Author Topic: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?  (Read 10091 times)

Offline happiday

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Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« on: April 01, 2007, 12:27:30 pm »
Somewhere else on the web, I was reading about big dogs and bloat, and they recommended not raising the food bowls. In many other places, I've read that it is a good thing to raise the dog's bowl up to a more comfortable height.  What's the scoop on this from those who know all (BPO!)
Salli, Annie's mama!

Offline shangrila

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 12:41:27 pm »
There's a huge debate over which is better for preventing bloat, so there really isn't a definative answer about bowl height. I personally think that raised bowls are better because raised bowls are easier on their joints and that is a major consideration with giant breeds.

The one thing that is pretty definative about bloat is that it is more likely to occur if your dog excersizes after eating, so make sure to have your dog stay relatively calm for awhile after eating. Also, diets high in filler grains are more likely to cause bloat, so make sure your dog is eating a high quality mostly meat food.

I also recommend that you memorize the symptoms of bloat, and have an emergency vet's info ready to go in case of emergency. There is also an accupressure point you can use on your way to the vet to help reduce gas in the event of bloat. Here's one link to a description of it: If I recall, someone on BPO (I want to say Jenn) has used this pressure point in a bloat emergency
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Offline Carebear_myGSD

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 12:44:09 pm »
I do wish some one would clear this up allso??
I have a 7mo GSD and growing up there was no food bowl raisers we had big German blood lined dogs!
No I hear oh raise it dont raise it good lord im a confused as the next person! I dont want to do anything to hurt him but he is allready as tall as a full grown averge male or femal at 7mo. ??? ??? hmm thanks for the info i will look into it !
mommies carebear and princess the sharpiX wonder dog LOL

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 04:06:47 am »
I feed Bella out of a raised dish also. I think it is easier to eat, and that is primarily why. I try not to worry too much about how it could or could not effect her risks to bloat.  I have a couple friends though who disagree with raised dishes.  One is a newfie breeder, and the other is just a fried. My friend (non-breeder) insists that dogs would always have to eat from the ground in the wild, so that is the most natural position and the way they are supposed to eat. I don't know for sure why the breeder disagrees with feeding elevated, but I do know that she feeds raw, so it may be something along the same lines as my friend. 

I am a supporter of the raised dish, and Bella will likely always eat from one... but I wanted to provide another point of view here, because you can never have too many of those IMO. ;)
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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 04:09:39 am »
Well I hadn't ever heard of the cons of it, I planned to buy them raised dishes when they are tall enough to look uncomfortable eating from their regular ones, and still plan to. It just makes sense it would be better for for them and aid digestion etc. It makes sense to me, so that's what I'm going with. ;)

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2007, 04:38:56 am »
we raise axle's and diesel's bowls to about mid way up their chest (higher than most people raise bowls).  axle, we do just because he's getting older and i know it must be more comfortable.  diesel is getting so tall, he just can't eat off the floor if he's standing.  if he does, he gets the hick-ups and most times ends up puking when he's almost done with his food, not to mention his front legs start shaking and you can tell it's a big strain to reach it.  i like the comparison to the giraffes, i know with diesel that's a lot like it is!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 04:40:29 am by schelmischekitty »
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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 06:39:33 am »
Thanks for creating this post happiday, and thanks for all the input everyone! We were just considering whether or not we should get raised bowls for Kate. She's never had a problem eating from her bowls off the floor, but it just looks awkward for her. I think we'll give the raised bowls a shot, she should adjust just fine seeing as she is an avid counter-surfer anyhow  ;)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 06:40:10 am by k2campbell »

Offline happiday

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2007, 02:05:11 pm »
Thank you, one and all for the fantastic input!  I was certain I would find answers to this debate from BPO.  Since we were cautioned by the shelter to make sure Annie rests after she eats (definitely NOT a problem!),  the main concern I have is for her joints, and I will be purchasing an elevated bowl for her.  I've raised her dish on a 6" box, but I know she'll be more comfortable with it higher.  I appreciate everyone's comments!   ;D     
Salli, Annie's mama!

Offline happiday

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2007, 03:51:50 pm »
Plant stands!  That's a good idea! 
I'm goin' to Home Depot!!  :-)
Salli, Annie's mama!

Offline BellaRoosMom

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2007, 04:28:35 pm »
I use the colored round horse feeders (about 10qt size).  The bowls are like $2.49 a piece at the feed store, and I put them on those round red stone step pavers ( .99cents).  I bought a couple each time they grew and viola!  Dog feeders!  And cheap!

Offline mtaig12

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 12:39:57 am »
Adding my two cents:

Star (Dane) was a rescue from MAGDRL, and so we are required to feed her on an elevated surface. We also elevated one of the water bowls (we have two cats, so we have one bowl on the floor in the bathroom for them). Star refuses to drink out of the water bowl on the floor! Max (chow akita mix) will drink out of the "floor bowl" if necessary, but Star would rather dehydrate than lower her head to drink!

Of course, if you drop a miniscule piece of food on the floor, she'll gobble that up right off the floor. But if you're giving her something in a bowl, it had better be raised or she will turn up her nose!

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Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 12:52:51 am »
Rosie eats with her bowls on the floor. I will agree that it does look slightly awkward, much like a giraffe reaching down to the ground. But that's the way she's been fed since she was a puppy and she's had no problems with bloat so far. As she grows older, perhaps we'll get a raiser.
Rosie - Newfoundland

Offline Jason

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 03:49:26 pm »
Oreo has almost always had raised feeders and it definitely has helped as he has gotten older. I must also add that he had bloat and torsion 5 years ago and I am 99.9% certain that it wasn't linked to raised feeding.

And I second the plant stand idea. We've been using these same inverted flower pots for 8 years now. They are sturdy, washable, and have a slight texture to them to resist the bowls from sliding too much.


Offline Olliesmum

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2007, 09:55:09 pm »
I also feed Ollie from raised food bowls and his water is constantly in a raised bowl,There seems to be no real evidence as to what the cause is mostly like others I think he looks moe comfortable from raised bowls than on the floor.
I was given a tip from Ollie's breeder if you suspect bloat a tsp of Gaviscon helps give them vital minutes while on the way to the vets,so I keep a bottle in.Hopefully I will never need to ty it

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Food Bowls: To raise or not to raise?
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2007, 01:03:41 pm »
I started raising Gunther's bowl when we moved last spring.  For now he eats off a chair.  But I think I will borrow my CA dane friends' idea and use 5 (or is it 10?)gallon weighted buckets to hold the bowls when we move later in the year.  they are the perfect height and you can get them real cheap at Home Depot.

Keiko also prefers a raised bowl, probably b/c of her arthritis and will always choose my sister's dog's bowl to drink out of first, which is on a 6" raised feeder.