Author Topic: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!  (Read 6024 times)


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Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« on: March 29, 2007, 02:09:50 am »
As anyone living below the Mason-Dixon line knows, March brings pollen, and LOTS of it.  The stuff is everywhere!

When I was checking the weather yesterday, it said that it was gonna start raining around 7 p.m. and continue all day on Thursday.  "Yikes!" I thought, "Gotta make sure the Roo gets a nice long walk today, since looks like tomorrow is out."  So, I get home, put his backpack on, and away we go for a nice long walk yesterday through the tree-lined streets of Apex.  We had a great, great time.  So, we get home and go outside and my NUTTY puppy, who has already inhaled his share of pollen from our walk, decides to stick his nose RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of a big ol' green pile of the stuff.  I call him back over to the porch, wipe his nose off, and inside we go.

I'm making dinner and he's snorting.  So, I look at him and say, "See, that's what you get for rolling around in pollen.  I love you, but I do not feel sorry for you mister!"

We went to bed about 10:30 and around 3:30 a.m., I hear him coughing and snorting again, but this time it sounds like something might come up.  He leaves the bedroom and heads for the living room. 

**Now, let me interject here that this weekend I got new furniture, which includes a new area rug, since my house has hardwoods throughout, that looks like a watercolor.  I'm still not quite used to seeing it.**

I jump out of bed, run down the hall to check on the big guy.  Before I turn on my new lamp, I managed to hit my hip on the new loveseat.  OUCH!!  Once the light comes on, I see him standing by the new rug.. and I'm like.. oh no.. he's puked...on the new rug.

So, I run to the kitchen to get a towel, hit my knees and I FREAK.  OMG!!  There's blood in it!!!  So, I put my hand on it and realize... uh.... he hasn't puked.... that's one of the red and gold flowers on the new rug.

I sit back on the rug and get hysterical laughing.  I look up at Ranger who is now looking at me like, "Maybe NEXT TIME you'll feel sorry for me when I snort pollen."

The joys of a Big Paw revenge!!  I think I'll need 2 cups of coffee this morning.   :D

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 02:16:43 am »
so sorry to hear about your baby!  i sure hope he gets to feeling better, because boy do i EVER know the pollen thing!  i never realized how bad pine trees are until we moved here and we have a clump of about half a dozen together and when the wind blows you can literally see a "cloud" of pollen!  ewe!  not to mention that cloud of pollen when you close your truck doors if you forgot to close your windows!  here's a pic of my truck, which apparently every few days decides it wants to be COMPLETELY yellow and i have to go hose it off!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 02:17:21 am by schelmischekitty »
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Re: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 02:18:14 am »
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH A!! Now, I just want to let you know I'm laughing with you not AT you!  Poor Ranger, hopefully he won't be snorting pollen again anytime soon.  :)


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Re: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 02:29:26 am »
Oh the joys of a North Carolina spring! hahaha! I remember the yummy yellow stuff. EVERYWHERE. Actually, Mark developed a recreational Claritin habit when we lived there. No kidding. It was nuts. But it all started with that pollen.

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 02:44:16 am »
oh gees, what a story hahaha. well, at least you didnt think it was part of the run step in it, and then realize its vomit... :D look at life on the brite side.
and hope them coffee's is doin ya good. i know i could sure use one, but cant make a cup to save my life hahaha

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Re: Swissys, Pollen, 3:30 A.M. = Big Paw Revenge!
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 05:13:14 am »
What a story Heather - it sounds like a day in my own life... hahahaha - right down to the record-breaking pollen in the air! I am afraid if it doesn't rain before the SE meet-n-greet my eyes will have swollen shut and I won't be able to see anyone.  :)

p.s. so glad Ranger-poo only had a case of the sneezies!