Author Topic: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*  (Read 15539 times)

Offline Britz

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Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« on: July 05, 2007, 02:24:58 am »
Well  When I first  joined I brought up  My worry about  Zeus  being a rotti, and  my  worry  with my kids and him. All the answer every one  gave me,  gave a little peace at mind.  I havent had many worries about it till today.

So from the beginning, Zeus has been  great so far  with alll childeren. BUt any way  I  called my grandparent this morrning to see if they  could  possibly  take  my kiddos for the day  sence i have to  be in town early to take  zeus to the vet. Well I never even got to ask when my grandfather( who all ready is bullheaded and thinks we shoudl get rid of are dog sence he is rotti) cuts me  right off and  tells me I need to take my  dog  back  I said  well why would you say that.*he has only meet  zeus a couple times*  Well  then  he started going off about  this rotti  attack taht  happened and  a little  girl 17mths old  was killed my  daughter is 15mths
story  here
Well of course after  he was going off on  me that  my  dog is going to kill my  kids are hurt some one else's. ME trying to  calm  him down  saying  that   zeus will be raised with the kids  etc.. Well then he has to jump in and  say something like well what  if he bites another child. Of like. He is a guarding breed and protective of his pack. HE will  need to  be watched and liek someone told me  here  he cant  be the refferie for  when  the kids  play  with other  childeren.  I  don't leave  Zeus with the childeren alone and  dont  plan on it even when he is older. 

In away Im so  tierd of getting  ppl  being  so bullheaded about rotti's. Yes this is my first  rotti I had a Husky  before this and she was  great  with  ethan. I have known  many  rotti's all great  dogs.  I  dunno  Why i get  so worried about this after  my grandpa  telling me everything and I finding the story I  Just  now have a giant stomach ache and  am  just  full of  worries and wonders. Im not by no means getting ride of my baby just  becasue every one thinks  it is bad to have around  childern. I know what  they are capable of  the same as any othe r dog. I  no longer h ave the tip of my nose due to a Dalmation.  (it  bit the tip of my nose off) you  dont see  stories about ppl  getting mulled  by  other breeds why  do ppl  have to  BOld out the rotti's. 

So sorry im just stressed today  by all this

Offline Britz

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 02:38:28 am »
Awww ... I know hearing stuff like that can be super stressful.  For every bad story out there about any dog breed, you can probably find ten more good ones.  Its just that people don't tend to focus on those.  If I called up my newspaper today and told them my Doberman had suddenly "turned" and was terrorizing the neighborhood, they'd be all over it.  If I called them up and said "My Dobie is so sweet and he likes to give children kisses!" they would just be like, "Um, okay.  Thanks for calling crazy lady."  :D

Anyway, my point is that YOU know your dog better than all of those people.  They don't live with Zeus.  They don't understand the dynamics within your home.  Don't let them worry you over something senseless.  Any animal with teeth can hurt a child ... not just Rotties, or Pit Bulls, or Dobies, or Chows, or whatever.  It sounds like you are diligent in watching your children interact with Zeus.  And that is a good thing!

Try not to let it bother you.  I am sure that Zeus will grow up being best buds with your kids and they will be super happy you stuck to your guns about him.     

Thanks  Jenn. Im  just  right stressed about it when  we brought  Zeus home  we didnt  even  consider all the stories etc.. Then  everyone  kept  yakking  off about it. Its  really  starting to bother  me Zeus is already a smart  guy .  YOU  can see  his  protection streck  comethrough  everyonce in awile * he will stand guard lol Its so cute though* I guess i just need to try to  stop thinking about it all the time.  When I hear these stories about dog  attacks  etc i  Just  cant stand to  read it all it  gets me so  worried. Know if i  Had  Zeus  before  my kiddos I probley  wouldn't  even  be as worried as I am now..  Mommy mode  some time drives me nutzo lol 


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 02:53:18 am »
yes.  you will always have that worry.
you will learn to laugh about it though.  get Zues a shirt that says "no thank you, i'm not hungry" or "I already had a small child for lunch...I'm full thanks" 
you will hear anything from "that's a big dog" to "is he friendly?"  or "He sounds hungry!"  or "That dog should be put to sleep."

i want the shirt that says either "Don't look. Don't talk. DON'T PANIC" or "It's a rottie wouldn't understand"


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 02:55:54 am »
oh and my favoritest comment to date that came from a guy hiding behind a 6 foot 2 by 4 in my front yard was..."i don't mean to breed discriminate, but they are rotts and you have 2 now." 
that was when i lived with my now ex and we had 2, Lady and Grace.  now i just have one and i still hear that.


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 02:58:04 am »
my favorite response to these stupid comments is "Gosh, i didn't know that!"

Offline Britz

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 03:00:39 am »
yes.  you will always have that worry.
you will learn to laugh about it though.  get Zues a shirt that says "no thank you, i'm not hungry" or "I already had a small child for lunch...I'm full thanks" 
you will hear anything from "that's a big dog" to "is he friendly?"  or "He sounds hungry!"  or "That dog should be put to sleep."

i want the shirt that says either "Don't look. Don't talk. DON'T PANIC" or "It's a rottie wouldn't understand"

LOL i will have to find  a shirt like that. I wish  ppl  would be alittle more less bull headed about  them. I was thinking maybe  giving my gramps one of the  many rotti  mags I have that  explains them and tells  better  stories about them  BUt  knowing him  he either  wont  read it or will  pin point parts that  arnt  good or something. I guess i'll just have to get use to the comments.
LOL  "gosh I didn't know that"  I amy just use that  one.  Arggg  I have a feeling I will be having a few vents about this  subject in the next 10-13 years lol


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 03:14:46 am »
yes.  you will always have that worry.
you will learn to laugh about it though.  get Zues a shirt that says "no thank you, i'm not hungry" or "I already had a small child for lunch...I'm full thanks" 
you will hear anything from "that's a big dog" to "is he friendly?"  or "He sounds hungry!"  or "That dog should be put to sleep."

i want the shirt that says either "Don't look. Don't talk. DON'T PANIC" or "It's a rottie wouldn't understand"

LOL i will have to find  a shirt like that. I wish  ppl  would be alittle more less bull headed about  them. I was thinking maybe  giving my gramps one of the  many rotti  mags I have that  explains them and tells  better  stories about them  BUt  knowing him  he either  wont  read it or will  pin point parts that  arnt  good or something. I guess i'll just have to get use to the comments.
LOL  "gosh I didn't know that"  I amy just use that  one.  Arggg  I have a feeling I will be having a few vents about this  subject in the next 10-13 years lol
yes you will.
so what.  i love my rottie!  i know she's a good girl.  AND I SLEEP SO WELL AT NIGHT!!!!!!!  i left the keys in the door lock last night and didn't lock the door.  NO ONE came and took my keys or broke in. 
i have a built in alarm and people don't want to sound it.  In the apartment complex I am "the lady with the Rott!"  no one knows my name or the dogs name.  we are the lady with the rott and that rott that lives there.


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2007, 03:23:45 am »
I'm sure eventually you won't worry about it  anymore..right now he's just a pup and it's probably hard to imagine him grown etc.. The only Rott I've been around is at my inlaws brothers house on holidays, and when my hubby house sat for them and took care of her. She is the sweetest dog ever. Big yes, intimidating, well if it weren't for her body wagging and attention getting tactics and her obsession to play fetch with a tennis ball- maybe. ;) She's just a big baby, not threatening, not scary..just a big hairy baby that likes to hand you slobbery balls. Hahaha. I'm positive there are scarier Labs out there.

The best thing you can do is socialize him with other children, I'm sure that can't be stressed enough. Any dog can hurt someone trying to defend their pack, regardless of breed and unfortunately just because they are children, doesn't mean they aren't seen as a threat. It is the same case with my breed. Mine have been around a lot of people but not kids, it just hasn't happened we come across any..other than sometimes on the street when we walk them. It's hard to imagine them ever not loving everybody like they do now, but I know that will change, in a good way at least!

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 03:29:00 am »
Many of us will always have to defend our dogs based on their breed. In all honesty part of the reason I chose a Bully was because their appearance is the deterent, i know his temperment and i know he's VERY socialized but it's that 1 time in 1000 that you will be glad that someone leaves you alone because of your dog's physical appearance.Now if he weren't socialized why would i take him to the dog park, it's annoying to have to reassure people he's friendly there when almost everyone else knows his name and stops to pet him. The problem is in educating those who you want in your life, like your grandparents. Your grandpa is right, that poor little girl was killed by a Rott/Shepherd mix, are all shepherds bad now too? The dog was tied in the backyard which should send up some instant red flags, most dogs who are tied get very protective and will protect "their" space. The dog may be an angel in the house and not feel the need to defend. Also you don't know the full story about that dog or child. It's a tragedy for sure but your dog didn't do it. He shouldn't be blamed. Children should always be watched near ANY dog.

Offline Britz

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 03:52:14 am »
Thank you guys  for your responce's. 
I have been trying to get  him  to meet  all  the childeren i know.  He is great  with all them so far a nd hasnt  showed any  sign of fear  from  childeren  he is a little timid around  some new ppl he meets  but  I have told  everyone  before they  come over  not to run up to him walk slowly  stop and call him. My  one sister in law *not the one with the dog*  cane over yesterday  she has been gone and Zeus was a little worrysome of her at first  but  As soon as she got out of her truck and was walking  over to me I told her to call his name and as soons as she did he was allright. I have been trying to get him socialized and I hoep that  one bad experience with  my BIL's dog  wont  scar him


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2007, 03:53:20 am »
I had a home owners insurance company turn us away because we had Great Danes!! They also had GSD, and collies on their mean dog list!!!!
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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2007, 03:56:06 am »
the socialization is the key.  my problem with Grace when she was little was that i didn't have any willing participants in the socialization process.  she doesn't like to be approached and she can be leash aggressive. 
other than that we're good.  she's a gem when off the leash at the farm.  the neighbor comes into the house and she scares him.  but i told him to tell her in his best authority voice to shut up and now they get along fine. 
you have to know your dog too. 
but like i've said before...any dog can turn on you...big or little...poodl e, rott or Mastif.  it doesn't matter.  after all they are dogs and dogs will do what dogs are born to do.

Offline Britz

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2007, 04:00:02 am »
I had a home owners insurance company turn us away because we had Great Danes!! They also had GSD, and collies on their mean dog list!!!!
WOW  I wouldnt think  Great danes would be on that  list

the socialization is the key. my problem with Grace when she was little was that i didn't have any willing participants in the socialization process. she doesn't like to be approached and she can be leash aggressive.
other than that we're good. she's a gem when off the leash at the farm. the neighbor comes into the house and she scares him. but i told him to tell her in his best authority voice to shut up and now they get along fine.
you have to know your dog too.
but like i've said before...any dog can turn on you...big or little...poodl e, rott or Mastif. it doesn't matter. after all they are dogs and dogs will do what dogs are born to do.
Im hopping if we get  in to one of these classes he will meet  some pups he will be ok  with. Sheldons parents have a golden retriver lab x  that  zeus  gets along with great, My grams  has pugs but he hasnt  meet them yet they are very  hyper and i Dont think he would tolerta them. MY moms yorkie and him get along ok to a point untill zeus wants to play then the  yorkie hot shots out of there lol
HE also  has got along  fine with  alot  of adult dogs.. A socialization  hahaha

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2007, 11:32:21 pm »
Here's my take:  For the entire duration of my childhood, I was susrrounded by no less than 5 Siberian Huskies and/or St. Bernards.  The only time I got bit was when I was a stupid kid and tried to break up a dog fight by sticking my hand in the middle of it, not because the dog turned on me.

When it comes down to it, you know your dog and if it was bred resposibly and is being socialized and raised correctly.  You shouldn't have any problems.
 Unfortunately, you are not going to change your grandfather's mind.  Sounds like he is set in his ways.  My father in law is the same way...He dislikes Sierra simply because he thinks a Newfoundland is too big for our home.  We live in a 3 bedroom bi-level!  Anyway, back to your problem...You may want to try putting your foot down with him and let him know that you respect his opinion and his concern for your children, but this is a subject that you will not discuss with him and let him know that if he insists on talking about it, you will politely end your call because you don't want to fight with him.  He will start getting the picture after the first couple times.

When it comes down to it, it is YOUR dog, YOUR home, YOUR children and YOUR decision and much to his disappointment, there is nothing he can do about it.
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Offline Britz

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2007, 06:55:44 pm »
(BTW, Did you know that when dobermans reach a certain age that their brains swell and they go berserk, killing every human being in their path??) Mine must have skipped that age.

Stella   Supposably it's also a rotti thing hahaha  We had a couple  people come right up to us and tell us that  lol I know that it  can hapen  with bad  breeding in a rotti though.  ( I have no  clue about  zeus's  background though)
