Author Topic: Did you know that Dogs Bark?  (Read 28797 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark? Update
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2006, 04:58:27 am »
OK...I called a trainer.  He said I could have him come to the house and show me what I'm not doing to establish my authority.  but...dogs bark to chase things away.  When people walk by the yard, the girls bark...the people walk away...the girls have succeeded.
The barking and growling in the street is me not having complete authority.   I've come a long way in the last 4 days though.  my husband said they are like different dogs and to keep it up. 
Every dog should be able to sit and stay for 30 minutes no matter the distractions.  so if I have to sit in the middle of Dio Dr. with the girls at ease with distractions coming and going, dogs barking and people walking...I WILL! 
I am so proud of the girls though.  I've been going outside with them for 2 hours a night teaching them come, stay, sit, no, pay attention, etc.  Lady looks at me before she makes a single move now.  Grace..well she'll get it..but she's got pay attention, sit and come down pat.  She does what Lady does so if I can get Lady to stop barking and lunging Grace won't do it either. 
I'm ashamed of myself though.  I babied them too long.
God I'm exhausted.   
Way to take control of the situation Lin!...I am VERY proud of you!!! ;D


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark? Update
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2006, 05:03:35 am »
OK...I called a trainer.  He said I could have him come to the house and show me what I'm not doing to establish my authority.  but...dogs bark to chase things away.  When people walk by the yard, the girls bark...the people walk away...the girls have succeeded.
The barking and growling in the street is me not having complete authority.   I've come a long way in the last 4 days though.  my husband said they are like different dogs and to keep it up. 
Every dog should be able to sit and stay for 30 minutes no matter the distractions.  so if I have to sit in the middle of Dio Dr. with the girls at ease with distractions coming and going, dogs barking and people walking...I WILL! 
I am so proud of the girls though.  I've been going outside with them for 2 hours a night teaching them come, stay, sit, no, pay attention, etc.  Lady looks at me before she makes a single move now.  Grace..well she'll get it..but she's got pay attention, sit and come down pat.  She does what Lady does so if I can get Lady to stop barking and lunging Grace won't do it either. 
I'm ashamed of myself though.  I babied them too long.
God I'm exhausted.   
Way to take control of the situation Lin!...I am VERY proud of you!!! ;D
Thank you!  It's discouraging when they screw up once after so much work though cuz the neighbors only see the bad stuff now.  :) 

Offline Softhug

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2006, 05:54:09 am »
I am so proud of all the work you are doing.  It is too bad more parents don't take this much time with their skin-kids! 

I was wondering if you had gotten with the HOA at a monthly meeting about electing to send a drunk man with a weapon to your door?  If they are worried about a couple of barking, confined dogs, what about a person walking around their neighborhood drunk with a weapon?  ??? ??? ??? 

You know, I believe that there is a law that if you are threatned on your own property you can legally shoot the buttholes...Yo u need a sign that says, "Don't worry about the barking dogs, beware of the owner packin' heat!"  ;)  ;D  I sure hope that things get worked out soon in your favor.   
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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2006, 07:42:01 am »
I am so proud of all the work you are doing.  It is too bad more parents don't take this much time with their skin-kids! 

I was wondering if you had gotten with the HOA at a monthly meeting about electing to send a drunk man with a weapon to your door?  If they are worried about a couple of barking, confined dogs, what about a person walking around their neighborhood drunk with a weapon?  ??? ??? ??? 

You know, I believe that there is a law that if you are threatned on your own property you can legally shoot the buttholes...Yo u need a sign that says, "Don't worry about the barking dogs, beware of the owner packin' heat!"  ;)  ;D  I sure hope that things get worked out soon in your favor.   
I thought about going to the HOA president...bu t 1.) we didn't want to stur up any more trouble.  and 2.) the HOA is against us no matter what.  the cop told me to do that when I called to SD and I told him the same thing.
Next time he shows up at the door...I will call the police. 
I don't go to the HOA meetings cuz they talk about speed bumps and tall grass.  And this last one wasn't published or made known really. They usually post a sign in the street the day of the meeting and put it in the newsletter which we didn't see.  but everyone else knew about the meeting by word of mouth I guess (and they simply forgot to tell us about it and that there would be the dog issue coming up). 
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 08:02:08 am by lins_saving_grace »

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2006, 08:10:16 am »
Did the attorney call you back?  Because it sounds like you're going to need it.  Clandestine meetings are almost always a bad, bad thing.  You need to find out if there's anyway to stop this before they have any more public meetings where they try to push an amendment thru.

I know you hate confronting people, but you're going to have to step up and make these people deal with you. You've got a stupid woman with an out of control rat that PROVOKES other dogs who hasn't had a word said to her who's on the inside of the anti-Grace and Lady lobby, pushing the issue. 

Besides the trainer, what about obedience certifications?  If you can shove certifications in these people's faces, then your claim that your dogs are reacting to provocation should be bolstered.

One of the girls that works on another floor here is on the side of the devil regarding a pit bull in her complex, and that dog's owner pretty much shut the condo association up at their meeting on Monday night by waving the dog's obedience certificates and CGC in their faces. She's been frothing at the mouth about 'that dangerous dog is allowed to go anywhere he wants because of that piece of paper' ever since.  You can't even get in an elevator with her without hearing how dangerous the dog is, yada yada. 

Do you have any papers that you can wave at your stupid HOA?
Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2006, 08:37:39 am »
Did the attorney call you back?  Because it sounds like you're going to need it.  Clandestine meetings are almost always a bad, bad thing.  You need to find out if there's anyway to stop this before they have any more public meetings where they try to push an amendment thru.

I know you hate confronting people, but you're going to have to step up and make these people deal with you. You've got a stupid woman with an out of control rat that PROVOKES other dogs who hasn't had a word said to her who's on the inside of the anti-Grace and Lady lobby, pushing the issue. 

Besides the trainer, what about obedience certifications?  If you can shove certifications in these people's faces, then your claim that your dogs are reacting to provocation should be bolstered.

One of the girls that works on another floor here is on the side of the devil regarding a pit bull in her complex, and that dog's owner pretty much shut the condo association up at their meeting on Monday night by waving the dog's obedience certificates and CGC in their faces. She's been frothing at the mouth about 'that dangerous dog is allowed to go anywhere he wants because of that piece of paper' ever since.  You can't even get in an elevator with her without hearing how dangerous the dog is, yada yada. 

Do you have any papers that you can wave at your stupid HOA?

both attorneys I called said this is not a case they would handle.  I'm hoping that thing at my neighbors house last night was just a party light party thingy or something stupid.  but they can't shut me out like that.
I called a trainer and am considering starting obedience training.  there's a class starting on the 13th of Sept. that's the earliest I can get into. 

Offline kathryn

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2006, 03:45:04 am »
I just wanted to say congrats on all the progress you have made with your girls.  Just my 2 cents: I would call the lawyers back and ask if they know of someone that will handle your case or can advise on this issue.  The other thing I would do is walk along the road around the HOA members homes.  God, knows one of them has a dog that fence runs and barks and take pictures of it.  If they want to force you to move your fence line then you have evidence that their dog is "dangerous" also.  If the guy comes back doing his imitation of "Standing Tall" get pictures of him and have your camera time and date stamp them. 
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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2006, 04:39:40 am »
I just wanted to say congrats on all the progress you have made with your girls.  Just my 2 cents: I would call the lawyers back and ask if they know of someone that will handle your case or can advise on this issue.  The other thing I would do is walk along the road around the HOA members homes.  God, knows one of them has a dog that fence runs and barks and take pictures of it.  If they want to force you to move your fence line then you have evidence that their dog is "dangerous" also.  If the guy comes back doing his imitation of "Standing Tall" get pictures of him and have your camera time and date stamp them. 
I've had my camera ready for Todd to come marching back with his stupid stick. I will not negociate with drunken barbarians.  I made up my mind about that.
I hope the people in the neighborhood are starting to notice their progress.  I talk loud enough and everyone has had their windows open at night too.  I've picked certain houses to stop in front of and do sit stay's and last night i saw 2 peoples looking out.  and the guy this morning gave me a little smile.  :) 
I shall call the lawyers back and see if they can recommend someone. 
« Last Edit: August 10, 2006, 04:47:46 am by lins_saving_grace »


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2006, 01:19:43 am »
I thought we had graduated to walking in the street with people last night.  And for the most part the girls did great.  Every distraction I made them sit and lay down till they paid no attention to it. 
Then right before we got the the driveway and small family of bikes passed us fast.  We sat and stayed.  the mom said thank you.  Then Grace pounced.  They sped off at light speed saying "those stupid dogs". 
but we made it 1/2 way through the insident before exploding.  that's progress. 

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2006, 08:46:51 am »
You'd have been fine if she hadn't said thanks, I'll bet. Why do other people have to have manners?  ;)

You've come MILES in a really short time.  Don't get discouraged, and don't stop walking with them.  Get their dad to bike along side you and talk to you so they get used to the bike and the talking now.  And kiss they girls for being so good!  :-*  :-* One for each.
Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2006, 08:49:04 am »
You'd have been fine if she hadn't said thanks, I'll bet. Why do other people have to have manners?  ;)

You've come MILES in a really short time.  Don't get discouraged, and don't stop walking with them.  Get their dad to bike along side you and talk to you so they get used to the bike and the talking now.  And kiss they girls for being so good!  :-*  :-* One for each.
Thank you.  I need all the encouragment I can get.  I'm so tired.  but I see the change in's a huge difference. 
But yeah...i'd a been ok if she hadn't said a word.  it's not like it's not obvious I'm training them. 
I'll give em 2 kisses each.