Author Topic: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*  (Read 9657 times)

Offline Britz

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Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« on: June 26, 2007, 11:11:54 am »
well  I have to say  thank you to  Dan, ( ThatDuckyBoy ) for  posting  the link  about outdoor dogs here I priinte dof fthe info  Highlighted a bunch of stuff on it and  gave it to hubby to read.  Well guess what  Im  now allowe dto have  zeus in  for a bit  durring the day and night time if  Zeus wants to come in.. USually when  Bed time  rools  around he is in his  dog  house  with  Boss (the cat)  Sleeping and won't  even  come out to see us  just  give us them puppy  eyes liek IM beat  leave me alone.  So any who I just  had him in house  for  1 hour tonight to  watch  some TV lol  well Sheldon had to go  do a ocuple of  Jobs.  BUt  BOy I wish he was home to see the happy pup  come sit  down and watch the Big TV  that he has  never  seen  before lol. 

* WARNING  DO NOT  PUT ANIMAL  PLANET WHEN THE EPISODE IS BIG CATS WHEN PUP has never seen TV* LOL he was going to bark  but as soon as I said shhhhhhhh  no bark he  layed  done and did a grumble and  kept  watching it was hilarious. I  off course  kept him on a leash sence He isnt house trained but  he did  great.  I  watched him  Close and as soon as he was a little antsie I took him out side and he did his bussiness so I rewarded him with  a treat. I then  Let him a little bit more but he desided he need to go out to bother the cat lmao.

I will ahev to say  HE was a totaly  different  pup in doors  very  wel  behaved as soon as I  said no bite or no  he would  stop and look at  me  so I  would  hand him he  lil  horse plush my son gave to him.

I  have to say  thank you to all you guys  who  gave me your opinion  when I asked the outdoor dog  Question  you guys really made me think about it ..  THANK YOU  BPO

IM addicted to this  site and Just love all the dogs..
(((( hugS )))))

Offline Duramax

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2007, 11:36:55 am »
horray! im so happy for you and zeus! stay ontop of that potty training, congrats!!!
mother of:
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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2007, 01:24:10 pm »
Yay, that's great news!  I'm really happy for all of you!

The Animal Planet thing made me laugh.  In April we took a trip with our 3 sons & 3 dogs.  Due to snow in the mountains we couldn't take our RV so we had to stay in a "pet friendly" hotel.  It was like a darn circus!  One night the kids were watching a PBS documentary on the history of domestic dogs when the dogs on TV started to bark and so did our dogs...very a packed &  rather stuffy hotel.   :o  LMAO  ;D  ;D  Imagine, three kids laughing hysterically and three dogs barking like mad and I'm trying to quiet them all down.  ::)

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

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Offline zchic

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2007, 08:09:16 pm »
That is great news.
Mom to:
Thorn- 8 year old fawn male dane
Morgayne- Wolfhound pup
Gracie- Merelequin (deaf) dane pup

1996-2007 best friend, I miss you girl.


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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 09:32:58 pm »
That is great news!  Good work Britz!  ;D

Saint Butterfly

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 10:05:47 pm »
I am glad to hear that about Zues. He sounds like he is going to grow into an amazing Family companion with all the effort you are willing to put in to him. You are going to get rewarded for what you do a thousand times more than what you will have to put in to it..


Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 01:16:23 am »
thank you all..   Well  we were  going to let him come in to the house to sleep  but he wouldnt have it he wanted to sleep in his house out.  LOL i dont  blame him its cooler outside inthe evenings than in the house.  BUt  I told hubby  we need to get him i n at night  cuz  when winter comes areound and thecooler weather he needs to be use to  sleeping inside, and get  the potting all set  that  he has to go out to do his bussiness. Of ocourse when sheldon came home and I was telling him the  way  zeus was  in  he ofcourse desided that it  stunk like he pooed  some where arg men ..  It will grow on him yet  I know it will

Offline Ice Blue

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2007, 02:09:09 am »
I'm happy you're letting Zeus inside to watch a little tv! lol  :D Remy is fascinated by it too! I was watching a show in bed and Remy was up there with me. I was watching agility or something like that, and he was pawing the converter, and looked at me like I was cheating on him! It was so funny! I grabbed my camera and took some pics, I'll try to find them  ;D

Remy - German Shepherd (7 mths)
Copper - Shetland Sheepdog (14 yrs)
Birch - Lizard (Mali Uromastyx)

Offline Ice Blue

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 02:17:17 am »
Found them!

Remy - German Shepherd (7 mths)
Copper - Shetland Sheepdog (14 yrs)
Birch - Lizard (Mali Uromastyx)

Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2007, 02:22:24 am »
I'm happy you're letting Zeus inside to watch a little tv! lol :D Remy is fascinated by it too! I was watching a show in bed and Remy was up there with me. I was watching agility or something like that, and he was pawing the converter, and looked at me like I was cheating on him! It was so funny! I grabbed my camera and took some pics, I'll try to find them ;D
heheh to  cute .. My grams Dobbie who passed away a couple  years ago named Max  loved  watching the discovery  channel  he  would  just  lay there tilting his head side to side

Offline DogGuideDan

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 08:32:50 am »

I'm really glad you're working with your husband with you're little one!  I think you'll find that his behavior's will improve more rapidly with the more time that he spends with you in the house!  Keep up the great work you're doing with him! 
Reef- 6yo APBT
Lucian - Dogue De Bordeaux Puppy
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Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2007, 11:36:06 am »

I'm really glad you're working with your husband with you're little one! I think you'll find that his behavior's will improve more rapidly with the more time that he spends with you in the house! Keep up the great work you're doing with him!

Thanks  dan we let him in  for quiet awile this e vening we tried h is  kennel  out he hated it HE was getting to rowdy and  was starting to  nip  etc so  I put  him in his kennel  for a time out wlel he started  howling and whinning I  felt awful.  HE is a big  show of fthough  when sheldon is home lol  doesnt fully obey himself . BUt HE did  great again tonight  Ofcourse though as soon as I let him out  for a potty break he went and rolled in the  mud lovely lmao So  at the moment he is out side  but isnt  bothering to want to come in I  invited him but NO way  he wanted to  pester the  cat..

Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus inside dog * Maybe*
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2007, 10:27:11 pm »
HOMG (meant to be read as like a HUGE OMG!) Britz I am like way proud of you hon! Seriously reading your first post I almost got a little teary eyed (yes I am admitting it)! HA! I am so glad that he was so well behaved! GO ZEUS! Seriously he'll be so much fun to have indoors as well as outdoors and I think it's GREAT that you are getting him used to the indoor rules while he's a puppy! YOU ROCK! Keep up the good work! I myself am trying to accept the idea of outdoor dogs more, it's hard but I'm workin on it! The street runs both ways!  ;) ;D I can't wait to see pics of him inside on daddy's lap! hahahhahahha!  :o

HEHEHE  Me  and hubby  had a serious talk last night about the dog and  now  he understands.> Strange how that  works lmao sheldon  was sitting with  zeus in the  porch and  everytime  Zeus  woudl  bit a shoe  he would  say  NO zeus  of course after  4 tries of chewing  shoes and sheldon  do that  Zeus stoped. I just looked  at sheldon and said " see outside  we woudlnt be there  to tell him no"  lol he  then  got this look like WOW  she is right