Author Topic: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*  (Read 15536 times)


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2007, 07:14:44 pm »
OH NO!!! Don't even think for one minute that Zues's background is scaring people or your lack of his history.  you got him young enough to socialize him and train him and turn him into a lovable baby much like any other fuzzfaced small breed, family friendly, child oriented puppy (who by the way can turn on you just as fast.)  I know pit bulls i like better than some poodles or shi zu's.   
none of this is Zues' fault or yours.  It took me a long time to stop wondering why Grace was so "MEAN" and rude to people and what i could do to "FIX" her.  i've learned by watching her and knowing I've gone to every extent in her training that it's not her.  She loves the people who don't act afraid of her.   she walks by them just fine.  the people who reek of fear and anxiety...she reers up at and bullies.  She, like most other dogs (Rotts inparticular), can smell your fear.  that's why i have no problem walking in the worst part of town at 2 am with my Grace...she can sense your intentions and backs up the bark.  :) 
I don't foster or encourage this behavior.  in fact i tell people when they as "is shs friendly?" or "you gotta hold of that monster!"  not to act afraid and you'll be fine...that tends to make it worse.  hey, they were warned and coached in the fine art of how to stop breed discrimination .  They chose not to listen. 
Aues is a good boy...a friendly boy.  You can see it in his yes and on his face.  people tend to project their fear about a breed onto the breed when the breed reacts (doing what dogs do best) and making it sound like "the dog started it" or it's "the dog's fault" i put my hand in its mouth and it bit me.  I don't buy it!!!


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2007, 07:17:15 pm »
WOW!  was i on my soap box AGAIN!!!!!!??
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 07:30:00 pm by Lin »


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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2007, 07:30:09 pm »

Maybe this is why i don't meet single guys at the park.  :)
i don't see why they would come up to me and say: Hi, I'm John.  I like long walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch while watching a tear jerking chick flick, candlelight dinners.  I'm 39 years old, have no children and I make a half a million a year all to better shower you with love and affection in a very expensive manner. 
By the way, can you get my leg out of your dog's teeth...that hurts! :) 

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2007, 09:26:31 pm »

Maybe this is why i don't meet single guys at the park.  :)
i don't see why they would come up to me and say: Hi, I'm John.  I like long walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch while watching a tear jerking chick flick, candlelight dinners.  I'm 39 years old, have no children and I make a half a million a year all to better shower you with love and affection in a very expensive manner. 
By the way, can you get my leg out of your dog's teeth...that hurts! :) 

Hee...Heee...  Lin, your too funny!  Anyway, if Grace has his leg in her teeth than he's probably not worth it...half mill salary or not!!
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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2007, 01:03:12 am »
When I took Issy to Petsmart, just to walk around different stuff and people, this lady and her son were looking at fish tanks.  As soon as she saw us, she grabbed his hand.  Now I don't know if that was because she was afraid of Issy or because maybe he's too excited when he sees dogs...I ignored it.  I think you're on the right track with what you're doing and it sounds like your family and your husbands just don't like dogs, especially yours for some reason!!  So no matter what, they are always going to comment.  I ditto everything Lin has said too!  And I'm going to need some of those t-shirts but for GSD!!

One side note, because I made this mistake with Navarre.  When a pup is about 6months and the owner thinks that they are starting to realize to "protect", they are actually more than likely acting out of fear not protection, Issy is starting some of this now too.  I used to tell Navarre, "it's ok" or "good boy"  when I probably should have just ignored whatever he was barking at so he would know it wasn't important.  But I didn't do that, so for about the next 2 years, any stranger, noise, etc he would bark like mad and not back down!!  Which is fine when it's a stranger trying to come in rather than one of my friends, but he didn't know the difference.  He did come around and I could take him anywhere and he's ignore just about everybody and everything, except the man who was watching me from the bushes!!  Anyway, it looks like you and I will be socializing mamma's for awhile!!!!  Don't worry about what anybody else says as long as Zeus is happy with your family and you're happy with him, WHO CARES!!!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2007, 07:40:28 pm »
Thank you  everyone  for your  advice..  So  far  everything has been  ok  my grandparents have left it alone  for awile now and sheldon folks  well there just a you know ______________ ___.. (  fill in the blank with something awfull) it  bothers me to know end i have had perfect  strangers come up  to me and  zeus and  he has done  great, but then  my  FIL  he hates.. But I sometimes  ownder if he  feels my  hate for  him. MY mom  was  saying something along those  lines it  it  made sence. Zeus is a great pup  he is the most laid back  pup you  would meet..

As  for  Socialization  it  is kinda  put off till next month  there  was a Parvovirus Outbreak in  dogs in are area  and  Around 30  dogs at the shelter had to get put  down.  Zeus does have his  shots and will be  getting  the 4th  at the end of the month.

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Re: Am I allways going to have this worry *Vent*
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2007, 10:17:35 am »
I used to have the same problem like you.when i got Zak ( my rottie ) he was 5 months old but very socialized from an early age. i went to my girlfriends home to show her family the dog but he accepted everyone. My girlfriend sister got two little kids but Zak he is so gentle with them. With the boy ( 4yrs old ) he play with him and ran after him when he is riding the bycicle and with the little girl ( 1yr old ) he only go near her and lick her hands.I dont think you have to worry that much as long as you socialize the dog as much as possible.