Author Topic: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.  (Read 6328 times)

Offline Lucah's Folks

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Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« on: October 18, 2006, 09:08:05 pm »
For the past two nights now Lucah has been puking around 12:30 am.  Usually if he eats and then runs he will throw up, but we usually feed him a couple of hours before bed time.  Besides some normal romping around the living room he isn't excercised at all after his last meal.

It looks to be his last meal in a semi chewed state.  Nothing that I don't recognize just his Innova from dinner

Has anyone seen this? Does anyone have ideas?  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 09:08:35 pm by Lucah's Folks »

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2006, 02:21:47 am »
How old is Lucah now? I ask about age becuase if she's still pretty young, it's possible she just got into something that bothered her tummy a bit. Is she behaving normally? Does she drink plenty of fluids? I wouldn't worry too much unless her behavior has changed from playful to lathargic (Not that I'm an expert by ANY means)! I don't really have much advice to give, I mostly just wanted to send well wishes. I know how stressful it is when you think something might be wrong, but don't know what!

I hope Lucah gets better. Good luck and let me know what you find out. 
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Offline PennyK

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Re: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2006, 02:27:48 am »
Around 5-7 months Teddy went through a puking stage.  At least twice a week - sometimes a lot more than that and it was always just water and food.  I chalked it up to just a growing thing.
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Re: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2006, 02:53:11 am »
We have a few around here who like to gulp thier food sometimes. I find often when they eat like that they will be sick within a few hours.
You could always call your vet and just ask if it is something you should be concerened about or you should go in for a visit.

Hope Lucha is better. :)

Offline LMT

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Re: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2006, 03:21:18 am »
Adi was doing this a lot two weeks ago. Then when I finally caught him puking (he did it when i was sleeping, i could hear it but by the time i got there, he had cleaned it up himself - ick), i noticed that what came up with the food was tennis ball fabric, i tried to grab it quick, but he got it... so the next night, i was all prepared, pretending to sleep and hoped out of bed in time to get it. That cleared things up.

Anyway, maybe he got into something he shouldn't have and his body is trying to take care of itself. It will probably work itself out. I agree, if he's him happy self, keeps a good appetite and drinks, then give it some time.

good luck!

Offline Lucah's Folks

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Re: Lucah Throwing Up? If you have any ideas please let us know.
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2006, 07:08:53 am »
I found some info from my wife.  She said she gave him some cheese with his dinner last night, the night before I gave him cottage cheese with his dinner.  So I think it could be dairy.

He isn't at all slow or looks like he is sick.  He eats fine and drinks normally.

So I think we will be okay for now if anything changes I will definately post it here.

Thanks for all the great information guys. ;D