Author Topic: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON  (Read 4956 times)


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2006, 02:14:48 pm »
GGGRRRRR. This only keeps getting worse. I had to make an appt 2 weeks ago to take the ATV the orignal dealer we bought it from, now it is there and they tell me that it will be another 2 weeks before they look at it- They did say that there was a definite problem with it though. Now here's the kicker- I take in the many pages of repairs from said previous dealer and only 3 line items of repairs are even in the Honda computer? How could this be? ( I got a print out) So the service adviser at this dealer told me that the repairs could all be fabricated to appease me. ??? So then he directs me to the GM of that dealer and that guy is totally indifferent- told me that the problems where mine and he could care less about the past issues. He did tell me that if I file the Lemon Law that he would guarantee that I would lose- I told him that I want the warranty honored and he said that there were no guarantees. I told him that there was a Federal Law to protect the consumer when it comes to warranty work and he said, sure- try to enforce it. He said that I could get black balled from every Honda dealer in the US- that they have done it before and that they could do it again with out any problems.I called the atty- he said that it sounds like they dont want to give- so he will file suit on the warranty issue. Looks like the next course of action is to go thru the Lemon Law process- they will require us to go to mediation- if I dont agree then I can file a suit- if I lose the suit I can appeal and ask for a jury trial. Honda is betting that I will cave and never carry it through. What a joke. I am now mad and frustrated and determined.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2006, 08:17:48 pm »
I am now mad and frustrated and determined.
& that is what you need to be as big business is used to dealing with people who give up...Your sense of justice & determination trumps their apathy every time !...GO GET 'EM !!! ;D


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Re: Venting. Honda ATV LEMON
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2006, 12:04:58 pm »
Well I talked to a different attorneys office today. BIG firm in Downtown Dallas. They said that it is probably way more than the Lemon Law now that they have possibly fabricated the paper work. I spoke to a paralegal- They are having one of thier attorneys review this tomorrow- They were also very interested in the fact that the 1st dealer refused to take the bike back for repairs and that the other one is making black ball threats. Said that this is ridiculous. I told them that I have thought about it- I want a jury trial- I think that jurors are everyday people who buy goods and wouldnt want to be treated as badly or to be ripped off either. The paralegal said that Honda wouldnt want it to go to jury trial because they stand a big chance of losing just based on the fact that someone is going to relate to me some how on this issue. So here we go again. They did relate on case that started off on a repair by a car dealer- it was 800.00, the consumer won in court- so the car dealer appealed and lost to the amount of 42,000.00 in a jury trial. I dont even want that- I just want a dependable ATV.