Author Topic: Advice needed -Post Neutering  (Read 4003 times)

Offline Butts Mom

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Advice needed -Post Neutering
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:30:29 am »
Well I took my little Tub to get neutered yesterday.Last night after he came home he licked down there a few times.Well today he is feeling more himself and keeps licking it,it's not contant,he is a Saint so he is still sleeping a lot.They told me if he licked it a lot to come in and get a collar for him to wear so he couldn't reach it.Here's my dilemma,I have been 100% againest collars for years with my birds.They are used a lot with plucking birds and all the research I have done personally most of the time the bad outweighs the good.So what is your thoughts on the collar for this situation?? Or do you have any other ideas to try?? Or should I just leave him be unless he causes damage?? Oh the stress of motherhood :(
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 03:34:38 am »
IMO (and this may just be me, but...) i would leave it be unless he licks it raw, causes bleeding, threatens damage to the stitches, or some other irritation.  it's bound to itch b/c it's going to start healing, so he's going to want to lick some. 
steffanie in atlanta

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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 04:01:42 am »
I agree with Stella. Its just a little bit of aggravation but can save you a lot in the long run. Get the collar.


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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 05:16:37 am »
If he's still licking it I'd definitely get the collar.  Like Stella said, it'll save you money on vet bills.  The collars aren't pretty but they do help.  I've seen lots of dogs with infected incisions in the past, cost a lot more in the long run and it can be very painful for the dog.


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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 05:51:02 am »
Oh yes...Dont let him lick...It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life when we had Marley neutered in December.  I didnt really see him licking that much but it was like the third day he came bounding through the LR to say good morning and I kid you not, his balls were the size of a large grapefruit!  Seriously it looked like one major giant ball!!  We went to the vet and she shrieked when we walked in back and started yelling I swear I  neutered him!!  Anyway they didnt have a bell to fit him so we used the tube thingee and it took about a week...but now we are just a shriveled raisen...hahah ah

Offline MagicM3

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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 12:47:37 pm »
Falkor got done yesterday,and I understand you feelings about using a collar.But I also agree with all the other responses.

If it saves you and him from getting an infection it is worth the aggravation.

We have one of those cone collars, the real term is elizabethen collar.

That last time I used one was for Magic after surgery on multi tumors.But we found an old collar in the closet the human kind that they use on people, and I used that instead,and it worked better.

They don't like any of them but they get used to it and not given any choice they just turn to make you feel guilty.

Falkor is so far leaving things alone.And I'm sure as it heals it will itch so tonite I will start using a collar.
During the day when we can watch him,we will leave it off.

As long as he doesn't lick the stitches or irrate the insision.he should be fine.  Poor baby,his for lack of a better term,ball sacks are hanging and that bothers him more than the stitches at this point. But I know they will retract over time.

Good luck, us MOM's do worry and we are real suckers for  the guilt trip they put us through but remember MOM usually knows best.

Here's a joke I found the other day

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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 02:59:27 pm »

I hope you have gotten a collar at this point, because as most here have said - the risk of infection is far greater than any concern over the collar.  The last thing you want is infection and it can be ugly and serious.

You can also help with the itching - depending on what type of sutures were used, you may be able to apply some calendula cream in the area (check with vet on sutures) and of course massage and scratching for him in the area is always appreciated :)

SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline Butts Mom

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Re: Advice needed -Post Neutering
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2007, 05:26:47 pm »
Well I guess I'm a bad Mom because he isn't wearing a collar yet :( He isn't actually licking his incision,which by the way is stitched on the inside with surgical glue on the outside.What he is licking is around it,where he has razor burn.You cold tell that is what it was a soon as I brought him home.I called the Vet and they recommended powder or neopsorin to help with that, but so far neither has worked.I am keeping him very close to me so as soon as he starts itching I can stop him.The bigger problem is keeping Butt from playing to hard with him,they said he cold resume normal play after Monday and that can't get here fast enough.I have to go to town tomorrow to get the fixins for their fence I will look into getting one of the people collars,I'm rotten but I can't bring myself to use that huge cone thing.I can just see Butt dragging him around my it ;) Thanks for all the advice,I'll try to follow it better.
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie