Author Topic: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..  (Read 27853 times)

Offline RacheH

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2007, 03:33:01 pm »

Nooooooo Lordy Lordy no you're not a horrible person!!  :o  My dad is just like your hubby, he hated having dogs inside (but when we were in Nigeria we had 16, all rescued dogs... huge garden, so lotsa space..). So naturally we couldn't have ALL of them inside, but the weather in nigeria is really good (hardly rains) and they had lots of space to run and play and loaadds of trees for shade. What my mom finally convinced my dad to do was to keep 2 dogs in the kitchen at a time, so she trained them to know who comes in by turn and the kitchen door was always open :D The 2 in the kitchen would NEVER dream of going further into the corridor or rooms, and the ones outside would wait patiently until their turn came to come in..

Here in my home now we have 4 dogs, 2 Rocky and Beau stay together all the time among us, and Sparky and Doggie (who always fight with Rocky, serious hate issues there...) stay in the back garden, but not allowed into the living room, but the kitchen door (adjoining the back garden) is always open for them so that whenver we're in the kitchen (and we're in the kitchen a LOT... i love to cook  8) :D) they can be with us, and also have appropriate shelter all year around.

That's why i suggested to you if your husband really is against the idea even after letting him read all this and still decides he doesn't like dogs inside you could always come to a compromise and get your rottie used to being among you in a certain room/s, and with the right training he'll know what the boundaries that you set for him are once you show him :) I have no doubts that he's a well-loved dog, and it's GREAT GREAT GREAT that you got him from the shelter... WAY TO GO GIRL!  :-*
"There is no such thing as a Bad Dog..."

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2007, 09:12:00 pm »
Hello Britz,

I only read the first five comments on your post, So I hope I am not going to repeat anything that has already been said, But I thought I might give you some advice that was given to me by My Grandmother who I would defiantly say is Very Wise.

I got My Saint Bernard Butterfly when my Second child was a Baby, Maybe not the smartest time to get a Dog, because they do require a lot of training, I was also Pregnant with my third Child... I spent a lot of time at first Training her, and it worked well, When my new Baby was born it became very Hard to keep training her, because the Children needed so much attention also, And because She became a Huge Puppy, And as we all know Puppies love to jump and Play. Butterfly had to spend a lot of time outside, Because I always seemed to be nursing a Baby, and she was always knocking over my other Baby. Not to be mean, But because she was a Clumsy Pup... I know this is off the Subject a little, But this is where my Grandma Came in...

She reminded me how important it was to Make Butterfly feel like she was part of the Family, By leaving her outside of the House I was excluding her from her Pack. ( Us) She Told me how important it was to have her in the house. If I want to have a Dog who is going to be a Family companion I should make her feel like family, and be sure to make her feel like a Member of our Pack...

I always made it a point to bring Butterfly in the House while the Little kids were napping.. I would walk her around and teach her how to respect the house, and show her what was expected... Not in one day of course... Many many days of consistency... I would leash Butterfly while I would nurse, and she was able to see how I was with the Children... She was also like a Child, So I started off by Raising her like one...While she was a Big Pup she did do Quite a bit of time outside, She was a Big Clumsy Pup like most Big Dogs are... But it was very important for her to be in the house as well, and feel like a part of the pack.
At dinner time I would leash Butterfly to my Chair and she would sit there and watch us eat... When we were done I would always give her a treat or some leftover meat... She learned fast to sit and behave while we ate, and that she always got rewarded for doing it.. Now every night at dinner she lays down by the table while we eat of course without a leash, But it was very easy to teach her what I expected from her, and she was happy to do it.

I personally am for a Dog that lives in the house. I think Big Dogs make great house pets, But they do take a lot of time to train, But it is also fun to do, And the Pay off is worth it. Keep in mind though that a Big Dog is like a Puppy until they are about two years old, So don't become discouraged or frustrated.. They become adult dogs then, and they are very graceful and careful when they Move..But is important to teach them now what you expect from them... Dogs Love to make us happy, Be sure to reward your Dog for what they are doing right, and not to get angry when they Mess up.. It does not take them Long to figure out that doing good things make us happy, But be very consistent..

Butterfly now is a great indoor Dog, and by watching me she has become very Motherly, and careful around my Children... Our Dogs watch us close, even when we don't know it..The same way in a Wolf pack the way the pups watch the Alpha dog, and they learn from them, The same way our Dogs need a Alpha to learn from in our Packs... Be your Dogs Alpha... If your Dog is left outside on it's own it may Take on the Role of the Leader. You never want your Big dog or any other Dog to be the Leader.. They Love to be a Part of the Pack, And the are very Happy when they have a Strong leader..

Sorry so Long, But I. Love this Kind of Stuff!
Take the Time to Train your Dog in the House while your Husband is Away... Soon your Husband will appreciate what you have done, and see how well it can work..Your Dog will also be much Happier, and so will You.

Good Luck Britz,

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2007, 09:53:39 pm »
By the Way, I just scrolled up and read a few of the Comments on this page.. I think the advice Marrisa (Saint and mal Mom) gave was very good in the case that someone would have to have an Outdoor dog.

Everyone has a different preference, But I myself would preferr a well trained indoor/outdoor Dog!

Offline DoDadsandDanes

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2007, 10:11:25 pm »
Well Ive already added my so this will make ... ;D   and Im new here, but have to agree that from what I have read this board is much more 'user friendly' then some others. So in order to keep it that way I think we should all get up from our computers and do a few YMCA vurses with the Village Smilies just to lighten the mood........
That felt good...
Now for the two extra pennies... NO ONE here could possibly be a horrible person, not Britz or anyone who posted a response. We are all here because we love our dogs and together we can learn so much from each others experiences. ..AND since most of us probably have a spouse  or significant other (or parents or In-laws) we have the added complications of making everyone in our lives happy, sometimes at our own expense... off topic...sorry thought we were talking about  my life... ;D...

Britz, if my DH had it his way, all 7 kids, both dogs and myself, would be in plastic bubbles floating through the house. Never touching anything, getting our clothes dirty, shedding a hair, tracking a blade of grass in the house.. I work with him everyday just a little bit (of course he doesnt know that) I try and make it so he thinks everything is somehow  his  idea... OR make him feel totally awful for being too hard on us..when he starts coming out of his trance and begins to get cranky I just remind him it was his idea... for instance I have somehow convinced him that it is his idea that I need to be on the computer finding out helpful information of course, six to eight hours per day.. ;) :)

Maggie 11 mo Dane
Faye 3 mo Dane
Disclaimer: If this post includes anything resembling advice, please note that it most likely has been borrowed from someone more knowledgeable than myself..

Offline Britz

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2007, 10:33:19 pm »
WOW i never thought  this would be  such a hot topic lmao.. I Will say thank you all  for  you opinions Im  going to take all this day  by  day  FOr the first time  last night  Zeus  got to come in  for a little  bit  with  hubby  home  even though it was just a foot away  from the door it is a start right.. haha..
I  do agree and dissagree with   lots  said her but  whatever  lol   I  do agree  with   who ever wrote its hard to  know  exactly how the person is saying it. so many times  the way you read something is not theway the  person said it.  I think we all need to think about something this way  if  we didnt  love are dogs why  would we come on a message board to talk about them lol.. SO I believe  EVERYONE HERE  even if there  dog is an out side or Inside dog  they all  love them the same. BEcause  if  we didn't  truly  care for are dogs why would  we even  come  to a great  message board to talk about them!! KWIM 

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2007, 10:46:43 pm »
Well Said Britz!

Good Story Holly!

Offline DoDadsandDanes

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2007, 10:57:54 pm »
Well Said Britz!

Good Story Holly!

now who's got advice on gettin DH to give up his holster with two windex bottles?  ;D
Maggie 11 mo Dane
Faye 3 mo Dane
Disclaimer: If this post includes anything resembling advice, please note that it most likely has been borrowed from someone more knowledgeable than myself..

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2007, 11:07:33 pm »
LoL, Julie
Good Way to close a Discussion!

Offline DoDadsandDanes

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2007, 11:31:19 pm »
Maggie 11 mo Dane
Faye 3 mo Dane
Disclaimer: If this post includes anything resembling advice, please note that it most likely has been borrowed from someone more knowledgeable than myself..

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2007, 11:48:13 pm »
Hey Lisa

Where do you get all of those cool Icons.. I can't even get the ones that come with this post to work..

Anyway, They are really cute, and really funny too!

Offline DoDadsandDanes

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Re: Outside Dogs.. Question Concerns etc..
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2007, 11:56:43 pm » like I dont waste enough time on the computer...rig ht? when Im tired of typing I take breaks and search Photobuckets smilies....if I like one I save it for future reference... theres over 20,000...Im up to the 1300's or so... am I sick or what??
today's personal favorite...the village smilies doing there version of YMCA..
Maggie 11 mo Dane
Faye 3 mo Dane
Disclaimer: If this post includes anything resembling advice, please note that it most likely has been borrowed from someone more knowledgeable than myself..