Author Topic: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US  (Read 27015 times)

Offline shangrila

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One of the websites I read everyday is Slate magazine. I just finished reading an article about why Labs are the most popular dog in America. It says big dogs are gaining in popularity ;)

I thought I'd share the link in case other BPO members want to read it.
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Offline 2dogs

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 07:47:49 pm »
From what i see in CT, Labs appeal to people that are smarter than a Lab and that means anyone smarter than a bag of rocks.
Sorry Lab owners but from my experiences, Lab puppies up to the age of three, are allowed (by their owners) to be as unrully as brat children!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 04:29:16 pm by jabear »


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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2005, 08:56:08 pm »
I think labs are sweet dogs!...There was one in Samson's 2nd puppy class that he was very partial to!...Also, 2dogs, I think posts such as the one you made here are really unneeded on these boards...Quite a blanket generalization . ???

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 09:07:19 pm »
Maybe my horrid fostering situation has tainted me even further, but I've never really liked Labs.  I take that back.  I like REAL Labs, the British Block head 120 pound hunting Labs.  The smaller Yuppy Labs as I call them, have always been psycho and never really a dog I ever liked.  My dad's boss has an amazing block head and she is the most stable, adorable, level headed dog you'll ever meet.  Honestly, I just blame the popularity of the breed, which leads to poor breeding.   It's why I always flinch when I see a new dog movie coming out.  Araby, our Setter, is a high drive hunting dog, and alot of people can't deal with that.  I do like how the article touched on that a bit, that people need to get a dog that fits them, not just because the Joneses got one.

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2005, 09:59:04 pm »
Hi all. I didn't actually read the entire article, I just got off an extremely long day of work, but wanted to weigh in anyway. I've never been that into Labs, either. I mean, they're cute and canine, so that makes them cool...but as far as breeds go, they're near the bottom of my list. They are very hyper and are hunting dogs, and most people that own them don't understand those traits. (Or hunt for that matter) They just think, "Oh she's a Lab. She's smart and super sweet!" Gypsy, I'm going to have to agree with 2dogs that most of the people that I know that own them don't bother giving them the discipline they need, simply because they don't understand the breed. I don't want to offend anyone...its just something I've noticed about most Labs and their owners.

Just wanted to share. Most people when I tell them that I'm not that excited about Labs look at me like I just said that I hate Santa Claus, Like, "What? But, they're LABS for gosh sake!"

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2005, 12:09:08 am »
Oh come on.  If labs weren't smart then they would not use them for quide dogs or handicap helpers.  I have seen great, smart labs and great, not so smart.  Even had an airhead one that hated water (not like a lab at all).  But this is often true for many breeds, some smart and then some not.  You are right Gypsy we do not need smart aleck posts like 2 dogs.  If we all liked the same type of dog then a walk in the park would be pretty boring with all dogs looking the same. 


Offline mitchie

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2005, 04:37:53 am »
When I see my one year old lab with my two year old son, I understand why labs are the most popular dogs.
Phoebe is the most gentle, loving, loyal, playful, and tireless companion for a two year old.  She also is very protective
of her home and of us.  I am a totally rottweiler person and I love my rottie as much as life...and here I am with a lab!
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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2005, 06:03:27 am »
i happen to love my 10 year old labrador and think she is the most wonderful dog i have ever owned. my nephew also has 2 labs and they are adorable also. now, the first two years were trying with her-she was a chewing machine but since then she has been the sweetest most loving dog ever. i happen to like her bad lab antics like always bringing whatever she decides to drag into the kitchen out at the worst times but some people wouldn't. i like her happy personality-she adores me and i adore her in return. i take offense when someone makes a blanket statement about any breed of dog but when you attack my breed-i get very upset. i like that with most labs you can take them anywhere and they get along with people and other dogs. i love that she is so sweet even with the birds and other creatures in my yard-i for one would get another lab in a heartbeat and can see why they are so popular with families. i also can see why so many end up in rescue-those first two years are difficult but with training and lots of patience you end up having the most wonderful loving animal you could ever imagine.

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2005, 08:51:58 am »
Dogs are only as good as the people who train them. 

I had two lab mixes and both of them were very intelligent.  As with any dog you have to get them through adolescence and for a lab that means the first two years are puppy hood.  I agree it's no excuse for letting them run wild, they need structure and training and if given that you have a wonderful companion for life.

I currently have a 15 month old collie/shepard mix that I got from my sister after my dogs passed away earlier this year.  While I love her dearly and she's just not a lab.  I've already told Mike when we get Lady to where she can be trusted in the house and has matured we are getting another lab mix.  I would love to get another Lab/Husky mix the shelter had puppies not long ago and it was very tempting but I want to give Lady the attention and training she needs first before I take on another dog.



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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2005, 11:23:11 am »

    i have a lab/akita mix i think labs are great dogs and as with all dogs trianing is the key, they do have alot of energy and can be goofy but i think thats what attracts some people to them...its not nice to say anyone breed is dumb and unruly please be more considerate of others...i have boxers to and i know thier not the breed for everyone but i love them to death and i would be very upset if you said something negitive about them.......... ...........



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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2005, 11:29:49 am »
That's exactly what I was saying Ann...Well put!...Everyone has the right to his or her opinion but nobody has the right to be inconsiderate or offensive...Al ot of people have their opinions about my big, stinky, doofy dog too...Some of them are extended family...It is about killing them that I am getting another...But, that's their opinion on the matter...If they insulted me or my dogs them thar would be fighten' words!!

Offline shangrila

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2005, 12:41:22 pm »
I like labs because I like all dogs with good temperments, and I didn't really expect people to use this as a place to trash Labs or their owners. I posted the article because I thought that their might be people on BPO who found it interesting. Considering that there are plenty of lab owners here on BPO I wouldn't have posted this thread if I knew that people were going to use it to say mean things about the beed and their owners. :-\
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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2005, 01:00:52 pm »
I am so sorry shangrilarcadi a!...I forgot to mention that I did enjoy the article!! :-[....Ty for posting!

Offline shangrila

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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2005, 02:46:20 pm »
I am so sorry shangrilarcadi a!...I forgot to mention that I did enjoy the article!! :-[....Ty for posting!

It doesn't bother me if people don't like the article (it's not like I wrote it), it just bothers me that people were using a thread I posted to say mean things directed at a big-pawed dog. And you didn't do that, what you posted was friendly :)
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Re: An article about why Labs are the most popular dog in the US
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2005, 03:07:46 pm »
I hope what I posted was friendly, it was meant to be.  I am a lab mix lover myself,  they have been a great deal of help to the american public as well as world wide.
