Author Topic: Great Pyrennes - new adoptee at one and half years  (Read 2982 times)

Offline Big Syl

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Great Pyrennes - new adoptee at one and half years
« on: February 02, 2007, 08:47:16 am »

I just adopted a year-and-a-half, good natured PYR from the Animal shelter. He was picked up from a family that had tied him in the back yard. I have only had Australian Shepherds in the past and need a good book to get started.

I live on five acres in Mississippi (hot summers). I have both a dog fence and an underground fence. The only thing I don't have is experience with PYRS.

He is very smart, when you get his attention. But he;s been taught nothing. As of yesterday and the reward of a dog biscuit, he now can "sit".

Because the dog fence was down and waiting to be fixed, I have kept him in a kennel in the garage, that he hates and doesn't want to go back into. I have been successful in coaxing him back into the kennel, so far. (One of these days, he isn't going!) The fence should be fixed today.

Even pushing him into the kennel, he is not angry. Only obstinate.

MY QUESTION: Should I let him out when he is trained to the fence or wait until he is better adjusted and knows a few things before I let him run freely on the place. Eventually, I want him to run free inside of the fenced 5 acres.

Any advice?

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Great Pyrennes - new adoptee at one and half years
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 10:02:09 am »
i would be careful about just letting him roam by himself because if someone were to see a big dog running "lose" that they didn't recognize, there's no telling what would happen to the poor thing.  esp. since he wasn't trained, there's no telling how he'll react to a stranger.  i've come to find that a lot of people think it's ok for a smaller dog to run lose, but when they get too big (esp in areas not a lot of ppl have HUGE dogs, like the part of ms i'm from) people get scared and don't always react in a good way.  we've had rocks thrown at our dogs (all this while in our yard mind you) also PVC pipe swung and used to hit our dogs, and even metal poles used.  also, if another dog was to cross his path and it was smaller it's just about positive it would be "he's vicious" just b/c of his size, or he might even get hurt.  just my opinion but i'd keep him kinda close, just b/c i'm paranoid after what we've been through with our dogs.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: Great Pyrennes - new adoptee at one and half years
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 10:29:07 am »
Congrats on adding him to your home. I have 3 Pyrs and 4.5 acres. Good luck getting him back in that kennel. Pyrs are incredibly smart and they are convinced that they are smarter than their humans. I have a fenced enclosure, but can not keep the Pyrs contained in that enclosure. Pyrs "patrol". Mine patrol about a 20 acre span around our property and the surrounding area. Pyrs tend to wander. I wouldnt just turn him loose until he has established that the 5 acre perimeter is his. We adopted a 7 year old Pyr and it took her about 3 weeks to figure out what is hers and where she belongs. Keep a collar and tags on him and if you can, get him microchipped. Pyrs can easily get distracted and be several miles from home with out realizing it. I live in the country in a small community and every one knows that the Pyrs are mine. Make sure your neighbors know who he belongs to- it will help if he decides that the 5 acres is not enough. Also if he is not already neutered- get him neutered. A Pyr will mate with his sworn enemy, a coyote, if the opportunity presents itself. Post pics- we all love pics and there are a lot of Pyr lovers on the board. Also if you can- get him a couple of goats or sheep. Pyrs have to have a job or they get bored and will tend to roam.


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Re: Great Pyrennes - new adoptee at one and half years
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 06:21:15 pm »
HI! Welcome! I'm Jane. And I'm owned by Pyrs "Rainbow", F who will be four years old tomorrow. And "Whisper", M 6 mo old. (Still owned in spirit by past Pyrs, Mingo, Sam, Mystic, Echo, and Quanah. All waiting at the Bridge).

I'm quite new here myself. But it's the most wonderful site out there. The people are fantastic. Great info. I'm definitely addicted already!

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your Pyr Boy. And some Pyr talk too.