Author Topic: i need a help to get back at a neighbor  (Read 4029 times)

Offline lshelley21

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i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« on: August 18, 2006, 02:51:46 am »
how do you make your dog growl and bark at one person? is it possible? This poopy woman is 47, and complains at my every move i make at the condo... so how can i make her life He^^? I can use dog training to my success, she dare to touch my dog after complaining about me taking a parking spot for my bike? So how can i teach my dog this? What else can i give her a reason to complain... she wants to complain... i will give her a reason....(She already complained to the office about Jaz,.... but oh well no weight limits.....)she is AAAAAAHHHHHHHH HHHHH
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
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Offline jabear

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 02:59:48 am »
I'm not really sure th at teching your dog to be mean to somone is the right way to go. Not only will it be teaching your dog the very things we all try to avoid but it might backfire on you causing the dog to be aggressive in general. I think that a better route would be to ignore the woman and make sure that everyone else in your complex is totally and completely in love with your dog. Remember, you do more good with honey than vinegar.  ;D And if she really just doesn't like you this will make you a major thorn in her side.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline lshelley21

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 03:04:29 am »
I would never do something that in the long run would teach aggression in any way...  i would just not even go there...... I am jsut sick of her..she comeplained about my grill because she didn;t like the way it looked.... she complained that i put a trash bag outside for less than 5 minutes..until i could lock my condo and she complained.... ..She complains about d hates..i mean hates dogs.......and yet she dares to pet jaz, and then complain behind your back... I am getting fined because i took her unmarked parking spot in the parking lot... no oone belons to any spot...... I HAVE ENOUGH DRAMA with out dealing with her...AAAHHHH
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
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Offline lshelley21

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 03:05:26 am »
can i pull a restraining order on her????
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
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Offline jabear

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 03:08:38 am »
She complains about d hates..i mean hates dogs.......and yet she dares to pet jaz, and then complain behind your back...

When you see her then make a huge effort to walk in the other direction or say quietly (in a voice that only she can hear)as you walk by her not allowing her to touch him "We need to hurry because only nice people can touch you" or something like that. You could also let others touch your baby and when she approaches leave. If she is gonna talk then give her some reason to talk.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline lshelley21

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2006, 03:28:33 am »
If you only knew..... the day i moved in my condo, she said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU DON"T LIVE THERE" i said well i do i am just moving in... and she slammed the door in my face. She told me her best friend mark terry lives there... i said well he moved out a month ago..once i told her that she has had it out for me. You see for the past 2 years my bike is parked in the emergency lane so it doesn't take a spot... once i moved my bike she parked there...well my bike came back since the summer is here and she doesn't like it. I called once i got this letter and they said that i can have her car towed since it is in the firelane. Everyone else who parks there gets tix except her..and i am sick of it... 5 of us in the condo set up the sercurity guy... all of us alternated that spot..all got tix...she parked there ... no tic. I was being considerate in not taking a spot, not only that, i have two bikes in one she wants them in 2 spots well so be it... i will take up 4 spots total......mat ts bike, my bike, matts truck, my truck...that is fine 4 spots here i come.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(   I swear she wants my condo....good thing i own it! lol... she rents for 10 year!!!! AAAHHHH I HATE HER>>>>
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
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Offline lshelley21

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2006, 03:42:15 am »
i laugh at her, because i was warned when i moved in by some other neighbors about her. They said she always complains... i understand if a dog is barking 99% of the day..or for 3 hours straight....or if i parked like she does.... but no noone of that... I park straight (as sttraight as i can), i have no dog issues, I just took her spot so she has to walk longer (10ft) to get to her condo on the second floor.....I called the condo and they said that all i have to do is re-register because the parking sticker they gave me expires every three months which is i just have to re-sticker and all set... little does she know. I told them about her always parking there and they said i can call and have it towed...or have her fined... i perfer .and as far as jaz.... NEVER would i teach her anything dangerouse.... She is too sweet and lovy for that <--plus i don't want the consequence that  can happen.... just think if i had a pit bull at the condo instead of a dane ... then what would she (NO OFFENCE TO PITS, I HAD 3 of THEM...) I just know she would be complaining everyday about it if i did have one.... if she only knew i also have 4 ferrets, 2 geckos and a 30 gal. fish One pet only. lol. Worst thing... she is 47, single, well her bf comes around 1 x a week for less than an hour I would run too.
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
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Offline lshelley21

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2006, 04:20:09 am »
hmm..... i can't wait to go home tonight......
Lauren, Jazmine (great dane)
Jazmine's pets:
Calvin (ferret)
Willy (ferret)
Samantha (ferret)
Baxter (ferret)
Ferrets friends:
Shirly and baldamore (geckos)
Gecko's friend:
Big D (fish)

Oh yeah.. my pet.. Matt (hubby)
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Offline newflvr

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2006, 04:44:01 am »
She sounds like she a sad, depressed, sicko with nothing better to do than complain.  It gives her a place in the world.  I agree with everyone else.  Don't waste your energy on her.  She's mentally ill.  Love your dog, live your life and pretend she doesn't exist!  I'm firmly convinced that each person makes his own heaven or h*ll in this world.  Let her be miserable in her own h*ll.

Offline swells

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2006, 01:15:04 pm »
I would be very careful about letting her pet your dog. She sounds like the type of person that if your dog drools on her that she would try to sue or accuse him of biting her. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT! GRRRRR!!!!!!


Offline NoDogNow

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2006, 01:25:19 pm »
She sounds like an ExLax brownies kind of woman to me. Just a couple of squares, shaved, and sprinkled over the top of the brownies as they come out of the oven, along with a few regular chocolate chips, left on a paper plate wrapped in Saran Wrap with a bow.

I'm all about irritating rude neighbors back, but I totally agree that you shouldn't put Jaz anywhere near her and her crap.  Find other ways to torture her.  You're welcome to my ExLax plan, if you like.
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline MagicM3

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2006, 08:07:38 pm »
rude bothersome neighbors can be a pain in the butt,but I kinda think you can take the high road so to speak,she is probably a very lonely person,I wouldn't avoid her I would go out of my way to be friendly when I ran into her,as far as your baby goes I wouldn't let her pet him,I'd just say I'm sorry he's in training.
I would never let her know she got to me,
It may be a harder  road to take but you are what is important here not her.
And I believe that everyone that crosses our path is there for a reason,that has nothing to do neccessaiarly with them but with ourselves.
I  do wish you luck
Tricia and the fur kids

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: i need a help to get back at a neighbor
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2006, 03:01:37 am »
Definitly do not try to teach your dog to bark at her!...I know it's tempting (oh believe me I do!!!) but it will just add fuel to the you want your sweet dog to behave like a sweet dog! :)

I have a neighbor that recently called the police because the dogs were barking before 10 p.m. & then at 2:30 in the afternoon...I talk to this woman all the time & she has even asked me to bring the dogs out for her company to see...I've asked her numerous times if the dogs are bothering her & always get "no ...not at all"...Then I found out she calls the police on her neighbors quite often for rediculous reasons...Well, the police, for some reason (maybe they are sick of her?) gave me her name & I called her at home & told her that I'd given her every chance to call me if ever there is a problem...I was overly nice about it...I don't anticipate anymore trouble from her because I called her on it...Maybe you should "kill her with kindness"...No matter what how irritating!! >:(