Author Topic: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky  (Read 11035 times)

Offline Britz

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Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:28:40 am »
Today My Mil  showed up  here in  tears. Sheldon little brother  ran over his own  dog, she died on impact. Sparky  the gal  was a golden Retriver  mix and was Sheldon's Little brother Dustins dog.  HE got her 3 years ago and him and sparky would go every where together. Today  well checking the buffalo like they  do every morrrning, a buffalo  charge dthe vehicle Dustin turned  quick and hit his poor gal. I feel  completly  awfullI guess it took my MOther in law an hour to get out what happened out of Dustin sence he was so worked up about it and really sad.  Sparky was a  awsome  dog. She was great  with every thing and every one. IT  was  Zeus's playmate aswell. I feel awfull  for them. 
RIP  Sparky  :(

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 07:33:04 am »
oh i am so sorry to hear about poor Sparky! she was a beautiful girl...
Rest well little Sparky...
Jodi & Darcy
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Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 07:59:07 am »
Awww, I'm so sorry!  Sparky looked like an awesome dog. I hope Dustin doesn't blame himself. :'(
Im hopping he doesnt but I have a feeling he will. :(  I guess they are going to  go to the shelter tomorrow and go look at  some doggies, it is  kinda soon but my MIL wants Dustin to know it isnth is  fault he is only  15.

Offline zchic

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 11:46:36 am »
Awww that is terrible. Poor girl, and poor Dustin. This has been a really rough couple of weeks with many losses on the board. :(
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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 12:31:55 pm »
Oh, I am soooo sorry for Dustin and Sparky, that's such a tragic accident.  :'(  :'(  I can only imagine how he is feeling right now, poor guy!   :'(  Please pass on my condolences, too. 

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 12:45:38 pm »
I'm sure Dustin is feeling awful right now.  Let him know we are all thinking of him.

Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2007, 10:58:55 pm »
Thank you everyone I will surely tell him, I talked to My Mother in law this morrning to see how  dustin was and  he is havin a hard time he  of ocurse is blaming himself for the accident. :(


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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2007, 11:03:16 pm »
What a tragic accident. My heart breaks for Dustin, Sparky, and your whole family. Sending tons of hugs to y'all!

Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2007, 11:12:39 pm »
Poor Dustin. It's not his fault... Poor Sparky, too. What a sad story.

You know, I picked Jackie out the same day that my Porter died and got her the next day and it was really great to have her helping me heal. I think it's a good idea if he's up for it.

Big hugs all around
I HAd a golden puppy on hold for me before i had  zeus the pu ps will be ready this friday  I gave my mother in law the number sence i  did give up the pup but i  talked to the lady a couple  days ago and she still had 3 unspoken for  so  My Mother in law may   call her.  she also  may  be going to get a shelter pup there is an adorable  husky there right now that is  6mths ol  so they  may go get  her for  dustin.


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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2007, 11:35:14 pm »
awwww! Tell your MIL to give Dustin a big hug from all of us BPO'ers. It really sucks to lose your best friend, especially in an accident like that!

If they decide to go with the husky they need to make sure they are ready for a headstrong dog that doesn't like to listen! Huskies are known for ignoring you and running off. So if they haven't had any experience with them they really should research them before adopting one!

Other than that they are really sweet dogs!

Offline Britz

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2007, 11:48:49 pm »
awwww! Tell your MIL to give Dustin a big hug from all of us BPO'ers. It really sucks to lose your best friend, especially in an accident like that!

If they decide to go with the husky they need to make sure they are ready for a headstrong dog that doesn't like to listen! Huskies are known for ignoring you and running off. So if they haven't had any experience with them they really should research them before adopting one!

Other than that they are really sweet dogs!

We had a husky and  boy oh boy she was  head strong she was also a runner. ( i wish researched them  before  we got ares)  they have had many  huskies in the past so the know alot about them. Im not sure if they are going to get her  or not I'll hopefully get ahold  of my MIL today and see what the plan is 


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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 01:44:37 am »
I just wanted to make sure they knew what they were looking forward too with a husky ;) Sounds like they know how to deal with the breed ;D

That's the reason a lot of Huskies and Mals end up in shelters, because a lot of people don't research them before getting one and they literally have NOOOO idea what they are getting into!

Offline Duramax

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Re: Zeus lost his best friend Today. RIP Sparky
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 03:23:55 am »
that's so sad that it happened that way. and he's ony 15! the poor guy. make sure he doesnt blame himself.
mother of:
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