attorney didn't call back today!...I understand that you have to live there but I also agree with this last post...Someone showing up with a 2x4 to confront you is a threat & shouldn't be seen as anything else...It is really too bad though that these morans have put you in this situation!...B.t.w., I am wondering, maybe this guy was just drunk & trying the vigilante thing?...Hav eyou actually heard from the HOA?


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2006, 01:20:09 am »
Last night's events.  nothing major really.  I was in the backyard with the girls doing some training and we made progress.  so I took them for a walk knowing there would be people around.  more good practice.  So we come to a house with people and dogs and I made the girls sit and stay.  they did good and all were impressed. 
On the way home the little dog, the owner and her little kids walked by  us and Lady went bonkers when the dog barked at her.   I got them settled down but this is the lady who's most afraid of the dogs.  My problem is I can't train them not to react to people if they don't see people all the time.  and these people won't understand that at this point.  I think they know I'm trying though.  God I hope anyway. 


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2006, 01:22:31 am »
I'm a little confused.

Did the HOA actually vote to ASK you to put the girls in a fenced back yard? Because, if they're just asking, say no. They can ask anything they like, but as long as you're abiding by the bylaws and your dogs haven't hurt anyone, you don't have to accede to a request.

But keep calling the attorney.  If they haven't already made a written demand, maybe he can put some kind of estoppel on them even making the demand, because the HOA's harrassment is interfering with your quiet enjoyment of your home.

Call the police, and make a report of a drunk harrassing you, brandishing a 2x4 as a weapon.

As far as the drunk with the 2x4, I'd find him when he was sober and let him know that you've made a police report, and the next time he shows up on your doorstep with a board, you're not going to wait to call the police on him until after he leaves; you're going to lock the doors, and call 911 to report a man with a weapon harrassing you for the SECOND time.

It's time to stop being nice to these jerks. Show  them that they'd rather mess with your dogs than you, Lyn.

the HOA "asked" me to consider this as a solution to their fears.  I told them that they'd have to amend the master deed really.  But I told him we'd think about it.  I'm going to call the Sheriff's Dept. today.  My husband asked me not to file a report then changed his mind last night. 

Offline Miranda

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2006, 01:37:02 am »
Okay, I may just be really pessimistic, but it really sounds like that guy and his boy were planning on getting you (and your dogs) in major trouble. The fact that he came WITH a 2x4 sounds like he was definitely expecting something. And it sounds like the little boy was coached into instigating something with the dogs. Thank goodness your dogs are better than that. At this point, I wouldn't feel badly about anything. They've already gone about it all the wrong way. Have any of them EVER talked to you about your dogs before? UGH this is why I hate these damn communities. People want everything to be their way, and they think they can order everyone else around.
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.  ~Phil Pastoret

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2006, 01:55:57 am »
Last night's events.  nothing major really.  I was in the backyard with the girls doing some training and we made progress.  so I took them for a walk knowing there would be people around.  more good practice.  So we come to a house with people and dogs and I made the girls sit and stay.  they did good and all were impressed. 
On the way home the little dog, the owner and her little kids walked by  us and Lady went bonkers when the dog barked at her.   I got them settled down but this is the lady who's most afraid of the dogs.  My problem is I can't train them not to react to people if they don't see people all the time.  and these people won't understand that at this point.  I think they know I'm trying though.  God I hope anyway. 
Lin, just an idea I'm throwing out but is there anyway you can walk Lady & Grace in another neighborhood until they get better at not barking at things?...I know we have a place in the town we moved from where alot of people walk dogs & even go to walk...It's a very long avenue so nobody knows if you really don't live there. (which really doesn't matter!) I just thought if maybe you could practice socialization with people & dogs you don't know & who don't know you it might help in your neighborhood.. .Like I said, just an idea...Does Lady know the "leave it" command?...That's what I use on Samson & Pippin when we walk & they are overly interested & excited about something that makes them act like knuckleheads.. ..I just keep saying it as we walk by each time it looks like they are interested in "getting" something or someone. ::)
Hopefully with some work on your part this will just blow over but still find out what the attorney has to say & I am thinking because the HOA is just asking that legally they don't have a leg to stand on...Just say no. ;D


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2006, 02:21:37 am »
Last night's events.  nothing major really.  I was in the backyard with the girls doing some training and we made progress.  so I took them for a walk knowing there would be people around.  more good practice.  So we come to a house with people and dogs and I made the girls sit and stay.  they did good and all were impressed. 
On the way home the little dog, the owner and her little kids walked by  us and Lady went bonkers when the dog barked at her.   I got them settled down but this is the lady who's most afraid of the dogs.  My problem is I can't train them not to react to people if they don't see people all the time.  and these people won't understand that at this point.  I think they know I'm trying though.  God I hope anyway. 
Lin, just an idea I'm throwing out but is there anyway you can walk Lady & Grace in another neighborhood until they get better at not barking at things?...I know we have a place in the town we moved from where alot of people walk dogs & even go to walk...It's a very long avenue so nobody knows if you really don't live there. (which really doesn't matter!) I just thought if maybe you could practice socialization with people & dogs you don't know & who don't know you it might help in your neighborhood.. .Like I said, just an idea...Does Lady know the "leave it" command?...That's what I use on Samson & Pippin when we walk & they are overly interested & excited about something that makes them act like knuckleheads.. ..I just keep saying it as we walk by each time it looks like they are interested in "getting" something or someone. ::)
Hopefully with some work on your part this will just blow over but still find out what the attorney has to say & I am thinking because the HOA is just asking that legally they don't have a leg to stand on...Just say no. ;D
oh that's a fabulous idea.  I had thought about it.  just never had done it. I will ... there's a pretty well used bike path I can go to and people don't know us.  that would introduce the girls to people and moving objects.  :)  i'll do that now.    Lady knows the "Pay attention" command.
Thank you!  I knew you knew every thing.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2006, 02:42:12 am »
Last night's events.  nothing major really.  I was in the backyard with the girls doing some training and we made progress.  so I took them for a walk knowing there would be people around.  more good practice.  So we come to a house with people and dogs and I made the girls sit and stay.  they did good and all were impressed. 
On the way home the little dog, the owner and her little kids walked by  us and Lady went bonkers when the dog barked at her.   I got them settled down but this is the lady who's most afraid of the dogs.  My problem is I can't train them not to react to people if they don't see people all the time.  and these people won't understand that at this point.  I think they know I'm trying though.  God I hope anyway. 
Lin, just an idea I'm throwing out but is there anyway you can walk Lady & Grace in another neighborhood until they get better at not barking at things?...I know we have a place in the town we moved from where alot of people walk dogs & even go to walk...It's a very long avenue so nobody knows if you really don't live there. (which really doesn't matter!) I just thought if maybe you could practice socialization with people & dogs you don't know & who don't know you it might help in your neighborhood.. .Like I said, just an idea...Does Lady know the "leave it" command?...That's what I use on Samson & Pippin when we walk & they are overly interested & excited about something that makes them act like knuckleheads.. ..I just keep saying it as we walk by each time it looks like they are interested in "getting" something or someone. ::)
Hopefully with some work on your part this will just blow over but still find out what the attorney has to say & I am thinking because the HOA is just asking that legally they don't have a leg to stand on...Just say no. ;D
oh that's a fabulous idea.  I had thought about it.  just never had done it. I will ... there's a pretty well used bike path I can go to and people don't know us.  that would introduce the girls to people and moving objects.  :)  i'll do that now.    Lady knows the "Pay attention" command.
Thank you!  I knew you knew every thing.
OMG!!..I am continuously stressed out because I can't come up with solutions to my own problems...I am only good at helping other people solve!...I really just want you to get this worked out!...It stresses me out to think about how you must feel!...I can't even imagine how you really do feel! :-\ :(


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2006, 03:03:59 am »
AW Lins, I am so sorry to hear all this trouble you are having. I wish you a fast resolution to them. Thinking of you.


Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2006, 03:59:06 am »
No brilliant words of wisdom here, just sorry you're having to deal with this.  I hope you can find some resolution.  I can't imagine having such conflict with your neighbors!  How frustrating!


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2006, 04:31:36 am »
ok!  i called the Kent Co. Sheriff's Dept. and asked if I should file a police report.  he said i can if i want to but it might make things worse.  If the guy comes over again tell him if he's got a big stick you will call the cops and then do it. no one has reported the dogs and there's nothing in the by laws that state I have to have them in the backyard.  go to the HOA and talk to them and go from here. 
I'm going to work with the girls in other parts of town and keep them away from the neighbors until they are a little less spaztic. 


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark? Update
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2006, 04:50:10 am »
OK...I called a trainer.  He said I could have him come to the house and show me what I'm not doing to establish my authority.  but...dogs bark to chase things away.  When people walk by the yard, the girls bark...the people walk away...the girls have succeeded.
The barking and growling in the street is me not having complete authority.   I've come a long way in the last 4 days though.  my husband said they are like different dogs and to keep it up. 
Every dog should be able to sit and stay for 30 minutes no matter the distractions.  so if I have to sit in the middle of Dio Dr. with the girls at ease with distractions coming and going, dogs barking and people walking...I WILL! 
I am so proud of the girls though.  I've been going outside with them for 2 hours a night teaching them come, stay, sit, no, pay attention, etc.  Lady looks at me before she makes a single move now.  Grace..well she'll get it..but she's got pay attention, sit and come down pat.  She does what Lady does so if I can get Lady to stop barking and lunging Grace won't do it either. 
I'm ashamed of myself though.  I babied them too long.
God I'm exhausted.