Author Topic: I have a serious problem.. Updated..  (Read 16908 times)


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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2007, 09:37:36 am »
I had a huge post typed out and go figure my stupid computer crashed. GRRR! Ok let's try this again...

She is no longer guarding everything but now she's attacking without warning.  :'(

Yesterday was ^%#@$#@ h*ll! Lola is not letting Mia even move. She grabbed Mia and slammed her against the fridge to the floor. I thought she friggin killed her. :'( Then Lola attacked Bubba and tore his ear! Luckily no stitches but bad enough that he screamed and bled everywhere. Now Bubba is avoiding Lola like the plague and she will still attack him at random. I am so friggin stressed out I'm about to snap. Lola has gone completely psycho. Hubby stayed home from work yesterday to help me and I'm glad he did since it took the both of us to get her off of Bubba.

I took her to the vet and had a full blood panel done. Since you never know if theres something physically wrong. It will probably be a few days before I get the results.

I also called my trainer and took Lola in. She evaluated her and did a bunch of temperment type tests. She passed with flying colors until she brought out another dog. Lola is moderate-high level dog aggressive according to my trainer. I was in such shock to see her just 'go off' I just stood there stunned. Didn't matter how far away the other dog was either. If she could see it she freaked out. We are starting 'Lola boot camp' at home and next week she is going in for one on one classes to work on the dog aggression. But after all of this I don't think Bubba's and Lola's 'relationship' is going to be the same ever again. :'(

Right now in order for Mia to run around and play I have to put Lola outside. When Lola is inside I keep a leash on her and a leash on Mia to keep her in-reach. Poor Bubba stays in our bedroom all day by choice. He wouldn't even eat this morning.  :'( 

The trainer recommended that I find a home for Mia because of Lola. The chances of Lola hurting her a really high. :'( We have a friend interested in giving her a home and this way I could still see her but I've having a really hard time parting with her even though I know it's probably the best thing to do. 

All I can think to myself is WTF did I do. :'(


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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2007, 10:30:32 am »
Oh Lyn.... I am so sorry you are going through this.... I understand the stress of a dog that gets wacky around other dogs... my Ellie has some issues in that department and when Riley came to live here Ellie and Ginger (my roomie's lab) who she was always friends with got into some ugly altercations.. . I can so relate to the stress you are under and really feel for you.

Hang in there it will get better.... and the training with Lola will help a lot... it did for Ellie.

As for Lola and Bubba's relationship.. . after Mia is rehomed, they very well could go back to being tolerant of each other and possibly even friends again after the pack order is re-established between them.

Also I did a bunch of research when Ellie's issues surfaced... when blood is shed during a fight, a chemical change takes place in he dog responsible. It takes three weeks for the chemical change to return to normal. So for three weeks, the dog is "wound tighter" than usual.

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2007, 12:30:38 pm » heart is breaking for you all.  What a very tough situation and decision to have to make. 

I have no real experience with new pups, but can tell you that Sheba is a very mild mannered dog.  When Anna joined our home at 10 months, Sheba lit into her a number of times as well.  I was totally taken aback.  Now the difference, of course, is that Anna weighed 80 lbs and could hold her own.

We also have taken the route that Julie described re the food and aggressive behaviour.  There is ZERO tolerance for food aggression in this house.  We have taken food right out of all of our dogs' mouths at one time or another.  Too many kids around these big dogs for us to risk it.

I'm so sorry you're facing this situation.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 02:22:32 pm »

I am so sorry that such a happy time in your life is becoming so difficult.  Lola looks like such a big sweetie she must be having real difficulties with Mia.

I also haven't been in the situation you are in but it is one of my biggest fears if and when I convince my husband that we need another dog.

I also agree that the training Lola needs is in your home with Mia and Bubba (poor Bubba :'().  We sent Harley to a wonderful trainer he stayed with her for 6 days to learn how to be a good dog....and he is great at her house and a horror at mine!

We also have a zappy behavior collar (yes I hate to admit it and I don't need to use it often) but there were some behaviors that we couldn't allow and he was exhibiting as soon as he hot close to the behavior (OK poop eating) we hit the button - he learned VERY Quickly. 

Again, I am sooo sorry that you have to go thru this

Randy & Harley

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 02:54:42 pm »
Lyn, If you need somplace for Mia to go until you find her someplace permanent..... I can take her in for a bit.

Gosh girl, this must be breaking your heart! 

I sure hope you find the best solution for all, but remember, if you need me, I'll do what I can to help.
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Offline bluskygirl

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2007, 04:57:55 pm »
Lyn, I'm so sorry to hear the latest news... I am too far away to help, but I wish I could!  I know your heart must be breaking with the thought of giving up Mia. I hope that you are able to make things work out so that doesn't happen. I agree that bringing a trainer in-house is a good idea. Not only would you be able to work on Lola's issues, but the trainer might also see things about Mia's personality that are exacerbating the problem and you could get a leg up on those too.  I wish I could give Bubba a big hug.  He sounds like he's pretty confused about things. 

I hope things work out for you. I am so sorry.
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2007, 09:13:53 am »
Sorry I haven't had much time to do anything. I miss BPO! My reply might be jumping from topic to topic. I'm trying to make sure I cover everything. ;)

Just a little update. I'm living in a snarly, growly h*ell. :'( I honestly don't think my stress level has ever been this high. So far Lola/Mia situation isn't getting much better. Lola has 'grabbed' Mia 2 more times.. by the head again and the other time by the stomach. Even with the leashes I'm just not quick enough. :'(

Lola and Bubba were both puking yesterday too. I think the stress is affecting them also. Bubba is still hanging out on his own and he's skipping his meals still. He eats maybe 2 cups of food a day. So much for that weight we put on him. :-\ No puking so far today though.

Then to top things off this morning, Mia has loose poop with a bit of blood and mucus in it. I think it's colitis. Which can be caused by stress, parasites or diet. I haven't switched her food yet so I know it's not that and she was dewormed last on Jan.30th, so she might need to be dewormed again. But I'm going to see if I can get her in to the vet today to get that checked.

Plus my son started puking and getting so dizzy he was falling down. Scared the crap out of me because he could even stand up. We took him to emergency and he has an inner ear infections which is the cause of the dizziness and the flu! Oh nice. He's beginning to feel better now but he's glued to the couch. Now I think he shared the flu with me since lastnight I started to feel nauseous. I want to crawl in bed and just die. LOL So there has been lots of puke in this house the past couple days. :(

The reason the trainer recommended re-homing Mia is because of the amount of work Lola is going to need. She is also showing signs of being fear aggressive, mainly to large men on top of being dog aggressive. Lola has been a mess since we got her, but I thought we had made pretty good progress in her 10 months. But now it seems like she is regressing since Mia got here and I'm not working with her any less.. it's actually been all day long obedience and boot camp this past week. The trainer said this is not a quick fix (which I knew going in) and it would get worse before it got better. She wasn't kidding. :( I'm just worried that the bigger Mia gets, the worse the fights are going to get.

Thanks Penny for the offer. I'm still undecided but I will keep you in mind. I want to wait and see if it gets better, but at the same time I'm worried it's not going to. I've never seen a dog so aggressive with such a young puppy before and I've never seen such a young puppy so determined to not give in. Mia's breeder is an idiot.. so I won't even go there and will not take her back there.

The guy that was originally going to take her was told no dogs over 75 pounds by his landlord. So that's a no go. My SIL the one pregnant with twins wants her.. but I told her that Mia would be too much for her to handle once the babies are born. So I've posted a couple ads and I'm weeding through the 'questionable' people. I want her to go to someone that would treat her like I would treat her, not tie her out to a tree and throw food at her, or use her as a baby making machine. And so far the people interested in her I wouldn't even give a pet rock to. ::) I don't know how you all in rescue/adoptions deal with them. 

Most of our family members are NO help either. Their exact words are "Well get rid of Lola and keep the puppy" I am NOT going to shove Lola to the curb because of Mia. Never once has that thought even crossed my mind. You all are the only ones that understand how hard this is for me to do.

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2007, 09:58:41 am »
I'm so sorry this just an awful situation and to have it all combined with the flu and sick children is just adding salt to the wounds.

I e-mailed Mia's picture to my hubby but since he has been adament about no second dog and especially x-large drooly ones I think I know the answer but it is worth a try. 

I hope at least the flu clears out quickly and you are all healthy enough to deal with your fur kids.


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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2007, 10:23:58 am »
I am sure you're gonna find a loving home for Mia. Hang in there, Lyn! I am sure this past week has been just awful, and to be dealing with colds and flu and inner-ear stuff with your kids isn't fun either! I can definitely relate to that.
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2007, 12:34:52 pm »
I have an adoption application form, you can use it if you'd like. Just PM me and I can email it to you.

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2007, 09:20:34 am »
Thanks all for the kind words and help it's greatly appreciated. I love you all!  :-* ;)

Hmmm, I know we have a Newf rescue up north, I'm not sure about Saint rescue. I'll look into it and see what I can find.

Thanks soo much Nina! I tried to pm you twice but I'm getting an error so I'm not sure if they went through. Thanks again.

I do have one family interested in Mia. So far they sound pretty good and they even have breed experience. BUT I took Mia to the vet yesterday and she does have colitis. The vet figures it's either stress or parasite related. So she on Metrodonzole (sp) for 10 days and he dewormed her again just in case. Other than the colitis she is perfectly healthy. I emailed them to let them know her diagnosis. If they are still interested we will proceed from there.

Also I forgot the mention the results of Lola's blood tests.. everything came back normal. Thyroid is also normal. So she's just a miserable twit. ::)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 08:20:48 am by Lyn »

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2007, 09:58:46 am »
Hi Lyn,

I didn't get the PM's I'll email you the form when I get home from work. It's on my home computer (I'll see if I have a copy in my email though) I'm so sorry that you are going through this. And you are doing a wonderful job.  :) Sending you and your pups big hugs.  :) I hope that everything works out and that you don't have rehome Mia.

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline PennyK

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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2007, 10:18:53 am »
Trinity of Hope is the large breed only rescue that I know of in Ontario.  The have a website too if you want to check them out.  Hopefully it never gets to that point - I'm really sorry you are having to go through this Lyn!
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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2007, 10:07:45 am »
Lyn,I am thinking about you and your family (4-legged and two)! I just hate it that y'all are going through this. I really hoping things settle down soon and the fur pups can work out their differences! Sending tons of positive vibes and lots of hugs your way!


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Re: I have a serious problem.. Lola is attacking Mia. HELP
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2007, 04:21:11 pm »
Thanks all. I soooo need to get falling down drunk and release some stress. :D

I've talked with 2 trainers other than mine. They are all saying basically the same thing. Lots of ongoing obedience and behaviour modification for both Lola and Mia in order for them to peacefully live together and even then we could have more problems crop up once Mia matures.

It basically comes down to whether I can handle the 2 of them and train the 2 of them at the same time. I honestly don't know if I can do it mentally. My hubby has taken off 4 days from work to help me out, but he can't take anymore days off, so I'm pretty much trying to train them both on my own. I almost feel like I'm at the end of my rope so to speak. :'(

Liz the breeder is an idiot.. basically. The guarantee only covers taking her back if she has a life threatening illness or genetic condition. Plus after speaking with him about the situation he really could care less. So I'm on my own in that regard. Even if he would take her back, I'd rather find Mia a good home myself. At least this way I know the person she is going to.