Author Topic: An Update on Zeus.  (Read 5242 times)

Offline Britz

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An Update on Zeus.
« on: June 18, 2007, 04:10:15 am »
Zeus..  HE is  growing  sooooo fast.  On thursday was his  first  vet appt. His paw * i posted about it earlier*  IS just fine the Vet  says it  doesnt feel  broken  but  he  does have some pullen tendants in that  knee. HOPE fully everything will heal up good it allready  seems  better though.  We meet are Vet  Dr. George he is the greatest  person in the world  we  have desided to keep are pups  tail after  disscussing it with the vet himself.  He has  his next  shots on the 6th of july and  will also  be getting  neutered they have this new laser  surgery out  and they are now able to fix dogs at a much  younger age and the recovery is way faster.  BY the time  we pick  him up  that day he will  probley be  all playfull and ready  to play.   Sheldon*hubby*  is  kinda  against it  sence the  vet  said  Zeus  wont get the male  hormone  so he wont  bulk up as much  but I guess  he  may  be a little  taller.. WHo knows  we will wait and  see. 

We have been  carrying on  with thetraining  he  has  be Coming to us alot  better  when  called  even   when  another animal  or something is disstracting him he is also sitting when  he comes to you  and  isnt bitting as much..  WHne  he gets  hyper the bitting  isnt as  bad but  we are still working on it he is still a puppy. He  also sitting  When  asked and when he comes up to you to  be petted. Also  im suprised I just started working with him sitting at the dorr  when the door is going to be opened and to stay  and he has  accomplished it so well..    HE has  gotten to play  with a golden  Retriver this weekend  and  had a ball.. * i never  got any pics :( *  He also  got to meet  my moms  little yorkie Meka. Well the yorkie didnt really like  Zeus to much BUt zeus   really  didn't  care lol  HE was really good  with the little guy though  he  didnt  try  slobberin  him to death or anything.

SO  there is a small update sort of...   


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Re: An Update on Zeus.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 04:17:06 am »
Good Boy Zues!  Sounds like you have a week of bed rest in your future. 

Offline Britz

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Re: An Update on Zeus.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 04:56:05 am »
THanks  ladies.. Im  so  glad  he is  too..  We are hopping to go camping soon and  we will be taking him along..  HE will  probley  just  love the beach.. THe one  we always go to has a big beach area  just  for the dogs so im excited.. We will wait  though till after  his  shots and surgery..

The laser surgery   sounds way  better than the  6mth  surgery  taht  they  do  the  vet  seemed so  excited telling us about it lmao he also  is the same vet that spayded Zeus momma  so  he was so happy to see one of Diamonds puppies lol


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Re: An Update on Zeus.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 04:58:29 am »
I've heard nothing but good things about the laser surgery, I wish Zeus the best of luck with it too!  ;D Glad to hear he's doing well (and) it sounds like you've found a vet you like, which is important  ;)

Oh, he'll love camping...I don't think I've ever met a dog that didn't! ;D

Offline Duramax

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Re: An Update on Zeus.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 05:33:23 am »
well it sounds like things are coming along nicely, sounds like he is learning good manners, ive got a long way to go with boog, were just getting started!
mother of:
2 babies
2 great danes -Duramax

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant." -Unknown

Offline Britz

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Re: An Update on Zeus.
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 06:23:20 am »
Duramax  we still have alot more  training to go.. Boog is adorable btw..