Author Topic: How do I solve a barking problem?  (Read 2679 times)

Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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How do I solve a barking problem?
« on: October 04, 2006, 01:51:58 pm »
Every now and then, specifically when we're at a place that's filled with people, Rosie will go on a barking spree. I don't know if it's sheer intimidation with the mass of people or what, but when she's approached by someone in that sort of setting, she won't stop barking at them. She would never bite, but she basically scares a few kids that way. With all that fur and her size, she tends to attract people and everyone wants to pet her.

How do I teach her not to bark?
Rosie - Newfoundland

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Re: How do I solve a barking problem?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 01:56:46 pm »
Try keeping treats with you and when she's in a situation that she'd like to bark get her attention and give her a treat.  Hopefully she'll connect that when she's in crowds, that's a good thing because crowds = treats!!  Remember, though, consistancy is key!

Offline cosmosmama

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Re: How do I solve a barking problem?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 02:23:11 pm »
I agree with the treat thing.  I would even recommend letting others treat her only if she stops barking. 

We use "Sshhh" with Sam and if he is quiet he gets a treat.  It works well most of the time.  Not when he gets in a big uproar ie when another dog is using our mailbox as a potty post.

I would also like to add that Rosie doesn't always need nor probably want to be pet.  If you sense that she is getting agitated you could say something like, "Right now isn't a good time to meet Rosie."  I know I often would like to please everyone, but if my dogs are overwhelmed or behaving poorly they don't get attention from others. 

Hope you find some of this helpful.
Krista, Cosmo (Goofus), Sadie (THE BOSS) and Sammie (Sweet Boy)
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Offline Leah...

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Re: How do I solve a barking problem?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2006, 06:52:07 pm »
Dido. no good advice a midnight.....
Mom to:
Sky- Australian Shepherd
Sammie- Newfoundland/Border Collie mix
Rose- Tortie/Tabby cat
Stinky- Silver Marten rabbit
Ruby, Mambo and Charlotte- Rats
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Offline Saintgirl

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Re: How do I solve a barking problem?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 10:15:35 am »
My Abbey is half husky, but don't tell her that, she thinks that she is full ;). Anyone who knows anything about husky's knows that they are very vocal! When she was a pup she would bark and woo about everything! Of course we couldn't have her do this all of the time and a behaviorist told us to teach her to bark and woo on command. Praise her when she does this on command and a firm NO or QUIET when it is unwanted. She quickly caught on! Of course when we are home and she wants to talk to us, that's ok, but she knows when we tell her enough, that enough is enough!! Good luck!
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey