Author Topic: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON  (Read 5022 times)


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Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« on: September 05, 2006, 12:09:04 pm »
I am just amazed at Honda North America. We bought an ATV Rancher in Dec 2004 and it has been in the shop as much as I have had it. We have 13 pages of repairs since January 2005. It is still not working properly and now the service manager at the dealer says that he refuses to accept it back for any more repairs.Other dealers dont want to touch it because they fear that the problems are from the other dealer. So what do I have? A defective 6500.00 ATV and a useless extended warranty (which Honda gave us since there were so many problems) I have sent the mandatory 30 day notice to Honda for the Lemon Law and of course, they did not respond. I have contacted an attorney which wasnt that much help, so now I am filing with the state. I am so irritated as I once again write that check for that monthly payment on a defective machine.

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 01:47:52 pm »
*ouch* That's too bad. My best friends are going through the same trouble, only with a Motorhome they purchased. (Our tour bus when the band is on the road.) It got all the way to the State Attorney General's Office, and then they found out that the law states it has to be in the shop 60 days. They're only on day 45.  :( >:( Their attorney is still working on the problem though,(Class-Action!)as this thing is *literally* a rolling death-trap waiting to happen.

The blasted thing's odometer has reset itself three times, and then the Awning rolled out...on it's own....while we were driving down the freeway at about 60mph!!!!!! It sheared off and we're damn lucky there was no one behind us, or it would have went straight through their windshield! And that's just the beginning of the catalog of problems!

I feel your pain dear!
Leah and the Boy-os
Apollo (Akita/St. Bernard)
Zeus (Heinz 57)
Onyx (Newfoundland)
Being owned by Big Paws just indicates how big your heart is.

located - Gig Harbor, WA

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 03:34:42 pm »
You have to keep bugging them. Write the attorney general, the car dealership, the manufacturer, the Better Business Journal, and so on. Keep it up. I had the same problem, only with an Eagle Talon that I bought out of the showroom. The next day it didn't even start. The malfunctions occurred day after day, week after week, and finally, after about a year, Chrysler Corp. called me up and asked what I'd like instead.
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  ~Gilda Radner


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 01:04:36 am »
Yes! Keep on them! And in the mean time, I will see if there are any numbers closer to the top that I can get for you. My dad used to own a Honda dealership...h e might have numbers or names or whatever. (Or ideas) I'll get back to you!

Offline Skippy

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2006, 03:13:43 am »
This is just a thought, it works for credit cards sometimes. Have you tried your lender. If you told them of your problems, maybe they could put a little pressure on especially if you hint that you might let the lender have it.

Central New York


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 12:51:00 pm »
My lender is Honda. They just want thier money. I have never missed a payment and shudder at the thought of what they could do to my credit rating if I said to heck with it. I am filing with the Atty General- but the attorney I spoke to said that it is required that we go thru mediation and that most of the meditors are buds with the big manufacturers. But that is my next course of action- If we can not agree in mediation- I am thinking small claims court and sue for the max which is 5000.00. I would love a jury trial. I think that a lot of working people could understand my dilema. The service guy is horrible- called me a mental case,told corporate that I was making up problems that he could never find. I pointed out to Honda that if I was such a mental case and he could never find a problem, then why did I have 13 pages of repairs that they have been paying for under the extended warranty and was he fraudulently billing Honda? They told me good point and that they would get back with me and of course never have and it has been 45 days. We are not well off by any means and we both work for everything that we have and it just irks me that I have committed myself to that kind of money for a vehicle that doesnt run. No, I am not giving up. Cant, too much money.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 02:11:49 pm »
I feel our pain!...I bought a Dodge Durango but used from my uncle...Before we bought it it blew 3 radiators...Wh en the dealer had to replace the 1st replacement they told my uncle they must have installed it wrong...O.k... fair enough...Then we bought it...We are on our 3rd radiator in a little more than 6 months...We fully believe that the dealer knows full well what was wrong with it when my uncle still had it while under warrenty but it was cheaper for them to keep replacing radiators...So, we are just screwed because we bought it used & from a relative. :-\ >:( ...I did alot of research & found two other owners with the same truck & problem but the "fixes" were "don't know" & "keep replacing radiators." :(
Go get 'em bigdogs!!!...Tell 'em Gypsy sent ya'!!! ;) ;D

Offline Skippy

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 02:20:42 pm »
Sorry this is happening to you. Unforunately it happens alot.
There is a national talk show that I listen to sometimes. Tom the Troubleshooter . They deal with these kinds of problems alot. They have referral lists for all over the country.

Here is the website.
troubleshooter .com - Home

Follow the link at the top of the page to report a problem. On that page there is also a telephone number to call them. You can most of the time. They usually at least talk to the dealer. If that doesn't help they may then go to the company.

You might also try Clark Howard. He would be more likely to tell you who to write to and what to write.

Hope this helps.

You sure have a lot of big dogs. How do you keep up with them. We only have one. She is eight months old and just like a kid. She is good though and is beginning to settle some.

Central New York


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 02:43:23 pm »
Thanks so much for that info. I am going to use it tomorrow. As far as the dogs, well now that the kids are adults (still live at home though) the pups are my babies. My human kids help out a lot and we all love the pups unconditionall y, which is important since it is like we are living in a house full of 4 legged toddlers. One of the main uses for the ATV is so that the dogs can go out into the back pasture and woods and we can go with them and make sure that they are safe. So the ATV to me is a necessity. Also I am in a quandry now about those Danes in the kill shelter. I know that I cant keep them- dont know if I can find them homes, but I am about to go nuts with the thought that they could be put to sleep.


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2006, 03:16:56 pm »
Dale, (enuffpaws) my hubby has worked in car dealerships for 20 years or better. According to him, start calling the corporate office DAILY.When Joe Blow says I'm sorry, I can't help you or puts you off with B.S. ask to talk to his boss. Be the biggest pain in the rear that they have ever seen, until someone pays attention. Be relentless.
   Myself, personally, I would contact the better business bureau in your state and report the dealership AND the mechanic. They cannot refuse to work on the product when it is still under warrenty, and the mechanic has no right to speak to you in that manner. Make them all miserable, and you may be surprised at the results. The squeaky wheel does get the grease.


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2006, 11:44:59 pm »
The campaign starts today. I even thought that I could put the ATV on Ebay - "The Honda Lemon in the color Red". And give its story- I dont expect anyone to even bid on it- but I could get the story out there - and who knows what could happen- I am sure that Honda would be horrified- However everything that I have to say, I have documentation. So I dont have to worry about them really freaking and sueing me for liable- its all the truth. We are taking it to another dealer this weekend, just to have it diagnosed in writting- and will be using that info as well in the quest.

Offline Skippy

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2006, 06:36:40 am »

How did you make out with getting your Honda fixed? Hope it all was taken care of.

Central New York


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2006, 04:06:54 am »
The saga continues- I had to get up yesterday morning- load it on the trailer and take it in to the dealer we originally bought it from- They gave us an appt 2 weeks ago to have it brought in so that they could look at it and "diagnose" the problems (if any) So I get there, in the rain and I am talking to the service adviser- and he informs me that I may have 13 pages of repairs from the other dealer- but that officially in the Honda computer system- there have only been 3 items reported as being repaired to the ATV. I didnt think to have him print that info out for me. He has informed me that they will not repair anything that the other dealer has already worked on, but that they will tell me what is wrong with the ATV. I will meet with him again on Tuesday. I will then take all of that paper work and file under the lemon law. The atty that I have been speaking with is going to file a law suit based on the refusal of honoring the warranty. If all else fails I will file a claim in a small claims court for the 5000.00 Max. I wonder if Honda would even show up or if I would win by default? They havent even acknowledged my correspondence yet. So it continues.

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2006, 10:13:57 am »
I too feel you pain.  I fought and fought with Ford regarding our mini-van, I fought, I cried, I carried on it was ridulous after noone would do anything I was truly afraid I was going to have a heart attack or a stroke so I traded it in (I lost money also).  I will NEVER buy another Ford (sorry to all the ford lovers - I'm sure some Ford vehicles are good but I won't give them another dime of my money)

I did at one point want to get large lemon shaped magnets and park my car outside the dealer - they said that would be illegal I told them I would just pretend the car broke down there.....agai n.

Best of luck to you  -   go get them!!

Offline Skippy

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2006, 04:33:56 am »
The attorney sounds like a good idea. Hope he is able to help you. Sorry that there is no easy answer. Your first idea of eBay great too. If you should win in small claims court ask the lawyer how hard it to collect. Here there is no quarntee, because you still have work to do after the judgement is handed down.

Hope this can be resolved for you.

Central New York