Author Topic: Newbie needs euth advice??  (Read 3373 times)

Offline Lunarspirit

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Newbie needs euth advice??
« on: November 06, 2006, 07:55:36 am »
Hi, I'm new here and I'm not sure where to post yet but, I have a 10yr old GSD that I need advice about. Ok, he has very sore hips due to displasia and arthritis and it is really painful for him to walk. He keeps chewing at his backend area and his fur is thinning. He has been such a great dog. He even saved my son's life. We all love him so much but I feel like we are being selfish letting him get worse. I guess I just need opinions on whether or not to have him put down. My husband is in denial about it so he's no help. I don't want to lose him but he is not gonna get better. I'm sure there are surgeries to fix the displasia but we aren't rich and can't afford a major surgery even for us.
Thanks so much for any advice.

Offline chaos270

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 08:24:35 am »
Have you talked to a vet?  You may be able to help him with medication to at least make him more comfortable.  As for putting him down make a list of things that are his quality of life.  When you find he doesn't have quality of life then you should make the decision but I'd try discussing the matter with your vet before you make the decision.  Usually they will let you know when it's time.
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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 08:44:17 am »
Hi Lucy,

This is such a sad situtation. It is one of the harder things you'll have to decide in life. You already know that the end is getting close. Like Julie said sometimes you will know, but sometimes it is kinder to end the pain a little sooner. Just remember it is a kind act you do. If it was not for his love and faith in you, he might have already gone off to pass quietly in his own time.

Hope this helps it's never easy.

Central New York

Offline Lunarspirit

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 09:09:47 am »
You are all so nice. Thank you. I really think his quality is gone for the most part. He acts ok sometimes but those times are quickly fading. He has even snapped at us for no apparent reason. He never did that before. He sees our other dogs running and playing and he whines when he tries to play too. He never has gotten out of his puppy stage. I will give my vet a call. She is really nice. I will give him some baby aspirin until I get an appt. is that ok to give them?
 I don't think I want to keep waiting for him die. Everyday I expect to find him. I'd rather he goes quickly with me petting him and talking to him. That's how I want go..quick & painlessly. But.. Let's see how rational I am at the vet's office. I hope they have lots of tissues. I totally believe in the rainbow bridge and I think he'll enjoy playing there with all of our other dogs while they wait for us.
Thanks for all the advice. I really appreciate it.

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 10:04:18 am »
I would definitely look at controlling pain while you can.  You can also use adult asprin.  Most dogs tolerate the buffered variety fairly well.  Here's an article a friend sent me when I was trying to decide if it was time for one of our dogs.  I found it quite helpful.  This is a tough issue but if you are looking at what is best for him, you're well on the way to the right answer.


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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 10:14:47 am »
You will know when it's time to put him to sleep if that's what you decide to do.  It's not for me to say do it this day.  no one can tell you that.  It's a guy feeling and you just break down and decide when. 
we'll all be here to catch you when you fall after making that decision.  good luck!!!


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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 01:33:13 pm »
What a tough situation. I have not had to deal with that yet and really even hate the thought of it. I have some dogs that are now getting into the geriatric age and I worry about how I will handle the possibility of them not having a good quality of life. Fortunately I have a wonderful vet and she will be the one to help me make that decision- hopefully yours will also help you.
BPO is great and will be there for you when ever you need us, what ever you decide.

Offline shangrila

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2006, 01:38:58 pm »

First of all welcome to BPO. You have found a wonderful and supportive community to help you through good times and bad.

I am sorry to hear about your pup. I also have a dog with hip dysplacia, and although she is not as old as yours I can identify with what you are going through. The article posted above is a good one, but what everyone has told me is that you will know when they look into your eyes and tell you they are ready.
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Offline eightdogs4me

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2006, 03:42:52 pm »
First of all, I wanted to say how sorry I am that you are going through this.

I know it sounds crazy, but talk to him.  Ask him if he is ready to go.  He will let you know, believe me.  Talk to the vet, perhaps you can try him on a glucosomine/chondrotin supplement.  Fish oil also helps with joint problems.  Rimadyl is a great product for pain, especially in quality of life situations. 

Some questions to ask yourself as to if they still have a good quality life is

Does s/he still eat/drink well?
Does s/he still enjoy things s/he has always enjoyed (walks, playing, etc)?
Does s/he seem to be in pain, even with medication/therapy? (aggression can be a sign to this)
Does s/he seem depressed, confused, or disorineted?
Can s/he get around with little or no help?

I had to respond since this is something that is very near and dear to my heart.  I lost my German Shepherd, Boss April 18, 2006.  He would have been 13 years old this month.

He had been diagnosed with spondylosis, which is a common degenerative spinal disorder many shepherds and breeds of similar builds are afflicted with.  Some of it is due to bad breeding, but mostly due to the build.

Anyway, he did well for a couple of years.  He would fall down some, but he still enjoyed life, ate great, and was generally happy.  He was on Rimadyl when needed for pain.  Generally, I would avoid long term Rimadyl use, but when it is for quality of life rather than quantity of life, I'd say go for it. 

One day, while he was in the yard, he tried to dig under the gate.  I found him half under the gate and half out of it just laying there.  I got him out but he didn't want to get up. 

I took him to the vet, and we gave him an injection of dexamethazone, which is a steroid, and put him on oral steroids (prednisone) and Tramadol for pain.  The injection gave him bad diarrhea for the first day or two, but afterwards, he did great.  He was much weaker, but he could still get around.

We weaned him to a low dose of the pred and he got worse.  But upping the dose again wouldn't help this time.  We kept him as comfortable as we could while WE came to terms with the fact he wouldn't be around much longer.  I wished that he would just stop eating or something so I would know that he was ready, but that dog loved his food more than anything, I don't remember a day in his life he volutarily gave up food, lol!

It got to the point where he could no longer walk.  I had to carry him out to potty and change his bedding up to three times a day because he couldn't help soiling himself.  I decided right then that there was no way I could let him continue like that.  I was keeping him around because I wasn't ready, Ineeded more time.  I think he understood that, though, and loved me no matter what.  I remember talking to him on several occasions and asking him if he would give me a little longer, and he kissed my face as if to say "sure mom, for you, I am ready when you are."

April 18, 2006 was one of the worst days of my life.  It is the day I came to the understanding that I was being selfish in keeping him around.  I called the clinic (I work there, and was off that day) and told them I was coming in.  He went so peacefully.  He didn't fight either of the injections (I had him sedated first) because he was ready.  He's always fought any kind of IV injections.

Again, I am so sorry you are going through this, it is not fun when our babies get ill or when old age takes its toll.  Just remember, he has lived a good life, and has obviously been loved and well cared for.  When he is ready, you will know.

Sorry this was so long.  Hugs to you.

Emily and the gang

Offline Lunarspirit

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 05:24:09 pm »
Thanks so much for being so caring. This has to be the nicest place on the web. I was reading a post about raw feeding so I started learning as much as I could and I think that if I get him off of the dog food he might get better. I got some chicken tonight and they each got a thigh and he was even jumping up trying to get it first. They all seemed to really like the new food choice. I really try to eat organic and use homeopathic remedies but I never thought I could feed them fresh for less than the kibble. I'm gonna give him a chance to get better before I do anything. I read that fresh raw food can help a lot.
He was bred well with no slope at all so he has more of a lab body. He still has soreness but he isn't nearly as bad off as some of your dogs were. He is worse than the other two but they are also a few years younger.
Thanks so much for helping me see that he might be able to get better for awhile. I'm gonna give him some baby aspirin as well just so he can be pain free for awhile.
Do I give him the same dose as a human baby?
Lucy & Shadow

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Re: Newbie needs euth advice??
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2006, 12:11:16 am »
Hi Lucy:
I can't add to the great advice you're already receiving here, but did want to say how sorry I am that you're having to watch your friend be in pain.  We had to go through the hard choice of putting our big Newf, Barkley (his picture is my avatar), to sleep in May.  As others here have said, he told me when it was time - and when it was time, it was the most peaceful experience we had ever shared.  I hated doing it, but at the same time was glad that we had a bond strong enough to be able to make that decision together.

I too, did the cooking chicken and rice thing, the prednisone and everything else that was available to us to prolong his days in as pain free a way as possible.  His diagnosis was different than yours though.  My husband and I made an agreement that once his quality of life was really suffering, we would take him in, and that's what happened.

I had found BPO on the day of his diagnosis, and it was my life line during that time.  Please know that people here really truly do care - post when you need to - happy or sad.

Take good care.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.