Author Topic: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...  (Read 8462 times)


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Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« on: July 09, 2005, 03:44:05 pm »
Am I the only CAO owner here :(

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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 04:33:01 pm »
Your baby is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Please tell me more about the breed and you're dog. I've never heard of that breed before and I am intrigued. Your picture took my breath away!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2005, 05:47:55 pm »
I was wondering if he was a rare breed as I had never heard of that kind of dog before but I am also fairly new to the dog world...He has such an awesome look about him!


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2005, 06:57:33 am »
They are a pretty rare breed but very amazing.  The CAO is infact a LGD but they arent like an Anatolian that would stay with the flock the CAO bonds with its humans first.  The CAO was used in traveling nomadic tribes.  They walk on the outside boundries of the caravan and protect anything within their area.  They are not a giant breed but males are 130-150 lbs some a tad larger and females 90-120 lbs males min26 average 30"" shoulder and females min 24" average 27" shoulder.  Zero right now is 8 months 28" and about 110 lbs

They have a strong distrust of stangers and very very loving to their own family.  I can take zero out for walks and he is fine.  He will not seek out the attention of a passerby but will just lay at my feet and wait for me to move on.  If the man/woman starts to act rather strange he is at full attention and will give a warning growl.

 If you are a complete stanger coming into my house he needs to be crated.  If you are a friend of mine that he hasnt been introduced to, he is leashed until I know he is ok with that particular person

The best information on the breed can be viewed at www.centralasi

The pic I posted is him wondering why the cat is near a bowl of food on the counter...pret ty funny actually

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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2005, 07:40:34 am »
You are very welcome Bonnie. He is an absolute beauty! Thanks for the info on this breed.
I do have a few questions though:
     1. How did you learn about and decide on this breed?
     2. Are they good with kids?
     3. What other colors do they come in?
Thanks for your help! Jaime
« Last Edit: July 10, 2005, 02:17:01 pm by jabear »
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2005, 09:18:09 am »
I have always loved rare breeds and especially LGD.  i like a serious breed with a temp that hasnt been bred out not a high energy dog and one that can handle lots of different weather.  They are believed to be the originating mastiff and have a decent life span 10-15 years and some lived a bit longer

This breed needs intense socialization.  He loves his family (hubby, son and myself)  He also loves my extended family only because I took him there to see everyone since I got him at 9.5 weeks....he knows his kids but a strange kid is the same to him as a strange adult.  You just cant have people coming and going in your house.  Our door is always locked and he is leashed if people are coming over.

Here is a little story.  I watch my nephew daniiel.  he is 2.5 years old...he can hang off of zero with out any issues and zero is always near him. Daniel's grandpa came over (his moms side) and zero never met him....Zero was fine until he went to give daniel a hug...Zero was posture and growl saying dont go any closer...He is a great babysitter but you need to be alert at all times with him.  he loves his kids, they are his flock....dont go near his kids if he is unfamilar with you .  Here he is with my family...

Zero is very very patient and tolerant of his own...not high energy and rather calm...I learned fast that you think he is sound asleep but he is really paying attention.  He isnt a velcro dog but he likes to be int he same room as you

They are a great dog but not a dog for everyone


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2005, 09:52:03 am »
Ty for the info. & pics!....He reminds me a WHOLE BUNCH of Samson in temperment where strangers & children are concerned...Al so, the energy level is much the same...I like you just love those LGD's!!!


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2005, 10:04:32 am »
Always humors me that people assume that the fuzzy dogs are friendly and the short coated blocky dogs are mean....You would have a better chance of becoming friends with a pit or a corso vs my dog.  I would not want to know what my dog would be like if I didnt socialize.

The scariest moment we had is when a complete stranger came into my house with papers to sign for my hubby....Zero was leashed (thank god) and the moment he saw him, lunging,  deep growl teeth showing, tail up etc..the man had beads of sweat forming at his forehead...I crated zero but even through the crate my dog was pissed...never again will he be leashed with complete ways crated


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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2005, 10:16:27 am »
I know what you mean!...It doesn't happen often but I have had people try to come up to Samson & pet on him & worse who want to just throw there arms around the big fluffy teddy bear of a dog...I have found that putting my hand up & yelling STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! works & I don't care where we are .I then explain Samson & the proper way to not appraoch mson had a bad start as far as socialization. ..His breeder raises dogs to work so they don't socilalize the pups at petting..nothi ng!...We didn't get him until 14 weeks so he was freaked!...I am gonna pat myself on the back & say I did well with him...I take him about everywhere with me weather permitting...M y vet & Samson's 2nd trainer both said they can't believe he is the same dog as when I first got him!...I feel great about that! ;D

Offline jabear

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Re: Just wanted to say thanks for including my breed...
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2005, 10:56:20 am »
Wow! I am glad to hear that he is such a true representation of his breed. He seems like an awesome dog and I love the pictures!!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.