Collies > Border Collie Discussions & Pictures

running with Border Collie (age/amount)


I've heard various things about when it is ok to start running with a dog.  I even bought a book, "Running with Man's Best Friend" but I'm still uncertain.

The Border Collie needs lots of exercise.  Lucky is almost 6 months old.  I take him for a long walk almost everyday and hikes in the woods on the weekend.  When we are out on the trail, he often runs...I've been starting to run a little when he does -- mainly just some short sprints. 

I don't want him to hurt himself and wonder if the usual advice (1 year?) doesn't apply to this breed.

I used to run 5-6 miles per day but now I'm just walking with the dog waiting until he's ready.  I'm anxious to run more but don't want to hurt him.

How does Jackie get along with Tilly?  Or maybe I should ask how Tilly gets along with Jackie?

We've had our cat (Mister Mitts) for about 6 years.  He's pretty much an outdoor cat who used to fight with everything (including a coyote once) but has mellowed out. 

I can't tell how Mitts feels about the dog.  Sometimes, he starts it so I figure that it is play on both their parts.


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