Author Topic: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!  (Read 6849 times)

Offline Nina

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Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« on: July 11, 2005, 12:56:56 pm »
On Saturday night Harley disturbed my girly movie watching with one of her very loud barks. So I got up looked out the window to see a very large white shep crossing the street at the cross walk, I noticed it wasn't on a leash so the owner must be walking it off leash,  the dog then proceeded to continue down the steet sans owner. I then screamed bloody murderto Tim to come quite! This is not a type of dog that you see everyday, without an owner, and he was walking very funny. Tim grabbed a leash and ran out the door after the dog. I put Harley and Dilbert in there dens and went searching for Tim. i found a stranger with the dog and no Tim??? He saw that I was confused and he then informed me that Tim had gone to call the number that was on the dogs tags.  When I approached the pup you could tell that he had been  hit by a car. Who could do such a thing, hit an animal and just leave!! He seemed like he was in shock but no broken legs. The fur from his nose was gone, from read rash I assume. But under the circumstances, he looked happy to see us there.

When Tim came back he had an address of the emergancy vet to take him to. Talk about the ongest drive of my life! We couldn't get there fast enough, I was frantic, almost bawling I was so worried. When we got there he didn't want to get out of the car, who could blame him. Poor thing was terrified. Then one of the techs came out and she sat next to him and tried to pick him up, and of course he growled/yelped in pain. The tech then got mad a pulled him out of the car! I felt like smaking her. How would you feel if you just got hit, don't know where you are.... ugh I was so mad.

Once inside we filled out some paper work as to where we found him and left, we didn't want to leave, but where we were not the owners we couldn't stay. We called yeaterday morning and they said he was fine but a little agressive. Prob cuz he doesn't trust them! After the way that tech pulled him out of the car who could blame him. He was nothing but sweet to us, the whole way to the emergency he had his head between the two front seats, laying down. When we pet him he would lean on us, yeah that sounds like a real agressive dog.
Tim asked if they found the owners and they said no. He has his up to date rabies tag and a city of edmonton dog tag so hopefully they find the owners.
All I can think about is this beautiful white shep. I know it sounds crazy but I had a connection with this guy, and I feel like I have to find his owners.... Now I don't complain when Harley barks :)

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline Phillips

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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2005, 01:14:28 pm »
WOW, Great Story a real Tear Jerker, That is so cool what you guys did. high paw
Most people would not have done that. Your harley is a great dog who was alerting his people of intruder. We do fuss at dogs when they bark but in all thats how they comunitcate. Its kinda cool when you think about it. I hope they do find the owners  and dont uthnize the little guy. You might want to keep a check on them. They can call the vet number on tag and find out who the owner is. At least thats whay my vet told me when he gave me my dogs tags because each one has a number assigned to it. So its hopeful they will call that number.  I am surprised they took him and treated him with out haveing money. I dont know if anyone around here (vets) would have done that. Well, YOUR A HERO IN A DOGS LIFE, I bet the owner woudl be so happy with what you did.
Boxer slobbers from Dixie and Brutis

Offline Nina

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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2005, 01:25:51 pm »
Thank you , I think what will happen is when the owner is contacted they will send them the bill. I am going to call and see if the owner has been found. I know that he will be kept at the pound for a few days and then he will go up for adoption. The SPCA here, they don't put the animals down, unless they are sick.

I just hope that he is Ok, he's such a sweet heart, and I know how upset the owners must be if they haven't found him. Hopefully he will home safe and sound soon.  ;D

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline Nina

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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2005, 02:06:07 pm »
I just went to the city pound web site and they shep isn't there!!!! Yeaaa looks like he made it home ok  ;D
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)


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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2005, 03:41:27 pm »
Great news all around then!...I hope you gace Harley an extra doggie treat!...He is a bonified hero!

Offline rockettgirl68

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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2005, 04:25:05 pm »
wow thats just amazing kudos to you
a place to talk about all your pets regardless what they are

Offline shangrila

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Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2005, 05:33:27 pm »
That is a great story. You will always be that dog's hero. I'm glad everything seems to have turned out ok for him :)
RIP former BPO