Author Topic: The vet said...but I'm nervous  (Read 8324 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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The vet said...but I'm nervous
« on: July 05, 2006, 06:41:00 pm »
Hi everyone I took Harley to the vet today because he has a growth the size of a pea on the inside flap of his ear.  It has been there a week but I thought it was a bite I believe it itches since he is rubbing it on the rug (he also has an ear infection in that ear).  Anyway, the vet took one look and said it is one of two things:

hystiocytoma - this would be a good thing it is benign and it will scab over and fall off

Mass cell tumor - this is bad it would require surgery on his ear and reconstructive surgery as they have to remove the mass plus 2 inches around

The vet said it would take 24 hours for the slide to dry to get an accurate reading; then she called about 3 hours later because she knows that I am a neurotic doggie mother.  So she believes that it is the first one the good one, but she stressed when I was at the office that she has never seen a dog over 2 years old with the hystioytoma it is generally something puppies get - so she said to keep an eye on him check the size and wait a month or two I'm SO nervous!!  Just wanted my big dog friends opinions has anyone else had these issues?


Randy and Harley (the lumpy one)

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2006, 06:30:04 am »
Thank you for your kind words and calming posts - as a nervous nelly dog mom I was quite upset yesterday but feeling better about it today.  I did e-mail his breeder just to check in and let her know what is going on.  The biggest threat to Flat Coats is a certain type of cancer and just wanted to be sure that wasn't it!!

Thanks again

Harleys nervous Mom - Randy

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2006, 12:02:25 pm »
Wow! we are going through the very same thing with Zoey right now. Hers is on the very edge of her ear. Our vet had it tested to confirm that it is a benign hystiocytoma. I think I'm more distressed about it than she is actually....  the scab fell off and it just seems to be getting bigger.

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2006, 12:12:03 pm »
Keep us posted on how Harley's lump is doing. I just now called my vet and he suggested putting some cortaid on Zoey's. He said it is not uncommon in short haired breeds and might take as long as 3-4 months to go away! OMG too long.

Hang in there. (I will too!)


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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2006, 12:15:52 pm »
Ack Randy, how scary.  It is very likely nothing, but I know that is really scary.  Harley will be fine, I'm just sure of it. 

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2006, 04:33:45 pm »
Wow! we are going through the very same thing with Zoey right now. Hers is on the very edge of her ear. Our vet had it tested to confirm that it is a benign hystiocytoma. I think I'm more distressed about it than she is actually....  the scab fell off and it just seems to be getting bigger.

Oh poor Zoey it does sound very similar the vet said that it will scab over and fall off in 3 - 4 months, I am a notorious picker I have to keep my hands off!!  I can't tell if he is itchy because of the ear infection or the bump - we are treating the infection so that should be gone soon.  Hope all is well with Zoey - I know our babies will be fine!!

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2006, 04:36:14 pm »
Ack Randy, how scary.  It is very likely nothing, but I know that is really scary.  Harley will be fine, I'm just sure of it. 

Thank you very your assurance - I am feeling pretty good about it to.

I am actually out of town at a hotel working at the hotels computer so I finally get to see a picture of your baby - what a DOLL!!  I couldn't see her on my computer it was just a box with a red X in it!!  Best of luck with her she is darling!!

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Re: The vet said...but I'm nervous
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2006, 04:39:01 pm »
Harley's mom,

Any news? I'm thinking of you... Porter (my old flattie) had tons of polyps in his ear...Maybe it's that?


Since you had a flat coat you probably know about the cancer that is prevelant to them - that was my worst nightmare it generally hits between 5 & 6 (he is 5) but both of his parents are still alive and none of his relatives have it so I think we should be OK?

What was your Porter, your flat coat like?  I love to hear stories about them since you don't know to many people that have them!!

Thank you for your concern,

Randy & Harley