Author Topic: American pitbulls and other bully breeds  (Read 82555 times)


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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #90 on: June 09, 2007, 05:02:03 am »
Hey Shell,
No problem. Although Holly says I'm a "female dog", its a total lie. ;)


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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2007, 08:59:53 pm »
I imagine the difference is that a lot of us relate these to dog problems, rather than breed problems.  I have mostly mutts.  If one of my mutts was to bite my nephew unprovoked, I wouldn't banish all the mutts from my house, or say they're all bad.  If Kiden bit my nephew, I wouldn't relate it to a Dane issue ... I would say it was an issue with HER, and her alone.  Kwellen is only 30lbs.  She is a doll, but one day she may bite someone.  Who knows?  The only way to REALLY avoid the possibility of a bite in your household is to not have pets.  Period. 

On a side note ... my mom did see my cat bite me seemingly out of nowhere.  I was on antibiotics at the time for a sinus infection, so she cleaned my hand like she would for any injury, and sent me to bed.  By the next morning, it was swollen beyond belief.  She took me to the hospital and we had three specialists (including a plastic surgeon) on call in case my arm needed amputated.  It was incredibly scary, but I was fine.  The cat was fine ... he never once bit anyone again, and anyone in my family will assure you that he was the best cat we've ever had.  I know, I know, its a CAT.  No big harm, right?  Well, it is when you almost lose your arm.  The whole point is, it wasn't his fault.  I don't hate cats.  My mom doesn't hate cats.  We didn't rehome him or put him down.  And I think my mom is an EXCELLENT mother for the way she handled the situation.

I completely agree with this! When I was about 7 we had a chow/husky mix. After being gone all weekend I came in the house and ran u to him. I dropped down rigth in front of him and he jumped on me and gave me 6 stitches in my head. Though this happened we didn't give him away or put him down. We kept him and he never did anything again. He was a great dog. He just reacted. My mother also has a chow today who is 11 yrs. Now even though I watch him around my 3 yr old simply because my son is rough and the dog is old and grumpy but he is also a great dog. When you blame a whole breed because of a bite you are basically acting the same as the people who hate the breed. It may not seem the same but really it is. It is your choice and right not to have that same breed if it attacks your child. but that doesn't mean the whole breed is bad or unpredictable. All breeds can be unpredictable!
Mommy to
one baby girl 1 yr and one boy 3 yrs
pitbull Justice-70 lbs. @ 10 mos.
2 kitties Thelma and Louise 1 year.


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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #92 on: June 13, 2007, 09:04:48 pm »
We clearly share the same opinions on these dogs. My response to you was (albeit) confrontationa l because I felt as if you were assuming that we just defend the breed and not condemn the idiots that own them and create the monster.

We are. All of us. Every day. I appreciate the story and I could share mine, too. We all come (like Julie said) from different backgrounds. I actually live in a ghettoish kinda area. There are TONS of pitties around here and clearly tons of idiots. I'm always trying to teach someone SOMETHING about responsible dog ownership.

I hope that you can stick around and learn about us, too. We're a group of people with enormous hearts and teacher's souls. We teach, learn, love and share daily. You'll see.  ;D

I am the same I am always trying to educate someone about pitbulls. It is my goal in life. I would like to educate about other breeds as well but I haven't had or researched them like I have APBTs. :)
Mommy to
one baby girl 1 yr and one boy 3 yrs
pitbull Justice-70 lbs. @ 10 mos.
2 kitties Thelma and Louise 1 year.

Offline Randee

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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #93 on: November 26, 2007, 09:44:09 am »
caine is very very very noticeable a pb, so people simply shy away.  but, we have had people pull kids away from us at the sight of him.  regardless of the fact he LOVESSSSSSSSSS kids.  we don't even get a chance.
Randee here...I'm not really commenting on your post.  It's the video attached to you post that taught me something about dogs.

Never in my life would I ever have imagined seeing a dog that size run away from something so small.  All this time, I thought, with dogs, size was all the more reason to fear.

Thanks for the laugh and enlightenment.


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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #94 on: May 10, 2008, 08:33:52 am »
Mommy to
one baby girl 1 yr and one boy 3 yrs
pitbull Justice-70 lbs. @ 10 mos.
2 kitties Thelma and Louise 1 year.


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Re: American pitbulls and other bully breeds
« Reply #95 on: May 10, 2008, 08:43:19 am »
True, but it seems there are breeds 'prone' to certain tendencies and take a firmer type of training than others. I don't know the person walking the pitbull or one that is running loose has been raised properly, do I? I've known only 1 personally in my life and she was a sweetheart indeed but she belonged to a friend of mine and I knew her history etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to run up and love on any stray dog, regardless of the breed but I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not more cautious around some. There are some breeds you don't hear all the horror stories about and I do believe theres a reason behind it. It's not the dogs fault of course, but the irresponsible people who raise them for inappropriate things. Some dogs are more prone to go after someone and some are prone to handle it differently, that's all. A lot of people pick certain breeds for certain reasons, I know I did, and what I soley based my decision on.

I'm not against all pitbulls, but I don't think their reputation will ever be a good one to be honest. It's against the law to even own them some places. But I do realize any dog can be bred wrong and raised wrong,  I'm not being ignorant. Hubby was attacked by a lab mix when he was a kid and never liked dogs after that. Thankfully he loves ours.

I just wanted to give you guys a link to show research done to show that just because you hear more about them doesn't mean there is a reason to be afraid, unfortunatly the media is not fair when reporting just click on this link and read for yourself...

you may have to copy and paste...

also here is the site of the researchers who published this information.


Please check them out these sites because they provide unbiased true researched info from trainers, doctors,animal behavior institutes and the temperment test society instead of media reports, uneducated prejudice people, or people who just no no better than what they hear.

I hope this site helps!
Mommy to
one baby girl 1 yr and one boy 3 yrs
pitbull Justice-70 lbs. @ 10 mos.
2 kitties Thelma and Louise 1 year.