Author Topic: Husband Vent  (Read 2359 times)

Offline Zen_Qed

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Husband Vent
« on: May 12, 2007, 02:48:34 am »
Hello Everyone,

i'm sure some of you are married out there ... so will forgive me for today's husband vent.

My hubby takes no responsibility for anything! it's driving me crazy and has been for four years now. He goes off to work and comes home and does absolutely nothing.

However since i'm a stay at home Mom he seems to think that my job lets me sit on the couch all day eating brownies and watching tv.

He does not seem to get that taking care of three dogs, a flock of parrots, two young children and cleaning up after him is any actual work.

The two biggest problems is A) he cannot prioritize what needs to be done, he'll do some half @ss job at something that didn't need to be done in the first place and let the baby scream in her crib for an hour while he does it.
and B) he does nothing with the animals! ok he's right there when it comes to petting them and bragging about them to other people .. but when it comes to feeding, training, cleaning, grooming ect ... Nope nothing. Also more than half the time we got the animal cause he wanted it!

i'm at the end of my rope on this! and every time i try and talk to him about it he gets extremely defensive. He'll bring up on specific thing he did weeks ago "Hey remember that time three weeks ago when i feed the dogs!?!" and then ignores the rest of the "talk"

There are some days when i give considerable thought to running away with the dogs and leaving him to deal with the kids.

The Zoo
Trip Underfoot: Saint
Kimball: Dane
Serenity: Fila Brasileiro
Five Cats
Six Mice
Five Parrots
Four Keets
and siiix tiel's in a pear tree!


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Re: Husband Vent
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 03:36:22 am »
Are you talking about my husband? ;D I think MANY will be able to identify with you. At least I can tell you I don't know a single married woman that doesn't sound like she is married to the same man. Pittiful isn't it? I can relate to everything you just said and I am at the end of my rope more often than I'm not. It's very disappointing and aggrivating, exhausting. I've found it's just driven me away from him and left our relationship seriously void. I don't know what to to do anymore, all the MILLION talks we have had where he promises to change and be better, get me nowhere permanently and I am always back to square one. Right now, I'm just getting through the day to day things that I need to do to make the house run and hope to one day, have a better relationship, but I'm not counting on it. To make matters worse, I have 3 kids (1 from a previous marriage) and am pregnant with my 4th and I feel I am working harder than I ever have! It seems not only has nothing changed, but he is doing less.

Anyway, not to rant myself but I do empathize. :'(

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Husband Vent
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 05:00:30 am »
no, kristina, she HAS to be talking about my hubby  ;)  he's the exact same way, except we have 5 dogs, 2 boys and one on the way.  when cleaning the house he sits on his butt until i say, "well, GEE, don't we look comfortable watching tv while the house cleans itself!" at which time he says he doesn't know what needs to be done and i usually scream, "LOOK AROUND!"  he then does exactly what i say, and then sits down again.  multiple chore list?  he does the first thing and says he forgot and then gets mad at me for reminding him every time he sits down (while i'm cleaning the whole time).

as far as the dog feeding, etc.  yeah.  my hubby doesn't do it either, BUT i do have to say my dogs take my side and they do bite him EVERY time he sticks his hand over the fence from the front yard.  i shouldn't laugh, but i can't help but say to him, "they don't recognize you."

anywho.  if you find a good "trainer" that can correct these problems let me know lmao
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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