Author Topic: Lucy HATES to be brushed  (Read 9043 times)

Offline pink2378

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Lucy HATES to be brushed
« on: February 09, 2007, 04:22:47 pm »
Ever since we first brought her home I've tried to brush her and she has ALWAYS hated it.  I've tried several different types of brushes (including the furminator which I LOOOVE - especially for my shed-monster cat)and never apply that much pressure just trying to get her used to the concept but she freaks out every time.  She becomes a completely different dog - snapping at the brush and at my hands. She will normally let me do anything I want to her and is completely sweet - even if she doesn't like it she just wiggles away. I don't believe I am hurting her because the brush doesn't appear to be pulling the hair and the brush doesn't ever touch her skin.  Advice, pleeeeeeeease :)

Offline The Brindle Pack

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 06:48:43 pm »
My pack loves to be brushed but we do have issues with nails getting done so we do special treats.... Pig ears are the favorite around here and they only get them when they get their nails done.  They don't like it but they know what is coming so they tolerate it.

Offline pink2378

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 09:05:07 pm »
thank you!  I hadn't thought about a special "brushing only" treat.  I normally give her a rawhide or something to keep her busy while I attempt to brush her but I will be buying some special yummies tomorrow! 

Thanks bunches!

Offline shangrila

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 10:50:28 pm »
The treats should help.

Do you ever give Lucy "momma dog" massages - that's what I call it when you imitate the way a mother massages their dog - basically you gently close your hand on them (kind of like making a fist) and move it to another spot and then do it again - your trying to imitate how the mom would massage them with their mouth, and it is very relaxing to dogs. If you do it frequently, it should help lucy enjoy being touched more.

Also, have you tried the zoom groom? Zoey hates getting groomed, but loves massages, so I usually do a lot of brushing with just my hands or with the zoom groom - it is soft rubber, and I massage her with it before I brush her so she likes it. It doesnt remove hair as well as the furminator, but hey, it's something.
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Offline pink2378

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2007, 06:25:33 pm »
Normally when she starts to get fussy I have my husband help me hold her and keep her still and calm because I don't want her to learn that when she behaves that way I will stop brushing her but it would be nice I could just brush her on my own.  I like the idea of keeping the brush with me and just getting her used to it like that! Thanks for the great advice!

I massage her and pet her a lot and she really likes it but as soon as I put that brush on her she's outta there!

I bought some yummy peanut buttery dog treats today and I'm going to give the brush and treat method a try!

Thanks for all the great advice, I feel like if I give a couple of them consistent effort I should be good to go!


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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 05:39:29 pm »
Lucy! You're such a funny girl!

You also might try grooming her just before going on walks, car rides, etc.  My golden, Champ, used to be the same way!  Now, he gets excited to see the brush because he associates it with fun times with his momma!

Good luck!

Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2007, 05:59:45 pm »
Rosie doesn't like getting brushes either, particularly on her belly where she has the most mats. I find distracting her with a knuckle bone works well. She can withstand brushing as long as she's distracted by the knuckle.
Rosie - Newfoundland

Offline greek4

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2007, 06:56:48 pm »
I wish I could help but Rocco loves to be brushed and Maia will tolerate anything I do to her because she is a big baby.

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Offline Jessdryden

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2007, 08:30:43 pm »
Our Bella doesn't like brushing much either.  She's getting better though--I've been brushing her a little while I brush my own hair.  One for me, then one for her.  Now she comes and begs for her brushing in the morning!  She still doesn't like real brushing, but she likes to feel included. :)

Offline Fumble

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2007, 02:14:18 pm »
fumble is picky about being brushed... you have to usually catch him when he's tired to do it without being nipped at... buttt... if both stacy and i are around we sometimes put him on his leash and one of us holds him while the other brushes, that helps in that dept.... i like the whole "brushing" treat theory though!  i wish i could get hiim to do that with the nail clippers, but he always freaks out about getting them clipped.  i got a dremmel (sp?) for christmas, so i'm excited to try that and see if it's any better... but first begins in the introduction to it!  that should be fun! ;)

good luck with lucy! i can't see her having a mean bone in that adorable little body! hehe! 
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline pink2378

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Re: Lucy HATES to be brushed
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2007, 02:25:20 pm »
Well, I've been doing the treat/brush thing but it seemed to work best when I bought her a huge knuckle a couple weeks ago. She didn't nip at the brush at all - she just seemed annoyed and kept picking up her knuckle and moving it across the room - lil stinker. I've also been brushing her a bit here and there whenever she walks by and I'm near a brush.  She's getting a little more "ok" with it but not so much so that she'll stay put without a fuss.  It's really the only thing that she doesn't tolerate and gets nippy with.  She's such a doll otherwise.  I'm so dreading her blowing her coat - it's already starting a little bit I think - i've got more black tumbleweeds blowing around on my floor than I used to!

She just turned 8 months and her face has really matured over the past month - I'll have to post some photos soon.