Author Topic: peeing in the house after surgery  (Read 7901 times)

Offline maggieb

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peeing in the house after surgery
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:05:32 pm »
My 7 mo old pup has just started peeing in the house again.  He's been housebroken for several months.  He had hip surgery about a week ago.  I just called the vet to see if it could be a side effect of the meds but apparently not.  I'm guessing it is an emotional/behavioral thing.  Does anyone have any experience or ideas about this?


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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 12:06:59 pm »
Gracey goes through phases where she'll slip and make a puddle just to bother me.  It's gotta be a behavioral thing.  :)

Offline pndlake

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2005, 11:20:02 am »
My dog started getting a little leakage while laying down on the patio.  Never while in the house, only outside.  (go figure) I asked the vet and he said that it is often a side affect of having her neutered.  I don't know if that was a cover up for a botched job or not.  He gave me medicine to correct it and I have used it occasionally.  It helps but after awhile comes back.  I do not give it to her all the time, only when we will travel or visit friends.  It is called cystolamine.  Anybody else have this problem?

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2005, 01:14:30 am »
Peggy I have not heard of leaking being a side affect after spaying, but it may very well be. Dang..... I know after my own c-secs that if I hadnt had to get up and go to the bathroom, I would have been very happy just staying in my bed and well you know hehe

Maggieb...... 7 months sounds a little like a teenager. It is not at all unusual that dogs get all the basics down and after the first hard puppy time, are real well behaved, then when the teenage hormones jump all over the place, they start to totally forget certain things they knew. One that is very common is to all of a sudden start to have booboos inside again. One thing could be if he is in a lot of pain, that he simply finds it easier to go wherever he happens to be, rather than go to the door and having to do a lot more walking. But I have no idea if he is even hurting.

Also, even if it is only a teenage issue, I can imagine it being a bit hard on you, not only that he is peeing inside again, I think I would be like, ohhhhh but he isnt feeling too good, and have a hard time letting him know he is a very naughty boy, and of course they pick up on that real quick  ;D ::) And take advantage of us when vulnerable and weak hehe

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Offline pndlake

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2005, 11:21:11 pm »
Thanks Marit, I was really hoping someone had used the medicine Cystolamine or also known as  Phenylpropanol amine - wow what a name.  I heard that it was an ingrediant in an over- the- counter diet people medicine that was discontinued at least with that big word, whatever it is in it so that now vets have to prescribe it. Does that make any sense ???.  Thanks for any input. 

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2005, 11:58:16 pm »
Yes the active ingredient phenylpropanol amine, it has been quite a lot of talk about. They spoke a lot about it some time ago. FDA is recommending to take alternative drugs, it has been proven that in humans it can cause strokes, I heard two different figures, one was that it increses the risk 15 times if you take the drug, another I heard was that it incresed the stroke risk with 50%. So no matter the figure, it sure sounds like a "no do" to me. I cant say if they still have that ingr. or not, but I found out when I read the bottles at home, that certain real common meds at home had it (at least when I checked, may be changed by now) but Alka-Seltzer, Robitussin and Dimetapp all had phenylpropanol amine as one active ingr.

I hadnt heard of Cystolamine so I got curious and did some research and it is apperently still used in vet. med and is used to treat urinary incontinence it is supposed to tighten the bladder sphincter muscle.  It also says to watch carefully if your dog shows signs of restlessness, increased heart rate, weakness, pale gums, seizures or difficulty urinating. So I guess the side effects are there even when used in dogs. Mind you I dont think you find many meds without any side effects at all. So probably a matter of making sure the benefits from a meds outweigh the risks. But I think I would think both two and three times and see if there were no alternetives if the vet told me he wanted to treat my dogs with that meds.

Peggy, is your dog still on that meds??

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2005, 12:08:21 am »
Wow, thanks Marit, that helps a little.  I found that if I put it in her food one night after a problem it seems to cure it for awhile.  I kinda use it as a preventitive if we have work to do or are visiting friends.  Guess I am glad that I use it scarcely and have not noticed any side effects.  I am comfortable with using it like that and not on a regular basis.  How do you get all that info ???it is sure helpful, thanks, Peggy

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2005, 12:21:17 am »
Well Peggy hehe some people call me nosy.... ::) I like to call it curious and starving for facts hehe, sounds way better doesnt it. I have for as long as I have had animlas, every time I go to the vet. asked 101 questions, about issues with my animals, issues they have right at that moment or friends pets, just chitchatting with the vet (you need to find a vet that likes to volunteer a bunch of info) I also love to read a lot, the kind of stuff most people concider boring lol......

And I use the internet a bit, find health sites, veterinary sites, FDA sites or other more oficial sites, I like to use them more than sites where you really dont know if it is the "straight facts" or someones opinion. And since I have kids I also do the very same with the docs hehe, and pick up a little here and a little there. And I think having been in rescue for so long, has tought me lots and lots, But I think you have to actually enjoy reading about the boring stuff. Hubby just shakes his head about what I find interesting  ;D

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Offline pndlake

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2005, 12:48:52 am »
However you come about it, thanks it helps alot.  Am I correct in assuming that if I use it sparingly, it could help when I need it. ???  You are right, I should call my vet.  Thanks, Peggy 8)

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2005, 01:12:54 am »
I think it is meant as a preventative med, it says that if a dose is missed, relapses are rather common. But the less she needs the better it is I assume. I think I would talk to my vet though, about my concerns and have him present some data and statistics, so you know how big of a risk it is, and maybe there is an alternative you can give.

Let us know what he/she says and hopefully it is totally okay when you dont need to use more than you do

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Offline pndlake

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2005, 01:27:02 am »
Thanks Marit :-*

Offline maggieb

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2005, 10:40:02 am »
I was furious last night!  My husband and I returned home after a few hours to find that Cooper peed all over the kitchen and I mean every inch.  It was trailed all around and across his bed and our older dog's bed.  It was obviously not an "accident".  We ignored him all night and only gave him attention and praise when he peed outside.  This morning there were no puddles to clean up.  We think he might be marking or trying to become top dog.  He hasn't needed pain medicine for days and he's getting (was getting) pampered so I doubt it is attention seeking.  Whatever it is, it has to stop!

Offline jabear

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2005, 11:11:27 am »
I am so glad that the peeing inside the house stopped. What a goofy Newfy! Isn't it so awesome how intuitive and sensitive Newfs are. I know when Bear makes mistakes and we ignore him and tell him he was a bad boy he gets super sad. He hangs his head down in shame and doesn't move til we go back to him and let him know we forgive him. If, by chance, we take too long to forgive him then he is the biggest baby. He does and army crawl to me and puts his head in your lap and looks at you like "Come on mom. Aren't I the saddest looking baby ever? Please forgive me...please". With his tail wagging at the same time, how can you not forgive him? Then once forgiveness is give, it is like watch out cuz here come the never ending kisses and hugs. I love it!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline maggieb

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2005, 11:48:11 am »
I know!  It was really hard to ignore him because he is so so cute and I love all the love he gives.  You know, I hated being licked on the face before we got him but I got over that quickly.  He's so affectionate.

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2005, 08:19:23 pm »
he could have a UTI
the meds and stress on his body could have thrown him off kilter
bring a pee sample in, use a ladle to collect it.
bring it in and insist on them checking it.
stress can bring on a uti in a second flat, boy or girl.
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