Author Topic: how to get over a rotty??  (Read 7718 times)

Offline lennoxmybaby

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how to get over a rotty??
« on: September 08, 2006, 12:55:58 am »
hi all, my names kirby and i was hoping somone could help me. i used to own a rottweiler dog called lennox. he was my world. i bought him when i was 5 months pregnant with my daughter last year. he went everywhere with me and i trained him properly by taking him to classes and he had reular check ups at the vet, insurance ect ect.lennox had a problem with a limp and was due to have an xray and a hip score done. he was having the hipscore done cuz his insurance didnt cover it unless it was done. anyway my daughters dad left me and i had to go on benefits and move into my mums with my daughter. i couldnt afford to keep lennox. it was like choosing which child was more important. i found a home for him with a woman who had alot of exp with rottys. she said i could see him whenever i wanted but she hasnt let me. its been 5 months now and i havnt seen him since the day i had to leave him in her house and sy goodbye to mmy precious baby. i miss him so much its breaking my heart everyday, im so depressed i dont want to live anymore without him and people keep telling me hes only a dog but they dont understand mhow much it hurts.
kirbs xx

Offline ozzysma

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 02:37:42 am »
oh my ,  i feel absolutely horrible for you. i would be lost and devistated if i had to get rid of my ozzy.  sometime life just sucks.  wish i had some words of wisdom to help you, but just know that when some people say such disheartning things, you are not alone.  i bet almost everyone on this forum would feel the same way. you are grieving and it takes time.  take care and know your daughter really needs you now also.patti

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 08:37:23 am »
I'm so sorry this is like this. It's not fair to you. What would honestly happen if you arrived on this lady's doorstep sometime when you know she's home? Would she flat out say no, you can't see him? Try to work with her because I know you miss him and love him. I hope something works out.

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2006, 10:09:21 am »
Lennox is so beautiful. What a gorgeous boy! I have to say that I don't think we "get over" our love for rotties, or anyone else we love. Time separates us from the trauma and we must wait out the unbearable pain. If you need to cry, be sure to let all of your anguish out. Don't take criticism from anyone about how much love you have for Lennox and what joy he brought to your life. You do what you can in life. I hope that you can see him--just to see that he is well cared for. Perhaps that will put your mind at rest if you know he is in a good place. But if you do not see him, how do you know?

Please continue to post here and you will find the support you need.
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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 03:50:57 pm »
I feel your pain and probably worry about your rotti,maybe a heartfelt letter to the new owner might work.

They may be feeling anxious that you want him back.

If you made it clear that you just want to visit and see him and that things in his life are going great,it would put everyone at peace.

Know you did the right thing finding him someone,and not abandoning him.

I hope the new owenr reconsiders

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 04:43:36 pm »
Oh that just breaks my heart! :'( Why won't she let you see him?...Have you explained how much it means to you?...I am sorry you ar going through this & I will remember you in my prayers tonight...Plea se keep coming & talking to us. :)

Offline lennoxmybaby

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2006, 09:31:07 am »
hi all, thankyou for your replies, they mean alot to me. i have tried to see lennox since may...i gave him up on the 14th of april. i have told her that im not trying to get him back as if i could have kept him then i would have but i couldnt afford to feed him or pay for his vet bill and pet insurance and look after myself and my daughter on state benefits. lennox meant more to me than anything and i proved people wrong when they said that rottweilers are a vicious and uncontrolable breed. i trained him and cared for him like he was a child and that is what it felt like saying was like giving up my child. all i want to do is see that he is ok and happy and then i will be yet i dont now how he is or if she still has him and the thought of what or where is killing me. it sound stupid being like this over a dog but he was a huge part of my life. i cant talk about him without crying and if i see a rotty i burst into tears.i was supposed to be his master and protector and i have abandoned him to someone i know nothing about. i feel so guilty. :'(
kirbs xx


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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2006, 10:01:56 am »
Oh sweetie, we have all been there and I think we can all say we know how you feel. I think I would write the new owner a letter and tell her what you have told us. That Lennox was your whole world, and getting rid of him was like having to pick which child to get rid of and all you wan to do is just make sure he is alright. We all can relate to what you are going through, and like someone else said, continue posting here cause you really will get the support that you are looking for here. :)

Offline kathryn

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2006, 02:37:05 pm »
I wish I could tell you something that would take away your pain.  Maybe try and do baby steps with the person that adopted him.  Try calling her or writing to her and just ask for some pictures to make sure he is okay and try and start talking to her.  Then move up to visitation.  I hope she lets you see him or at the very least gives you an update and pictures to help ease your mind and heart. 
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Offline lokibud

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2007, 09:56:10 pm »
i went through the same withdraws when i left for basic training and left my 4 year old yellow lab at home with my parents. i got her when i was 14 and she was my best friend. we took her every where. she even slept in the bed with me. but when i left it shook the both of us up pretty good. my parents told me that she didnt eat for a week. but her picture in my locker kept my spirits high during basic training. cookie is now 8 years old and i have my own dog now but every time i go home to visit my family cookie is the first to greet me and she goes straight to my old room and jumps in the bed with me every night. it kinda makes my wife jeloues but i have to remind her that cokkie was my first love but my wife will be my last. the only advice i can give you is to keep your head high, work hard to get out of the rut your in and one day another special pet will come into your life.

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Re: how to get over a rotty??
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2007, 05:30:54 am »
I feel so bad for you that you had to give Lennox up.  Why won't this lady let you see him?  Surely there' some kind of middle ground here, unless she's completely heartless.  Maybe she is afraid that seeing you again would upset him?  I have a friend who is divorced, his wife took their dog since she kept the house, and after a while he had to stop visiting the poor pooch because after he left again she would be upset for weeks.  If she's unwilling to let you see him, surely she could at least send you some pictures and updates on how he is doing.  I hope this gets better for you, it sounds like you've had a lot of stress all around lately.  at some point, if you have the time, you might want to try volunteering at your local animal shelter, at least that way you would be able to interact with dogs even if you can't have one anymore, and sadly there are a lot of pooches who weren't as lucky as Lennox to have owners that would find them a good home when they had to, who would appreciate it.  Good luck