Author Topic: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions  (Read 11885 times)


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Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« on: January 04, 2007, 01:21:30 pm »
Sooo....Since Ranger took it upon himself to call his Auntie Jenn and claim he needed a brother or sister, I started looking into potential rescues in my area on Petfinder.  My heart started bleeding when I saw all the Saints and Danes that are in rescue right here in Raleigh, NC!  So, before letting my heart take over my head, I decided to start right here at good ol' BPO for some advice from our multitude of Dane and Saint owners!  So, give it to me guys... the good, the bad, the ugly, the pros, the cons.  Hold NOTHING back.  If I make the decision to rescue, I definitely want it to be a forever home.

For those of you who need a referesher about the current household... I own a house in Apex, NC, complete with a fenced in backyard.  I share my house with Ranger, my 2 year old male (in-tact) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.  Ranger is very submissive by nature.  The only time I've seen him even get remotely grumpy with another dog is when a Lab tried to hump him at the dog park.  Even then, it was a quick about-face and a attempt at biting.  Swissys are from the working group, so a good mile walk daily is typically "enough" exercise for a Swissy.  We try to get in 2, but there is always the 1 mile walk, along with romping in the backyard, etc.  I state this because due to a knee injury from my previous life as an athlete, I couldn't manage a dog who needed lots of running in order to be happy, such as a lab.  I also have a rescue cat, Tigger, who is 9 years old.  I don't have any children right now, but may possibly one day, so that is a factor.   

So.. give me whatcha got!! 

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 01:38:56 pm »
well, i find my dane, Memphis, sheds ALOT, and ironically, his hair is the ONLY hair i find in the house...  when we had zeus (a dane who passed to bloat just over a year and a half ago) i didnt find that he shed bad at all. his problem was DROOL. slimey shoelaces is how i can refer them to...  memphis only drools what looks like water, not slime, and its only if we are eating *he HAS to watch us*, after he eats or drinks... which is not bad. but i do find his size a bit too large for us... Zeus was 34.5" and 120lbs. memphis is 38.5" and over 160lbs.  so, memphis is a larger than normal size lol. also, i find memphis' nails need to be trimmed too often. he (from his claws) has torn holes in alot of furnature...
Anyways, good luck on your choise... Can't wait to hear what others have to say :)
Jodi & Darcy
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Zero-Bull Terrier
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Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 01:43:19 pm »
I don't have too much advice, but I want to say congrats on choosing to rescue.  I just rescued for the first time and it has been great. 

I am so very happy that we got our Dane.  We have decided that one in the house it good enough, but we will never be without one again.  I was worried about the drool and the size at first, but my rottie drools worse than Dodge does!  They have this ability to curl up into a tiny (well comparitivly) ball and fit almost anywhere.  He is so loving and is completely worships the ground I walk on.  He gets jealous, but not in an aggressive way.  If I am petting Yukon or Harley, he will stand there and whine and do what we call "wookie" talk.  I swear, he sounds just like a wookie from star wars!!!  He is much more needy than the other dogs.  I can't pee alone, I can't walk upstairs or to the other room alone to just grab something...wh en I drive, he rests his head on the back of the seat next to mine (he is in the back seat! see pics!)

So I guess that is just some stuff about my Dane for your perspective.  Hope it helps!
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Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!

Offline PennyK

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 01:59:55 pm »
Hard choice between the two types.  I really though about danes but my heart was set on a Saint (neighbours who raised me had one when I was a kid).  Everything I read made me want one even more. 

Teddy turns a year on Saturday so I really don't have much experience.  He is my very first dog and I don't think I could have chosen a better breed!

He is everything - he's lovable, he's goofy, he's stoic, he's a fraidy cat(afraid of the dark!  LOL), he's my buddy, and he thinks the whole world is his friend!  My 5yr old can take food out of his mouth and the cat rules the house - not Teddy.  I can't belive how much I love him! 

Go meet a few of each  - Good luck!
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Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 02:10:57 pm »
our danes are very needy, too.  but i like that in a dog, i want a dog for a companion, not a floor decoration... axle!  the size isn't bad, but then they're both only 8 months.  they've already topped axle, but then, i prefer large dogs because they tolerate so much more than a chihuahua typically does (from my kids).  the hair and drool isn't bad, except when they drink.  axle has the slobber laces, too, but our danes don't.  axle's hair is also EVERYwhere, all the time!  but again, i love them, and do think i'll stick with danes and akitas from now on!  just be prepared for furniture movement, especially with two big paws!  our three rearrange things a lot!  modified because i made no sense in one sentence, and also to add that even though my dogs are HUGE, i have all 5 inside, and they can be as gentle as everything, also.  they know when it's the appropriate time for play and also for being calm!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 02:12:15 pm by schelmischekitty »
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2007, 02:21:36 pm »
Back talk- absolutely, whole conversations, sometimes at 2am
Klingy- If you are his person, then yes. Mine however will wait patiently outside the bathroom.
Tails- whip like and perfect for bringing those pesky male guests to tears, and clearing coffee tables with one swipe
Counter surfing- a definate yes, after all the world is an eye level smorgasbord
But...if you are looking for unconditoinal love, companoinship and amusement in a fairly mellow (although large) package, then a dane is perfect. I personally will never leave my home without one in it.

i couldn't agree more!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2007, 04:47:29 pm »
I can't help w/ Saints, but I can give u info on my danes. 

It was a year ago December 15th, that we lost our very first dane (rescued at 2 years, Appollos, an unwanted deaf dane w/ wobblers), to bloat. I still occasionally have a good cry.  He was an ambassador to the Great Dane (not in health or body type, but what mattered most... he had the biggest, most wonderful Great Dane heart).  He was a happy, happy boy... and no one knew he was deaf.  He loved people and it showed, everyone he met wanted to hug him. He will always be one of the best.  You can read about Appollos, Sera (aka Seraphina) and Mika (aka Guin), we are under the multiple adopters:  under "happy tails" or "in memorium"

Mika and Sera are rescues and were over 1 year when we got them.  Mika (tallest) is deaf in both years, and Sera is deaf in one ear... this does not in any way deter them from being wonderful companions (They both are fairly laid-back with the exceptional zoomie... they love to body slam each other and play at full capacity (outdoors), especially when they have an audience.  They both can be real clowns and very loving, also.  We have two different personalities. .. Mika is more a "velcro" type dane than Sera.  Neither one drools... only slobers a bit when drinking (bathroom sink is Mika's favorite... the best water).  Shedding... our other rescue, Shasta(X-large Lab mix), sheds 10 times as much as the dane girls.  Don't have any one particular bad thing, just the usual individual things that get frustrating at times... but that is usually a trait that pertains to an individual dogs personality, socialization, puppy raising, etc. and nothing to do with the breeed... and something you don't find out until you own the dog and then you deal with those things.  I've always loved danes and have gotten my wonderful husband (who is the first person to actually "get" and accept my love of animals/dogs) loving danes too.  I've shared my life with (as a young child included):  a great dane, labX, shepard, dobie, samoyd, terrierX, whippet, chinese crested and some variations of these breeds, and as much as I've loved all my dogs (big and small), I will always have a dane in my family... they are awesome family dogs.  I won't say that danes are the only breed for my family, because BPOer's have opened my eyes to other great giant breeds that would love to live with my danes....
didn't mean to be so long, to go off on another tangent, but what can I say... I love my Big Dogs!!
Big to love'em!!

Karen, mom to:
Mika (GD)
Sera (GD/Greyhound X)
Shasta (Lab/Newf X)

Appollos (GD) RIP 2001-2005

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2007, 07:20:48 pm »
Congrats on the decision to get another pooch!! :D

The first thing that comes to mind before anything else is this: be prepared to find out that some rescue groups don't adopt to people who have intact dogs. The reason is that they believe so strongly in spaying and neutering as a part of the solution to dog overpopulation . The rescue groups I worked with wanted to adopt their dogs to people who felt the same about spay/neuter as they did. :)

Now for Dane promotion! I recommend a Dane!!! :D They are the best companions. They are really your best friend ever. They are always happy and funny. There is never a moment when a Dane will not make you smile. Even when they get in trouble, they look so goofy that you have to try really hard not to laugh. They want to be with you all the time, you are their world. In my opinion, the Dane personality is what a dog *should* be. The most loyal dogs I have ever met. Oh, and very snuggly.  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2007, 08:18:32 pm »
My saint is very mellow, but can also be very excited. When we come home or it's playtime, she is wild and excited. But the rest of the time she just likes to lounge around the house alternating between napping and watching us. She loves people, but is also a total scaredy cat with some new people/situations. She is completely submissive, and also loves to cuddle.

The things I would warn you against, which are pretty much the same as any big dog: she sheds all the time, she sure knows how to drool, and it really hurts when she steps on me (she is very clumsy).

I have to say the one big drawback to saints - the one that would make me scared to get another one is the health problems. Zoey's hip dysplacia is frustrating and heartbreaking.
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Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2007, 08:27:46 pm »
HD is very heartbreaking.  i want to cry on days it flares up bad on axle, and he has to drag his back end to stand up.  i do have to admit, that is a drawback to BPs, but they have so much love to give!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Offline PennyK

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2007, 08:06:44 am »
Stella mentioned the "whip like tail" on Danes.  Well, with saints, think more like baseball bats!  Teddy's tail bone is at least as thick as my wrist - that is bone only!  Great for taking the legs out from under unsuspecting visitors!  LOL!
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Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2007, 08:15:33 am »
Oh yes....the tail!  This was new to us, because we hadn't had a tail in the house in MANY years!!!  We haven't had anything broken actually, but Dodge has brought almost all of our male friends and family members to their knees!  I walk around with long straight bruises on my legs all the time....AND THE KIDS!!!  I hate to laugh, but all he has to do is turn around, and the "eye level" generation is going down!  I am sure that Saints have the same issue!  Makes me giggle just thinking about it!!!  I know, I am a bad person!
Big dogs make a house a home.
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Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!

Offline TheUnSaintlySaintClan

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2007, 08:19:18 am »
Ok, I don't know anything about Danes but I can help with Saints. Scott and I knew that we would eventually have and breed Saints. So I might be a little impartial to them in this  ;D

Drool: There is lots....if you want a perfectly clean house forget it, I am constantly wiping drool off the floor, the walls, the ceiling. Nicholas also likes to use peoples legs as a napkin to wipe his muzzle after drinking LOL.

Size: They're huge, not as big as Danes, but bigger than most other dogs. They have to learn to be walked so they aren't walking you. All of my kids can walk all of my Saints. Small, meduim, or large. ;)

Shedding: My boys are short hair but they still shed. Heidi sheds horribly. All of them get brushed twice a day and I still vacuum up a lot of hair every day.

Personality: All of mine have different personalities, but they all have one thing in common. They are totally sweet, lovable, and cuddly. Saints are known to have separation anxiety and mine definitely do. EVERYTHING has to be put away before we leave them home without one of us or it will be shredded or eaten. But when we get home (even after a 10 minute trip to the bus stop) we're greeted like we've been gone for a week.

Exercise: My husband and I usually take them for walks in the national forest here for about 45 minutes a day in the mornings. They come home and pass out until my kids get home from school about 4 and then play outside for about 30 minutes, after that, they're done for the day.

Family: They love to be included and are hurt if they aren't. They are extremely tolerant of my kids laying all over them and putting hats on...etc. They love being with my kids and absolutely love all of their friends (even the ones who don't like them).

I hope I've helped a little. Even on the days I'm frustrated with my doggies, whether stepping in drool or walking over all of the big bodies in mu floor, I wouldn't trade them for any other. I will have Saints until I'm old and gray and they have to pull my wheelchair. LOL
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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2007, 08:58:14 am »
Wow, lots of good opinions here!  I love both Saints and Danes!  I've been around a few Saints when I worked at the vet clinic, and even though most dogs would think the vet is a bad place to be the Saints were always laid back and loving on anyone they could! 

My opinion is to just look around at some Animal Shelters or Rescues for both dogs!  The right dog will find you.  I was never a bigpaw person until I found a Dane at our local shelter.  She was awesome, and Tony said I'd have to do more research before we were to get a dog that big. lol  After about a year of doing research on the breed we decided the Dane breed would fit perfectly into our family! When you're looking for that one special dog something will just click and you'll know it's a perfect match when the right dog finds you.  Good luck!!

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Re: Dane and Saint Owners... Need You Candid Opinions
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2007, 09:09:06 am »
Well, with saints, think more like baseball bats!  Teddy's tail bone is at least as thick as my wrist - that is bone only!  Great for taking the legs out from under unsuspecting visitors!  LOL!

Or clearing a coffee table in one foul swipe!!!! LOL ;D
"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ––Louis Sabin