Author Topic: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?  (Read 54693 times)

Offline Jeanne

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Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« on: March 23, 2005, 10:49:00 pm »
Just checking to see if there are any other Komondor owners on this group yet.
aka "Mommy Dog" to Goulash (Komondor) and Harley Quinn (Dalmatian)

Offline enigmakairos

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 12:07:27 pm »
I'm here! I also watch the Yahoo group but *rarely* if ever post. 

I have two, both youngin's. That reminds me, Mac's birthday is in two weeks. Ack!

-Mel, Mom of Mac and Winnie

Offline jabear

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 01:01:33 pm »
Glad you're here. Please post some pictures so that we can all enjoy your beloved pets.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline Jeanne

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 01:18:59 pm »
Good to see you over here, Mel -- I was beginning to think I was the only Kom owner who'd visited this site.

I'll try to post some pics, but, easy or not, I'm not very good at it, for some reason.  ;D
aka "Mommy Dog" to Goulash (Komondor) and Harley Quinn (Dalmatian)

Offline RichieNJim

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2005, 09:02:59 am »
Hey all,

Owners of Butch, dog, age 6.

Offline RichieNJim

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2005, 10:05:45 am »
Bodies in motion tend to remain in motion.

Offline jabear

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2005, 10:22:41 am »
AHHHH! I LOVE IT!! What a smile that brought to my face! Thanks for posting it!!!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline trufflelily

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2005, 11:18:52 am »
Just found this list today.  We are the proud parents (?) of 3 Koms, Andy, Zeyt and Csako, and Harold, the Old English sheepdog. Anne

Offline zsuzsa

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2005, 02:26:30 pm »
I am a previous Komondor owner. Had Gubanc Kislany for 9 wonderful years. She passed away in 1992. She was a sweet smart girl and I loved her very much. I leave in California and the hot weather didn't helped her. Now I have my Vizslas. They sunbathing in the middle of the hotest day.  :D

Offline jabear

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2005, 02:28:24 pm »
Welcome Trufflelily and Zsuzsa. I can't wait to see more great pics of your doggies around the boards!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline chaotickomondorok

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2005, 02:16:23 pm »
Hi there I am a new Komondor owner.  Annie will be a year old in  July.  She is bright and beautiful .  I love her to death.  How many of us are on this list.  My name is Shirley Newby-Tate and I live in Orangeville Ontario Canada with 12 Briards, 1 Komondor and her best friend Ella our Boston Terrier.  Hoping to meet owners of Koms and hopefully meet up at some shows.  We are showing our girl and she has a couple of American points. We are also showing her in Canada too but have to try and find people who would like to get a Cdn championship on their dogs too so we can build up points.

Shirley & Annie

Offline mamadog

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2005, 10:09:57 pm »
This is too perfect! My husband and I are both dog lovers and it's very important to us to get the right dog for our family. We currently have 2 sheltie mixes (from the shelter) and an IW that we adopted just over a month ago. We spent MANY months going to the shelter and looking on petfinder to find the perfect dog for us before we got one. Turned out we found 2 (sisters) and fell in love and they have been wonderful companions. My husband wanted an IW for many years before we got Finn and he knew the breed very well. We won't be ready for another dog for a while, but we are both interested in Komondors and want to learn all we can to decide if we are right for one.  SO PLEASE!!! Tell me everything you know about them LOL!!!
I mean, what can you tell me about yours, since all dogs are different.
We won't be getting another dog till we build our house, the one we own now is full! But we will be living in the country on 15 acres. We have the 3 dogs I meantioned, plus 2 cats and an 8 year old son. Thank you so much,


Offline Jeanne

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2005, 11:06:00 pm »
Wow, there's a lot to know and learn about Koms. They are a great, but demanding, breed. In addition to this forum, you might want to join the Komondor list out of Yahoo Groups. There are a lot of good Kom breeders and owners on that list, and you can get a lot of good info there. Also, the Corded Dogs Grooming list, also on Yahoo Groups, has Kom owners on it as well -- that list is focused on, obviously, grooming a corded dog.  ;D

Koms will demand that you be the alpha dog -- if you're not, then they WILL be. They are great guarders and companions, as well as many that are great show dogs. Each one has their own personality, within the standard Kom traits. A good breeder can help you determine what you're looking for and which Kom pup is right for you.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend a rescued Kom for your first Komondor, BUT you never know -- the perfect Kom for you could be from rescue.

Our Kom (Goulash) is a pet/guardian/companion. We've had him since he was 2 months old -- he'll be 8 years in July. He's a handful, but we wouldn't trade him! In addition to Goulash, we have a Greyhound (Hermes), 2 cats, and a teenaged daughter. Goulash is great with all of them, but that's because we made sure that he knew my husband and I were the alpha dogs. Can't stress the need to train and work with training this breed enough. If you leave your Kom to its own devices, it will run the household -- but that's not necessarily what you want!

In addition to determining if you're right for a Kom and vice versa, you will want to be really clear on what you expect the dog to do. Again, a good breeder will help you with this -- if you want a livestock guardian, for example, you might be looking at a different breeding pair (or breeder) than if you just want a companion dog than if you want a show dog.

You're doing the best thing in starting your research early. Again, the Komondor list has lots of good breeders on it, and everyone there and here will be happy to help you!
aka "Mommy Dog" to Goulash (Komondor) and Harley Quinn (Dalmatian)

Offline mamadog

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2005, 03:47:54 pm »
Thank you. I will check out all of the groups you mentioned. We don't believe in getting a dog and then getting rid of them, so we make sure to do our research well ahead of time! Once he moves in, he isn't leaving!!!
I have done really well with training my dogs. I haven't taken a class (though I'm not opposed to it) but I have read every book I could get my paws on and then came up with a program that worked for the individual dog. Sakwa and Tali were both about 1 1/2 when we got them so it's different than training a puppy... and they have different personalities, so what works for one may not for the other. But they are both perfect companions now... ok, so they dig the occasional hole in the yard... I know I ould train them not to, but I guess I just don't care that much. I go fill them back in!
Finn has been different because he's a puppy, he's huge and he's an IW.... all new for me. But even with him the basics he got very quickly (sit, stay, shake paw, go to bed, lay down, heel and to be off leash without running off)  Housetraining is pretty well under control at this point too. He just needs to be socialized a lot and gain some confidence.
I need to learn more (which I am doing) about what to look for in a breeder. I don't think I did the best of jobs chosing Finns... but I wouldn't trade him for the world... I just don't think that they worked with him at all, andhonestly I do't feel that they asked nearly enough questions about us...our life style, what we wanted from a pet, nor did they give us much info on what we could expect from Finn. I'm not saying they were bad. I liked tham a lot, and she said she just felt he was supposed to be with us. But the more I read the more I see that should have probably been done differently.
I love my fur babies more than anything...but they all know who the alpha is here. It's my husband! I'm the alpha female. They tend to look at me as a Mama dog. They listen to me and are very eager to please me, but very loving and sweet. When my husband speaks, they listen! He's the head of the pack here. They learn their training much faster from me, but he never has to say anything more than once and they take notice.
So I will check out those groups, and pick up a few books next time I'm out. Are there any Kom specific trainging books that you know of??


Offline Jeanne

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Re: Any Komondor Owners Here Yet?
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2005, 12:08:07 am »
Sorry for the slow response -- things have been crazy here.

I don't know of specific Kom training books, but the Komondor Club of America has a quarterly publiication and that is focused on all the various aspects of owning a Kom, training included. If you've joined the Komondor list on Yahoo Groups, then the editor of the KCA quarterly is active on the list -- you could just send a post asking how to subscribe and/or get specific back issues. If not, let me know and I can ask for you...

Koms are a LOT of work, very much a dog that requires a strong human owner, but they are worth every moment of it!
aka "Mommy Dog" to Goulash (Komondor) and Harley Quinn (Dalmatian)