Author Topic: NDR - Baby Update  (Read 7360 times)


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NDR - Baby Update
« on: June 09, 2007, 06:02:45 am »
Because I was feeling so crappy these last few days I didn't take the time to post following my doctor appointment this week. Got some interesting news. Sorry this is so long! ;)

Everything is just fine with baby, which of course is the most important thing. He/she is VERY healthy and doing just great in there, I don't know if he/she will ever want to come out (must be comfy) ;) Anyhow, at the end of last week (the week before the one that just ended) I was sent for an ultrasound to measure the size of the baby... As of last Thursday baby was 7.5 - 8.5 lbs (at 37 weeks). WOW! BIG BABY!!! :o I was sort of shocked (but) not really, when you take into account the size of my belly, the fact that I don't have much of a torso, and notice Eric's head size - it makes sense that baby would be that big :D

So, my doctor was completely honest with us, which we completely appreciate. I want a natural birth, so much - but he said if I don't go into labor naturally within the next week and a half or so, we must seriously talk about booking an elective c-section :P I must admit I was taken back by this. He said if I do make it to my due date of June 25th, he wouldn't be surprised if the baby was a 10 pounder by then, as they usually put the most weight on in the last month of pregnancy. OUCH! :D

So, we'll have to wait and see what happens. We left his office and I was crying, Eric didn't know what to say ??? but was there to support me of course. I was just really looking forward to pushing this baby out, and feeling it all - getting the whole natural birth experience (which I realize could still could happen) but I also realize the most important thing is the baby's safety, and mine. My doctor said if I were to try and deliver a 10 lb baby, he would guess I'd be pretty torn up, and more importantly that the baby could get stuck on his/her way out, and I could end up with an emergency c-section in the end anyhow. I'm just a bit over 5 feet 2 inches tall so I understand ;) I appreciate his honesty, cause I must admit if I went through 20+ hours of labor only to end up with a c-section in the end, I'd be even more upset! ;)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those mothers that is going to cry for months after the birth because my birth plan had to be changed, not at all! I was just taken back. BUT - I am VERY happy that the baby is so healthy and is thriving inside of me so well, it's the best news ever!  ;D

I go for another ultrasound to see the baby's growth at the end of this week (I'll be 39 weeks by then), so we'll see. My doctor doesn't believe in taking the baby out early unless there's something wrong (and thankfully there isn't) so I'll just keep doing my job of keeping him/her healthy and hope it happens soon! :) Most important thing in the end is that the baby is healthy and makes it into this world safely! ;D Just thought I'd share my update with you all. Damn Eric and his genes (ha ha)... :D
« Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 06:07:01 am by k2campbell »


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2007, 06:21:42 am »
Wow, that's a lot to process for you! Just a tip, not that you happens all too often that those u/s's are wrong and very off on the baby's size. All too commonly are babies being induced or taken through sections to come out a do-able size. I know if that were me, I'd be ANGRY had I gone through that for no reason. When my second baby turned breech and my Dr. mentioned c-section I completely freaked out and made sure I did everything to prevent one- this isn't your scenario I realize but I bawled and bawled because that is NOT what I wanted to have happen- to be honest, it would have severly depressed me for a long time. And yes, the baby coming out healthy and happy is definitely the most important thing! But your birth experience is something you will remember forever, and it's important (if at all possible), it's a good one if you can help it!

What size were you and your husband at birth? You are on the short side but that doesn't mean you couldn't give birth to a bigger all depends on the size of your pelvis etc..  My mom is a tad shorter than me..I'm 5'3 and change and her first baby was 9.5, came out just fine. She's not at all a big woman. My largest baby was 8.4 and no one can believe I had one that big, eventhough that's not real big in my opinion. Anyway..I just wanted to reassure you that things can still go your way and I know you know that but I know you're a first timer and all this stuff is scary! I know it was for me and still is each and every time since every time is different!

Genes are really weird things. I have a friend who had her 4th child 2 weeks after I had my 3rd, she is 5'5 or 5'6, a small girl and her hubby is 6 foot..all her babies have been in the 9 lb range. Her last one was well over 10 lbs but with a lot of pushing (and a failed epidural bless his heart) out he came. You just never know!

I'm so happy to hear the baby is thriving and doing so well! It's neat you get u/s's so late to check on the babe, I don't get those past 20 wks unless they have a reason to check things. Do you think he would consider induction perhaps over a section? I'm glad you are at least accepting of any outcome..that's more than I could say for myself lol.


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2007, 06:28:49 am »
That is a very big I am glad to hear that the baby is doing well and you too. They have a way of changing the plans unintentionall y for I think you have a great outlook on it and that is most important. Although it really wasn't what you wanted to hear fron your DR and least he isn't misleading you and you can prepare yourself for the different situations that might arise.

I was all set for a full term pregnancy and an epidural..howe ver Lexi decided she has been in there long enough .....made her presence 6 weeks early and I got no epidural,which I would have preferred. :'( But...everyone ended up healthy in the long run and thats what counts.

You could hint to Eric that diamond earrings  would be a really nice present for mom after the baby is born...after all it is his ausing difficulty...l ol   ;)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 06:31:01 am by Icerotti »


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2007, 06:53:59 am »
Mama2many – Thanks for the tip on u/s’s sometimes being wrong. I had heard that too and brought it up with my doctor also. I must say though he has been VERY thorough in his methods for measuring me. The week before last (when I was just going into my 37th week) my belly was measuring a bit larger than 39.5 weeks, thus the reason he sent me for an ultrasound in the 1st place. It was actually kinda funny during the u/s we could see “rolls” on the baby’s legs – he/she is definitely not going to come out and be a skinny one (ha ha)! No chicken legs here LOL! :D I was little when I was born (6lbs 5 ounces) but I was born 2 weeks early, and my mom was older when she had me and had a lot of problems carrying me. Eric was 9 lbs, his two brothers were just a bit smaller than him. But Eric’s grandfathers (on both sides) were/are both HUGE men – so who knows! As for induction, my doctor doesn’t believe in it for “bigger babies”. He said he used to do it lots but the stats (for Calgary anyhow) show that 84% of “bigger babies” who’s mothers are induced end up in a c-section scenario anyhow…so…I think he was just trying to be as honest as possible with me. BUT ON THAT NOTE – he is now on vacation for 3 weeks, I’m seeing a different doctor this week, so we’ll see what he says! They do share files though of course. Thanks for all the advice and info, appreciated. ;)

Michelle – I’m glad to hear that Lexi came into the world safely 6 weeks early, that must have been scary for you! As for the epidural (or your lack of being able to get one), I think that’s part of what scares me about a possible c-section, is the epidural. Believe it or not I actually don’t want one, if I were to have a natural delivery. BUT I realize during the “throws of labor” that my outlook on that could definitely change, as I could be screaming at the nurse/doctor to get me one immediately (ha ha).  :D We’ll see. I’m definitely going to mention the diamond earrings to Eric though – that would be sweet!!! ;D


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2007, 07:23:47 am »
No problem! Just like to share my experiences in case it helps anybody else. I've had 4 different practices with my 3 pg's and delivered in 3 different hospitals and by the 3rd time I knew exactly what I wanted and didn't want and what to ask ask the Dr. so I knew if he was the Dr. for me or not. The first time I just went with whatever I was told of course and forunately I've had 3 memorable deliveries..bu t the 2nd just wasn't as nice as I'd hoped and my Dr. turned out to be a moron. I finally found a Dr. the 3rd time around that I adore and I'll be using him again so I'm excited. I'm glad your Dr. is so thorough and you feel comfortable with everything- very important! 

That's adorable that you could see the rolls lol..I love baby rolls!! With big babies/people in the genes it's definitely possible then! Well I hope that you go into labor on your own in the next couple weeks and have a smooth, natural one like you never know! And I know a lot of women who are like you and scared to death of getting the Epi but when it comes down to that or the pain they're in, it's a cakewalk lol. Fortunately, that is how it least in my case. If I weren't in the throws of very hard labor I'd be very leery of a needle in my back but in the middle of a whopper contraction- that bee sting is a welcomed relief lol. Might sound crazy but that's why I like to be pretty far along and in a lot of pain first. :P :P :D

Either way it happens, you're gonna do awesome! I can't wait to hear your progress! :)

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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2007, 11:07:11 am »
Kelly, congratulation s! 
I'm probably not the best person to give you advice about c-sections, inducing and epidurals, because I am SO pro-natural birth.  My best advice is to stay vertical as long as you can and let gravity help you bring the baby out.
Prayers that all goes well for you and baby!
Salli, Annie's mama!

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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2007, 11:15:50 am »
Doctor's really scare me anymore . C-section rates have sky rocketed in the past 20 years .....
Annnyways  ;D I'm 5.4 (115lbs when not pregnant) and my kid's weights have been 8lbs 5oz , 9lbs 7oz , 8lbs 4oz and 8lbs 15oz . So pretty big babies and I've had all naturally. With my third , they tried to make me have a c-section and I said NOOOOO . She came out just fine . Just not fast enough for the doctors ...

Just do what you feel is right , don't let doctors and nurses bully you in to anything ..... ( did I mention I don't like doctors ? LOL  :P )
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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2007, 12:01:13 pm »
AAAwww Kelly ~ I know this news was/is very shocking and upsetting to hear, relax and don't stress about it wait and see what your Dr has to say after your next appt. I was one of those ladies after being in labour for 20+ hours ending up with an emerg c-section with my first ~ trust me that is ALOT harder than when you can expect what is going to happen. I also wanted to 'whole package' pic's, pushing, etc... but no matter how he/she arrives the most improtant is healthy mom and baby at the end. Wishing you all the best, things can change from now to then, my first was 8.6 and my second (planned c-section ~ 2wks early) was 9.8  :o
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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2007, 06:53:36 pm »
I know how you feel... With my third I went through it all... Two weeks before my due date he flipped breach and I seriously had to think about c-section... A week later he flipped and I was relieved. He was measuring at 9lbs or more and his head was near 10cm... Had to start thinking about an elective c-section again! Or induce labor. Well, Bo was born on his due date without inducing me or a c-section. He was Just under 8 lbs and his head wasn't huge! Those ultrasounds can be very wrong! Bo was just very long and it made the ultrasound equation wrong. My sister is your height and all 4 of her boys were in the 8-9 lb range and she had them natural. Just want to give you some encouragement. The doctors just want to be cautious. Also what Jenn said about being vertical is true... Don't lay down! That will slow down labor. My last two were very short compaired to my first and I believe it was because I was laying down. Do what you want to do not what the doctors tell you to. You don't have to lay down to be monitored either they just like to tell you this cause it is easier for them. Darn I sound like an old mother... I better be quiet now.
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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2007, 07:55:22 pm »
Just wanted to add again too that walking is EXCELLENT! They were right when they told you to remain vertical!!!! I always watch those baby shows and the women who aren't progressing and ending up with sections and they've always got them strapped down to a bed! Not the way gravity works! Walk, walk, walk and walk some more! You will find what gives you relief but in my experience it has definitely been movement, laying down is SO much worse. My moron Dr. didn't want me out of bed and I got up anyway and rocked back and forth in about a 3 foot space because they wouldn't take the monitor off, then when she came in she was angry I was out of bed! GRRRRRRR.  So my last one I knew exactly what I was going to do and if they weren't gonna let me I was going to find someeone that would. Fortunately for me my Dr. said he would let me do whatever I wanted to as long as they could check on the baby once in awhile and if she was okay, I was free. I was only in bed for an hour and 20 mins, which was broken up between walks for monitoring and includes the delivery.

But walking is by far the best thing you can do to make progress! Okay now I sound like an old mother too, that's okay though. ;) I'm so excited for you!

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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2007, 12:13:35 am »
I always watch those baby shows and the women who aren't progressing and ending up with sections and they've always got them strapped down to a bed! Not the way gravity works!

I get SO angry at those baby shows that I can't watch them anymore!!  ;-)

BTW, old mothers are the best ones for advice.  That's the way the young'uns learn all the best stuff about being a Mom!   Kelly, you're doing great!!
Salli, Annie's mama!


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 01:25:02 am »
Thanks ladies. WOW. I must admit I am taken back by some of your experiences in this regard, obviously I'm new to this ;) Sounds like a lot of you were told similar things and ended up naturally birthing your babies just fine. ves me a lot to think about... :-[

I will wait to see what the doctor says this week, and go from there. Not going to make any decisions without seriously considering every aspect. My ideal scenario would be for this little one to come on his/her own and for me to go into labor, but I have to keep in mind that it may not go that way ;)

Thanks for all the info on staying vertical too. That's another reason why I don't want to get the epidural, cause I want to be able to keep moving and walking around. I don't know about where you all are from, but there is an epidural in some places called a "walking epidural", which isn't as numbing and you can actually walk. Only problem is it isn't available here, why (I have no idea) but it just isn't. Thus part of the reason I want an "au natural" delivery!  :D

Anyhow - thanks again to all of you "old mothers" (ha ha) I really do appreciate all of your help, ideas, and most of all support! ;D


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2007, 01:37:34 am »
yea i started with a walking epidural. but, didnt really help me much...


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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2007, 04:04:59 am »
Thanks ladies. WOW. I must admit I am taken back by some of your experiences in this regard, obviously I'm new to this ;) Sounds like a lot of you were told similar things and ended up naturally birthing your babies just fine. ves me a lot to think about... :-[

I will wait to see what the doctor says this week, and go from there. Not going to make any decisions without seriously considering every aspect. My ideal scenario would be for this little one to come on his/her own and for me to go into labor, but I have to keep in mind that it may not go that way ;)

Thanks for all the info on staying vertical too. That's another reason why I don't want to get the epidural, cause I want to be able to keep moving and walking around. I don't know about where you all are from, but there is an epidural in some places called a "walking epidural", which isn't as numbing and you can actually walk. Only problem is it isn't available here, why (I have no idea) but it just isn't. Thus part of the reason I want an "au natural" delivery!  :D

Anyhow - thanks again to all of you "old mothers" (ha ha) I really do appreciate all of your help, ideas, and most of all support! ;D

I think most times they won't allow you to walk with a so called 'walking epidural' just to save their own behinds should something happen..but apparently it doesn't numb you to the same extent, it's a different mix of drugs and not just your standard spinal. I honestly have no idea what kind of epidurals I have had but I can tell you they all felt completely different. I've had 3. With some women, you'll hear that the epi stalled their labor, then you'll hear the other side such as mine that really sped it up. The key to getting one is to not get it too early. That is the problem with most labors stalling and the risk of a c-section. If you wait until you are in very active labor and about 5cms, that's a very good time to choose one..not too early and of course, not too late or it's kinda pointless by the time it starts to work fully.

My first I got it earlier than that and within minutes  there was one place that hurt and I thought the Epi wasn't working completely, being my first time I had NO idea what I was feeling. Turns out her head was crowning and that's what it felt like, a sharp pain in one area. I felt nothing else, no pressure, I pushed effectively eventhough I couldn't feel and never had done it before and she was out in 15 minutes with me feeling nothing.

The second time after I got it around 3-4 cms, within 20 minutes I felt an incredible pressure and I was at 10, this time I felt him come through, I felt the 'ring of fire' as they call it and it was VERY different. The third time by the time I got it I think I was in transition because it took them awhile to get there and within minutes of it being put in, I felt her head coming down and I knew she was coming and sure enough I was at 9..they turned it down so it would wear off so I could feel pushing..they can do that or turn it off..they turned it off with my 2nd too. The third time I felt pressure like I've never felt, I felt her coming all the way down and out, it was the most I've felt yet, the only thing I didn't feel was the contraction.

But I don't know what it's like to sit around with an epidural because I spend most of it walking and then by the time I get it, it's pushing time..has worked out well for me at least. But I know everyone's experience with them is different and until you actually have one, no one knows how your body will respond. But I also know the risks involved that's why I make it a point to wait it out as long as possible. A lot of times, once the pain is gone your body can relax if that is what was holding it back and you dilate quickly..I guess that's been the case with me.

Sorry I ramble so much!

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Re: NDR - Baby Update
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2007, 11:31:16 am »
Kelly- You're doing a great job. I wanted to let you know about the ultrasounds being wrong too. They did a LOT of ultrasounds during my pregnancy because I was high risk, went into labor (which they were able to stop) at 28 weeks. Also both my brother and sister have cerebral palsy. They told me a week before I was induced that my daughter was weighing around 8.5 - 9.5 lbs. and that I should expect her to be roughly 10lbs. She was a whole 6lbs 13oz. Also about the baby being big. My mom is 5'3 and has 4 kids. I was 8lbs 9oz. My sisters were 10lbs 3oz and 11lbs 5oz. My mom had gestational diabetes with my sisters that went undetected so they were HUGE babies. But she didn't have a csection with either one of them. When my brother was born 10 yrs after my youngest sister he was only 6lbs 12oz and we always joked that she only had to push once and he came flying out. Good luck and I pray for a healthy baby and an easy delivery for you.
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