Author Topic: Controlling there energy  (Read 8853 times)

Offline Britz

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Controlling there energy
« on: June 10, 2007, 11:09:01 pm »
I know my  pup  is  only  abou 9weeks ol' BUt  when  we  go to se ehim in the morrning  he is insane..   HE is  jumping  all over  us and  bitting at  are  toes hands  everything.  HE w ill sit  when told to  for a little biyt in  the morrnings.  I read sometwhere in this  thread to teach to control there energy. I Was  wondering how  do you teach such  or what  can I do to  get him to stop  jumping all over  us and bitting  are toes  first thing in the morrning


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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2007, 03:12:35 am »
you'll want to control the biting definately.  that will become something else.  Dominate him starting TODAY.  the energy...walk him...make him chase things...give him puppy downers.  I did all of the above with Grace.  She's 2 1/2 and just now loosing her puppy energy.  she was a high energy pup too. 

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2007, 03:45:07 am »
Thank you so much.  The bitting is terrible  excpecially right in the morrning when i go out side to  feed him and play a little. HE will  just  go  nutz  jumping on  us and  grabbing are  pant  legs and t rying to bite are hands.

The jumping up is getting to be a big  problem he is getting better   not to jump on are 1 year old sence  she isnt to sturdy on her feet  he will push  her  right over  well he is  15lbs  but  probley  more  by now sence  thats  what  he weighed on the 30th of may.  BUt  he will jump on  us trying to  get  attetion I will simply just tell him to sit and once  he is seated i will t hen  pet  him  etc.. 

We are out side  most the day  with him ( he is going to be an outdoor dog)  and playing fetch  and  traing the  simple  comands. I have been  getting my  three  year old  envolved in  helping  with  him  as  giving treats  etc.  With treats Zeus is  great  he will pick the treat  up  with  just  he's lips and is carefull not  to  grap  your hand 


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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2007, 04:39:33 am »
to fix the biting i did this with Grace and Lady. 
I took them firmly around the muzzle and i squeezed till they squeeked.  I hated it...but if you follow a bite with that...they will stop. 
Jumping...when he comes up to jump on you...nail him in the gerth with a firm knee to the chest.  ground him.  that will stop that. 
invite your friends to do it too.  he'll have to learn not to jump on you AND them. 
Friends and family are often helpful in dog training.
also...turn him over on his back (since he's young and not so heavy) at least once a day.  Stare him in the eys till he looks away.  Growl at him.  Snarl at him.  Bark forcefully.  This is something done to show dominance.  before you know it he'll submit by rolling over instantly. 
I know it sounds harsh...but Rotts especially need to be shown not told who's boss...and you can't ever let them forget it either.  they will try to change your mind...they're smart and cunning dogs. 


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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2007, 04:43:49 am »
just a side note on the high energy...
i kinda miss Grace's energy level as a puppy.  i remember all the odd things she'd do and all the times i had to get up as i was in the middle of sitting down so i could run after her because she ws into trouble AGAIN!  it wasn't funny then...but thinking about it now i wish i could have her that rotten again. 

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2007, 04:46:33 am »
Lin  can I hug you lol  
Thank you so much  for the great  advice. I was thinking of trying the  muzzle but I read something about   it would  back  fire on me  I  did  that  with  my  husky when she was a pup. But She passed  away  3 years ago  :-[..  Thank you angain for your info.... I have been trying to find  soem info  on traing him and everything i have read on  some sites are all  different so hthats  when I desided to  find  message  boards to talk to  actuall  ppl  with  rottis lmao    OK  IM  jabbering on and on  
I love teh puppy  days the  go by to fast  sometimes  allready zeus  has  grown  bigger  but  then  he has been  feed b etter her than  at the shelter

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2007, 05:10:46 am »
Julie,Yeah  we have a big  Giant  dog house  for him I livei n  NOrthern  canada  so we dont get to hot  here.. In the winter  he will probley  be inside  alot sence it gets mighty  cold  we alsp  have   a  big  barn and  shop in  are yard.  LOL  we have a giant  dugout  well water hole i guess you can  say  a walking  distance from are house so we will surely be taking him there soon  All are dogs  have been out  doors except are pom we had  he was inside lol. The nice thing about where we live is that  we dont get much  traffic etc  so  we dont have to worry about him running at the vehicles  we live far out in the boonies lol


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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2007, 05:18:14 am »
Also don't forget he's teething so he needs some relief. For some odd reason I think our hands and arms feel great to teething puppers! You can get old washcloth wet and freeze it and let him chew on it for a little while. It will help soothe his achey gums. Also you can get a kong and fill it with peanut butter and freeze it.

I also am sure I don't need to mention this. But I'm not sure where you live but if Zeus is gonna be an outside only dog please make sure to have a good shelter for him, i.e a dog house and if you live somewhere where it gets really hot you might want to put a swamp cooler or ac unit in it. And make sure there is plenty of water out for him! Sorry, I'm not a fan of outside only dogs but if people insist I just want to make sure they have the dog out in best possible situation.



Also, HW preventative is KEY if you are going to keep the dog outside!

Another thing to consider is that he's a puppy. Puppies have lots and lots of energy, so the best way to burn that off is good ol' fashioned exercise. Take that puppy for walks, throw balls and sticks, etc. A puppy with lots of energy left cooped-up with no outlet for that energy is just a mess waiting to happen.

My friend has a full-grown male Rottie. He never appropriately dealt with his energy as a pup (left him tied out all the time) and now he has a dog that he can't have around his two young daughters. Rocco is sweet, but a MESS.

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2007, 05:38:30 am »
Thank  you..  Yeah we go out lots ok im bad Im a smoker so im outside  alot lol   we dont  smoke in are house.. I  take him  for a 1 mile  walk  before  bed on his  leash.. some times  dont make the mile  lol sence he gets pooed out (  trying to get him use to his leash)  HE has never  been tied up,  When  he is older he will probley   be only tied  if necesary... I  find it  cruel   to have an  out door tied all day  or pened in a pen... 

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2007, 07:02:42 am »
You can get old washcloth wet and freeze it and let him chew on it for a little while. It will help soothe his achey gums.

This is a REALLY good tip!  I took Julie's advice and did this for Kwellen and it helped soooooo much with teething.  It was cheap, she loved it, and it saved my house!  :D

I  use to  do it with  my  kids lol   I tried  this  but  with a sock that  had a not  in  it  for  zeus  it  also  helped  cool  him off lol  it  worked  for a bit  but  now the sock is missing lmao  Along  with his  raw hide bones and among other  things lol


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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2007, 07:05:07 am »
You can get old washcloth wet and freeze it and let him chew on it for a little while. It will help soothe his achey gums.

This is a REALLY good tip!  I took Julie's advice and did this for Kwellen and it helped soooooo much with teething.  It was cheap, she loved it, and it saved my house!  :D

I  use to  do it with  my  kids lol   I tried  this  but  with a sock that  had a not  in  it  for  zeus  it  also  helped  cool  him off lol  it  worked  for a bit  but  now the sock is missing lmao  Along  with his  raw hide bones and among other  things lol
LOL.  he hid his paddle.  :)  Get on top of him.  he's gonna be a strong willed boy.  it's different with don't want them to overpower you.   i love male rotties...but alone i don't think i could handle one.

Offline Britz

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Re: Controlling there energy
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2007, 07:14:19 am »
LOL  oh yeah  he is  very  strong headed allready.. I  did the  Look him in the eyes thing though and hubby did it to and  he  looks away  fast.  I also  grabbed his  muzzle  when  he  bit  me but   HE  tried to  bite me  right  after  *arggg*   HE's still little  and  still needs work.  I have  no clue what truly happened to him and the others  before they got seized from there homes but  I surely hope it  wasnt something thats  going to make him terrible..   Shledon * DH *  is helping alot  with  him  so  hope fully in  no time  hes bullhead ness will go way.  I have read that  The males  try  hard to  be  the Alpha  dog   so i guess  we will  really  have to put are foot  down. 